The unity of measurements is ... 102-ФЗ "On ensuring the unity of measurements"

The measurement system occupies a special place in society. All existing standards should be regulated by law. In the Russian Federation, the Federal Law "On ensuring the uniformity of measurements" is functioning, which will be discussed in detail in this article.

Federal Goals

According to Article 1 No. 102-FZ, the objectives of the presented regulatory act are:

  • protection of legitimate interests, rights and freedoms of citizens and the state from unreliable measurement values;
  • consolidation of the legal basis for ensuring the uniformity of measurements on the territory of the Russian state;
  • assistance to the development of the Russian economy and scientific and technological progress;
  • providing the public and state need to receive objective, reliable and comparable measurement results that could be used to protect the world, the state and citizens.

The tasks of functioning No. 102-FZ are thus very simple, but at the same time very comprehensive. State unity of measurements is the most important principle of the qualitative functioning of absolutely any country. How exactly can this principle be ensured and protected? The answer to this question will be provided in subsequent articles of the considered regulatory act.

Basic concepts of the Federal Law

The most important concept of the considered normative act is the “unity of measurements”. This, according to article 2 of the draft law, is a special state of measurements, in which the results are expressed in units allowed for Russia, and the indicators of measurement accuracy cannot go beyond clearly defined boundaries. A measurement is a set of operations that are performed in order to determine the value of quantities of a quantitative type.

unity of measurements is

On the territory of the Russian state, there is a special standard of measurement unit — the standard of magnitude, which is owned by the entire federation. The standard should be put into operation after certification of measurement procedures.

The law enshrines many other concepts. However, special attention should be paid not to terms, but to requirements for units. It is about them that will be described later.

Measurement and Unit Requirements

Measurements should be carried out according to methods strictly regulated by the state. Methods must pass special certification acceptable in the Russian state. The certification procedure is always established by executive authorities. There are two types of techniques: primary reference and subsequent reference. These two methods differ little from each other. In fact, subsequent reference methods verify the primary method.

federal law on ensuring the uniformity of measurements

And what requirements can be presented to units of quantities? These are the elements that must be transmitted to measuring instruments, technical systems, individual measuring devices, etc. There are two types of quantities: those related to international law, established at the General Conference and connected to Russian standards. Characteristics and parameters of units of magnitude, for example, when exporting products, should be established under a contract concluded with the customer.

Requirements for measurement standards and reference materials

The unity of measurements is a phenomenon that could not exist without a special base of standards. Primary standards, in accordance with Article 7 of the Federal Law under consideration, cannot be subject to privatization. Information about them is entered into a special database created by the executive authority. Standards are contained, studied and applied in special metrological institutes of Russia. Comparison with the values ​​established by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures is the responsibility of persons working with standards.

102 fz

What are standard samples and what are the requirements for them? In accordance with Article 8, it is worth highlighting the reproduction, transfer of the composition and characteristics of substances, as well as their storage and study as the most important functions that can be carried out thanks to standard samples.

About measuring instruments

What are measuring instruments? According to the Federal Law "On ensuring the uniformity of measurements", these are elements that have passed the test and are called upon to ensure the norms established by the laws of the Russian Federation on compliance with the uniformity of measurements. These are special tools in relation to which mandatory technical and metrological requirements are presented regarding the operation and modification of the elements presented.

The entire design of measuring instruments should provide limited access to individual parts of the measurements. The purpose of using measuring instruments is to prevent unauthorized tuning and interference that could lead to distortion of the measurement results.

About state regulation

The unity of dimensions is an incredibly important phenomenon for the state and society. Certain instances endowed with authority are obliged to carry out quality control over measuring instruments. There are several basic forms of state regulation in the field of ensuring measuring unity.

requirements for unit standards

The first thing to highlight is the approval of reference materials or measuring instruments. This type of work is carried out by the executive authority together with research institutes and organizations. The second type of state regulation involves the verification of measuring instruments and special metrological expertise. This is an essential element in ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Metrology and certification of measuring techniques are the next form of state supervision. This includes compliance with certified methods, release and packaging of goods, as well as many other functions.

About calibration, accreditation and a special organizing fund

Chapters 4-5 of the Federal Law under consideration relate to the most important components of the process of ensuring measuring unity. The calibration described in article 18 is a set of separate operations that are performed to determine the real values ​​of metrological measurements. Calibration processes should be performed using standards. Only qualified professionals are capable of performing calibration.

state system of measurement uniformity

The results of calibration processes are recorded in special documents that must be subject to accreditation. By the way, accreditation has a special place in the state system of measurement uniformity. This is a process regulated by the Federal Law "On the National Accreditation System". The accreditation process of measuring measures includes testing of standard samples or measuring instruments, verification of measuring instruments, certification of measurement procedures and much more.

Calibration, accreditation of measuring instruments, as well as many other functions are carried out by a special information fund for ensuring measuring unity. The executive body of the federal level regulates the activities of this fund.

About liability and financing

Financing of activities in the field of ensuring measuring unity is carried out at the expense of the federal budget of Russia. Payment for relevant work and services is also the responsibility of the state. Any fraud with budget funds may entail criminal or civil liability.

ensuring the uniformity of measurements metrology
By the way, responsibility can be assigned to the relevant officials for any violation of the requirements for unit standards, standards for measures and measurements, calibration processes, etc.


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