What medicines to take on vacation abroad?

Traveling abroad is not only a long-awaited vacation, but also stress for the body, especially with a cardinal change in climate. Then what medicines to take on vacation without fail?

In the first-aid kit of every tourist should be basic drugs. Before you go on a trip, it is worthwhile to additionally learn about the features of transporting drugs abroad, as well as passing customs control. Indeed, for some medicines, prescriptions and doctor's prescriptions may be needed.

Mandatory components of a tourist first-aid kit

Medicines for all occasions

Every tourist traveling abroad should take at least a basic set of drugs with him. There are several recommendations regarding which medicines to take for every traveler on vacation.

First of all, the destination and the features of the climate are taken into account, then the age group. If, for example, both children and people of advanced age travel, then for them you need to take various medications.

The presence of chronic diseases in the traveler should also be taken into account. Each person knows what he is sick with and what specific drug helps him relieve his condition during the period of exacerbation. Therefore, the answer to the question of what medicines to take with you on vacation to a person suffering from certain ailments is purely individual in nature.

In addition to these tools, the first-aid kit should have universal products, such as a bandage, cotton wool, antiseptics (for example, hydrogen peroxide) for disinfecting small wounds. There should also be painkillers, antipyretic drugs, sorbents, colds, sore throats, allergies, and indigestion.

If a person is motion sick, then it’s worth having such medications in the medicine cabinet that will help to transfer the trip itself to its destination.

What medicines to take on vacation for a child?

Traveling with children

When choosing medicines for a child, it is worth considering first of all his age. For babies, it is absolutely necessary to take antipyretic drugs, since any change in climatic conditions can cause malfunctions in the work of the child's body, which can manifest itself with a sharp increase in temperature. It can be candles, syrups or tablets.

A baby up to a year should put painkillers gels, especially during teething. Remedies for pain in the ears, throat or stuffy nose should also be present in the medicine cabinet. Antiseptics and dressings need to be prepared in advance, because children are so fidgety, therefore, means for treating wounds are mandatory components of a first-aid kit for a child.

Medications for a summer vacation at sea

Sea sunbeach

In addition to the mandatory medicines that can be useful to a traveler on the coast, it is worth stocking up with special means against burns and mosquitoes. It is in this that the features of summer relaxation lie for both adults and children.

What medicines to take on vacation at sea? First of all, it is a sunscreen, regardless of whether a person is going to sunbathe or not. At sea, human skin is more prone to ultraviolet radiation, so the chance of getting a sunburn increases at times. Therefore, you must use sunscreen.

You also need to carry burns. These include Panthenol or Lifeguard. These drugs will help anesthetize sun-burned places and relieve discomfort.

Mosquitoes or mosquitoes are also present in most sea resorts. Therefore, in addition to fumigators or tablets that can be used indoors, it is worth taking sprays or creams for external use and products that help relieve itching after an insect bite (Fenistil).

The specifics of medicines for winter holidays

Protect your skin in winter

Many families like to spend winter holidays in the mountains, where it is snowy and cold. But what medicines to take on vacation in the cold season? Winter holidays have their own specifics. In addition to warm clothes, mittens and hats, you must also take care of the first-aid kit. First of all, this applies to open skin.

Often it is a person, especially in children or people with sensitive skin types, exposed to wind and frost. This can adversely affect the condition of the skin. Some people may even develop an allergy to cold. In this case, there should be antihistamines in the medicine cabinet.

What medicines should I take on vacation in the winter? The basic means for relaxing in the winter, in addition to the standard preparations in the medicine cabinet, are protective and moisturizing creams that will prevent drying out and frostbite, as well as hygienic lipstick, so that the lips are not chapped and cracked.

Features of travel to exotic countries and a first-aid kit

Tablets in original packaging only

Sometimes you want to radically change the atmosphere and go to exotic countries to get new experiences and real relaxation. But when going to such countries, you must always take into account the climate, as well as the possible risk for an ordinary European person.

Therefore, the tourist quite predictably raises the question of how to protect his body, as well as what medicines to take to India on vacation, for example. With a change in climate, as well as water quality, the gastrointestinal tract first of all affects the tourist. Therefore, it is imperative to bring along medications that help with indigestion (Sorbex, activated carbon, Mezim, Festal). In addition, you can take antiparasitic drugs (Biseptolum, Enteroseptolum), as well as medicines to restore the intestinal microflora (Laktiale, Hilak Forte).

In countries with a hot climate, you need to take anti-dehydration drugs ("Gastrolit", "Regidron"), and in countries with low hygienic conditions, antiseptic solutions for regular hand treatment ("Miramistin").

What medicines to take to Vietnam on vacation for a tourist? All of the above drugs, since this state also applies to exotic ones along with India, Thailand, countries of Africa and South America.

Also, it will not be amiss to make a series of vaccinations, which can significantly reduce the consequences of infection or infection.

Features of the transport of drugs abroad

Thermometer only electronic

Before deciding which medicines to take on vacation abroad, you should familiarize yourself with the general rules of customs control regarding the transport of medicines.

If this is a standard tourist kit, then there will be no problems, since they are allowed for transportation in most countries. But there are some countries where they can request a prescription for well-known drugs, since they are assigned to them as a number of banned ones. For example, analgin. Therefore, before you go on a trip and in order to avoid unpleasant incidents and delays, you should consult the consulate by phone or in person about the features of transporting drugs to the country of destination.

Universal advice on customs clearance and transportation of medicines

Transportation of medicines
  • Medicines should be in the original packaging, indicating the manufacturer and the expiration date of the goods.
  • Only those preparations that are vitally needed are taken on hand luggage on the plane; the rest of the medicines are taken in luggage, packaged separately from the rest of the items in transparent packaging.
  • Medicines are allowed to be transported only in the amount necessary for personal use (up to 5 packs of tablets in tablet form and not more than 100 ml if the drug is in liquid form).
  • Most carriers forbid tourists to take mercury thermometers, so you should stock up on an electronic counterpart in advance.
  • The greatest restrictions in almost every country concern psychotropic and narcotic substances. For their transportation must be supporting documents (prescription, conclusion and signature of the doctor).


Any trip is not only a long-awaited vacation and a charge of positive emotions, but also a thorough preparation for the road, especially when traveling with children. Knowing the features of the climate, the rules for the transport of medicines, as well as taking the necessary and necessary drugs with you, each tourist will save himself from unnecessary stress and possible consequences in case of unforeseen situations. Best of all, when drugs that are at hand are not at all useful in travel.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F15363/

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