Options for dressing gown

A bathrobe is the most comfortable home clothing. That is why most people prefer to have not one, but several different types of this product in their wardrobe. And it seems like such a thing can be purchased at the store, but many beautiful people prefer to provide for themselves, all relatives and friends with their own hand-sewn bathrobes, the patterns of which are presented in this article.

What product to stop on?

The first thought that comes up immediately after the idea of ​​making studied clothes for yourself is about the best material. Therefore, it’s not enough just to want a bathrobe, you also need to figure out what it is for. And this is already pushing us to determine the model of the future gown.

The traditionally studied product is divided into two types: home and bath. And actually, this explains their purpose. But if you delve into the topic in more detail, it will become clear that the robes are also of other types:

  • Warm - a long product of a direct silhouette, characterized by a large smell. Patterns of gowns for men, women and children are discussed below.
  • Kimono - a thing that reaches almost to the heels, has wide sleeves and is most often made of silk or satin.
  • Summer is a wardrobe item suitable for home, summer house, and even for a trip to the light. The main thing is to choose the right material.
  • Wrap dressing gown is another very remarkable version of the studied product. It may also be suitable for the role of a “decent” outfit, in which it is not a shame to go out into people.
  • An evening dress-gown - a product sewn, for example, from viscose, will decorate a lady even on an important evening.
  • A tunic dressing gown is a straight cut thing that resembles a t-shirt, only much longer.

Patterns of bathrobes will be offered next. But first, it’s important to deal with one more question. It consists in choosing the right material.

bathrobe material

What fabric for a dressing gown should I choose?

Earlier it was mentioned that bathrobes are traditionally divided into two main types: home and bath. The former are suitable for everyday life; they are summer, demi-season, and winter. Therefore, they are sewn mainly from warm fabrics. The second put on only after water procedures. For this reason, their primary tasks are to perfectly absorb moisture, protect steamed skin from injuries and allow it to breathe. Sewing such a product is necessary from natural fabrics, because others (artificial or synthetic) will not justify the purpose of the dressing gown.

Recommended fabrics for bathrobes: satin, knitwear, fleece, waffle fabric, microfiber, polyester, viscose.

Recommended fabrics for bathrobes: terry (necessarily natural), cotton, velor, bamboo.

In addition, for both types of gowns, the use of combined materials consisting of natural and artificial or synthetic is permissible. This will combine the advantages of each type of fiber. That is, to provide good absorbency, respect for the skin and low creasing, as well as make the product much more attractive and significantly extend its life.

The easiest option for a light bathrobe

Since our article is intended more for beginner needlewomen, the first dressing gown pattern that is proposed to be considered will allow you to do everything easily and with pleasure. So, for the implementation of the process will require such materials and tools:

  1. Chintz, silk or satin - the width of the segment should be equal to the distance from the fingertips of the left hand to the tips of the fingers of the right. Hands should be spread apart. Determine the length, guided by their own wishes.
  2. Threads of a suitable color and a needle.
  3. Scissors, chalk or a bar of soap.
light bathrobe

First, you should pay attention to the pattern, which is presented above. As you can see, the execution of a dressing gown involves fairly simple actions. And then we will describe them:

  1. We lay out a piece of fabric on a flat surface.
  2. Using soap or chalk, we draw four lines on the fabric, rounding the corners of the future women's coat. The pattern from the picture will help not to make a mistake in the actions.
  3. Cut unnecessary parts with scissors.
  4. We measure the width of the back from the middle of the armpits on the left and right sides.
  5. Divide the resulting value into two.
  6. Then we measure the distance from the supposed edge of the product to the armpit.
  7. Fold the cut in half and from the bottom edge we retreat the distance that we got in paragraph No. 6.
  8. Mark 1/2 the width of the back. So we outlined the armholes.
  9. Now we need to measure the length of the armhole. To do this, determine the distance from the middle of the shoulder to the middle of the armpit. Transfer it to the fabric.
  10. We make slits for the hands and try on a dressing gown, the pattern of which we just examined in detail.

Now it remains only to overcast the edges and steam the finished product.

Straight Robe

According to the following pattern, you can sew a summer, demi-season or warm bathrobe, based on the principle of tunic.

straight cut robe

There should be two parts, but there is no need to make a goal line on the back. The rest of the technology is quite simple. You can choose any color and material. But it is extremely important to consider the key features of the two main types of bathrobes: bath and home. We talked about them above. If you need to remember, just return a couple of points above.

Wrap robe

Perhaps the most popular and convenient studied wardrobe item is a bathrobe with a smell. The pattern of which is also brought to the attention of the reader.


It shows the parameters for the product 44-46 size. But if you want to sew a bigger thing, you just need to take measurements at the points corresponding to the scheme. Well, then it remains only to select the material, focusing on the season, transfer the pattern to the fabric, cut and sew parts using a sewing machine. The finished product needs to be washed to wash off the remnants of chalk or soap, and then thoroughly steamed or ironed, given the temperature regime suitable for the selected fabric.

Robe with a hood

In order to appreciate the charms of this product, just remember your moment of exit from the bathroom, which everyone encounters at least once a day. After all, there are days when we take a shower, and there are times when we wash completely, including our heads. And for this case, the most ideal bathrobe will be the one that has a hood. Especially if outside the window is winter or the room is not very warm.

Therefore, for readers who would like to do just such a thing for themselves or their loved ones, the following dressing gown pattern with a hood is proposed.

robe with a hood

Transferring it to fabric is a snap. Yes, and even a novice will be able to find places for connecting parts. It is only necessary to determine the desired length of the product, the distance from the crown to the proposed lower edge of the dressing gown, the height and width of the armhole, chest circumference, shoulder length, and depth of the hood.

Wrap Dress

Many women even strive to look stunning at home. That is why they do not even think about flaunting the apartment in a bathrobe. And, by the way, very vain. After all, there are excellent options that will provide freedom of movement and will look quite good.

For readers who would like to get an elegant bathrobe, the pattern is proposed below. It will allow you to do such a thing that it will look really impressive.

dress wrap robe

DIY zipper robe

In stores, a huge assortment of products studied in this article is offered to buyers. However, you can easily do such a thing at home. And, most likely, it will turn out many times better than production. And all because needlewomen will be able to make it fully consistent with their own style and desire.

So, if you want to make a dressing gown with a zipper, you should refer to the pattern shown in the picture below.

dressing gown

Beach bathrobe

On the eve of the summer season, women are thinking about the beach version of the product being studied. Especially if you plan to stay in a hotel with a swimming pool, it is simply a sin not to take the opportunity and not to take a walk in an elegant and romantic bathrobe.

To replenish your wardrobe with such a product, you should take as a basis any of the dressing gown patterns presented above. Calculate the size, length , etc. based on your own parameters. And then choose the right material (best light and translucent) and do an interesting thing with your own hands.

Long-sleeved bathrobe

Another excellent option for the most comfortable home clothes will be a warm, almost to the floor robe with sleeves. Of course, lazy people can buy it in the store, but creative people will definitely try to do it on their own. Especially for the latter, a simple pattern is also offered to help. Which allows you to please yourself with such a welcome thing.

So, you can get acquainted with the pattern in the photo shown below.

long sleeved bathrobe

Evening gown

Earlier in the article, it was said that the product under study can be used not only in everyday life. If you wish, you can pick up decent material, a pattern and sew a dressing gown, which, as they say, will not be ashamed to appear in public. After all, if everything is done correctly, it will be possible to create a real work of art with your own hands. For example, the picture below shows a very spectacular red dressing gown.

long dress robe

It is definitely suitable for a festive event. Perform it at home is not difficult. You just need to consider the pattern presented next to the product option in the same picture.

Men's bathrobe

Many representatives of the stronger sex believe that they can not wear the studied product. Because it absolutely does not fit their image and style. That's just another big mistake. And in order to verify this personally, you need to dare and replenish your wardrobe with a similar product.

To sew a dressing gown with your own hands, you can take a pattern, for example, such as in the photo below.

men's bathrobe

Each man will choose the color and material of the future thing according to his tastes and preferences. The length of the dressing gown can also be determined independently. For example, bathrobes on the floor or a length just below the knee are very comfortable. But the product above the knee is chosen by the most daring and uninhibited men. If desired, you can supplement the robe with a hood. To do this, we turn to the pattern of a woman’s dressing gown with a hood. And add the missing detail to the above scheme of a man’s dressing gown.

Children bathrobe

For each parent, their baby is a real bunny, cat or teddy bear. Moreover, this is manifested not only in affectionate nicknames, but also in the corresponding wardrobe. That is why the next bathrobe, which is considered in this article, will surely appeal to mothers and fathers, grandparents, as well as the child himself. After all, it will help to make a baby a funny bear. You can consider the finished product and the dressing gown pattern in the photo below. With your own hands, making a dressing gown for a baby will not be difficult.

children bathrobe

Well, after that you only need to choose a fabric, mainly from natural materials, because the baby’s skin is much more sensitive than that of adults.

So we figured out the topic formed in the article title. Now each reader can choose the ideal model for himself and make it at home.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F15366/

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