How to make a DIY Cipollino costume

Sometimes a problem arises for adults: for a child it is necessary to make a Cipollino costume! Do it yourself is extremely simple. Only at first you should carefully consider the picture with the image of this fabulous character.

DIY chipollino costume

Clothing for Cipollino

In principle, this fabulous character differs from an ordinary guy only in his head, resembling an onion with green leaves on top. The cartoon artist “dressed up” the hero in long trousers with straps, aids and an ordinary shirt. This means that we should not particularly think about the choice of clothes for the child, who will portray the hero of the fairy tale Gianni Rodari. Cipollino's costume may consist of the boy’s everyday clothes, except that you need to sew bright patches on your trousers - a fabulous hero lived in a very poor family.

chipollino costume

Beanie hat

So how to make a Cipollino costume? The main attribute of the outfit is an original hat that imitates an onion head with sprouted herbs. There are four options for its manufacture.

  1. You can crochet a hat from thick threads - a headpiece that in shape will resemble a budenovka or a helmet with a sharp top. The hat will need to be made from yellow or orange yarn, then switch to bright green and knit a few feathers. Inside, it is recommended to insert wire or strips of thick cardboard.
    how to make a chipollino costume
  2. If you are running out of time, then you can make a Cipollino costume with your own hands, using the usual hat in yellow or orange. It is enough just to fix a green “sultanchik” with the help of threads on the crown. You can also sew onion greens from a fabric or crochet.
  3. The Cipollino costume looks very beautiful, made with your own hands if the hat is sewn from yellow and green fabric. The pattern of the lower part of the cap, which is made of yellow fabric, resembles a bottle with a neck in shape. Such parts require from 4 to 8 pieces - it all depends on the desire of the master and the amount of material. The width of the part below is determined by a simple calculation and depends on the size of the volume of the boy’s head and the estimated number of flaps subsequently stitched. Green long leaves are also sewn to the upper sharp end of the cap, into which cardboard templates are inserted.
  4. You can glue the hat out of colored paper or make it out of white, which is then colored accordingly. Such a Cipollino costume can be made with your own hands at virtually no cost. It is necessary to cut out details for such a headdress as well as for sewn from a material - according to the same patterns. But protruding triangles should be provided at the gluing seams. They are coated with glue and strengthened on the wrong side of the product.

Cipollino Costume Mask

You can do without a hat, using the mask. It is best to make a mask from papier-mâché. To do this, from salt dough or plasticine, you need to fashion a model of the future product on the table. Pieces of the newspaper are pasted onto the template in a mess, and the first layer is not covered with glue, but simply moistened with water. This is done so that after drying, the mask is easily removed from the template. In a dried product, eye holes, nostrils for breathing, and an opening for the mouth should be carefully cut. From the sides of the mask at eye level, you need to sew or glue the ties.


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