How much does it cost to put a tile in the bathroom?

One of the most common finishes in the bathroom is tile. This is due to the numerous advantages of the material.

how much does it cost to put a tile in the bathroom

Tile laying: hire specialists or do everything yourself?

Many people prefer to put tiles in the bathroom, the price of which, however, is considerable. But if it is decided to take this particular material, then many questions will have to be solved. And this applies not only to the choice of tiles. It should be decided who will be laying: do it yourself or invite specialists. In the first case, it will be possible to save, and in the second, the best quality of work will be ensured. In addition, construction companies provide a guarantee for such services, which must be taken into account. Therefore, it is worth weighing the pros and cons and decide which is more important.

What determines the cost of installation?

How much does it cost to put a tile in the bathroom? The cost of laying tiles depends on many parameters. Consider them.

  1. Who will do the work. If the installation will be carried out independently, then the cost will consist only of the costs of materials and tools. It is worth considering both labor costs and time. If a specialist will be involved in laying, then the costs will increase significantly. Someone prefers construction companies, and someone turns to the so-called co-workers. The first option is more expensive, the second is cheaper. However, it is worth considering the risks. Construction companies give a guarantee for their work, but hired individuals do not provide such a service.
  2. The condition of the floor and walls in the room. If the surface is not perfect, its alignment is required. Accordingly, the cost of acquiring additional materials and tools will increase. You will also have to pay extra to a specialist. It should be borne in mind that employees do not include the removal of old cover. Therefore, if you yourself did not remove the previous finish, then you will also have to pay extra for this.
  3. Finishing area. This is the most important indicator on which the final cost of work depends. To do this, measure the floor, walls, subtract openings (windows, doors). Summarize the obtained values, obtaining the total area. The greater its value, the, accordingly, the repair will cost more.

We have listed the main factors affecting how much it costs to lay a tile in the bathroom.

The final price of the tilers

how to put tiles around the bath

How much does it cost to put a tile in the bathroom, is determined from the final cost. It is calculated as follows. It is necessary to multiply the cost of work per square meter by the total area of ​​walls and floors that require decoration. It should be noted that the rates differ in different companies and in wage workers. The cost also depends on the leveling method (plastering, plasterboard finishing, puttying), on the type of tile (porcelain stoneware, ceramics, etc.). Laying a tile with a matched pattern is more expensive than working with simple patterns. Laying it on a wall is easier than puzzling over how to lay a tile around a bathtub. You should also consider whether additional services such as dismantling the old coating, surface leveling are needed. There are also nuances such as cutting tiles. An additional charge may apply. From here the final cost of work is derived.

To determine the total cost of laying ceramic tiles, it is necessary to calculate the cost of purchasing all materials and tools. It should be taken into account not only the cost of tiles, but also auxiliary consumables: adhesive composition, leveling mixture, grout and other things.

But even if all work and all costs of materials are taken into account, the final cost will still differ from the planned one. Therefore, you should discuss all costs directly with the specialists who will perform the work. They will tell you how much it costs to put a tile in the bathroom. You should also prepare for the fact that at the end of the work you will have to pay a slightly larger amount. This is due to unforeseen situations that may arise during the installation of tiles.

put tile in bathroom Price

How much will it cost?

The cost of tiling depends on the region. For large cities of Russia, tile laying costs 600-1000 rubles / sq. m, granite - 700-1100 rubles / sq. m, marble slabs - 800-2000 rubles / sq. m


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