Govorushki mushrooms: photo and description

Mushrooms are considered one of the most interesting living organisms on Earth, since they combine the characteristics of both animals and plants. There are many of their species that are common throughout the planet. Fans of quiet hunting in Siberia and the Primorsky Territory very often come across talkers. What kind of mushrooms are these and can they be harvested?

general characteristics

Govorushki mushrooms are a genus that combines many types of edible and poisonous mushrooms. From others they are distinguished by frequent thin plates, which descend to the leg to a greater or lesser extent. Govorushki mushrooms can be found in the forest under the leaves. They form the so-called witch rings. There are many edible among them, but they are not of high quality. Another interesting property of these mushrooms is their specific smell, which for many people is very unattractive. But still there are daredevils who love to cook talkers. Mushrooms are either fried with onions, or salted, adding spices and garlic. They must be collected very carefully, because there are many among them and poisonous ones. They are distinguished by their small size and whitish body color. There are many types of talkers, but the most common are funnel, gray, giant, waxy and whitish.

Talker mushrooms

Funnel talker

This mushroom has a hat, the diameter of which can reach 8 centimeters. It is thin-fleshy, a tubercle protrudes from above, which passes into the funnel, for which he received his name. The skin color is yellowish-brownish, most often it is dry. Govorushki mushrooms of this species have white frequent plates that smoothly descend to the base. The leg grows up to 5 centimeters in height, has a narrow cylindrical shape and the same color with a hat. This is an edible species that is most often used for making soups, although the smell of this broth is very specific. You need to cook these mushrooms for at least 20 minutes, sometimes they are pickled. Most often they grow in mixed forests, like many talker mushrooms. Photos and descriptions of this species can be found in any mycology encyclopedia.

Giant talker mushroom

Gray talker

In August-September, you can meet this mushroom throughout Russia. It grows in different forests, sometimes lives in thickets of nettles in whole clusters, for which it received the second name - wren. These govorushki mushrooms have a meaty hat up to 15 cm in diameter. First, it has a convex shape, then flattened, and the edges bend down. Body color is gray, which is what the name says, but in the center it is replaced by a darker one, often covered with plaque. The talkerโ€™s pulp is gray white, the smell is not changed, itโ€™s just a pleasant mushroom aroma. The leg is thick - up to 3 cm, and the height can reach up to 10 cm. These are edible talkers. Boil the mushrooms first, drain the water. They boil very strongly, have a peculiar taste and smell. They are used for filling pies, frying or pickling.

Talkers mushrooms

Giant talker

This is the largest type of talker. It is very similar to gray, but has a large size. Govorushka giant mushroom is rare. You can find it in late summer and early autumn in mixed and coniferous forests. It has a meaty hat, which can reach 25 cm in diameter. The color is white, turning gray from the edges to the center. Narrow, frequent plates with jumpers are located under the hat. They briefly descend along the leg and have a light or brownish tint. The leg itself is the same as that of the gray talker: height - up to 10 cm, thickness - up to 3 cm. This mushroom can be eaten, but this can lead to indigestion. You need to cook it for 15-20 minutes, and then cook, following the recipe. Young mushrooms possess the best tastes; they, unlike old ones, do not bitter. It is interesting that the pulp of a giant talker contains an antibiotic that can withstand a disease such as tuberculosis.

Govorushki mushrooms photo and description

Wowy Talker

This is a species that grows in mixed and coniferous forests, among grasses on sandy ground. The color of the whole mushroom is white. His hat grows to 10 cm in diameter. Its shape changes from the center to the edges: the middle is convex, and then it falls and extends to the edges. The sides are turned away and wavy, sometimes they can be fluffy or torn. The mushroom's plates are narrow and frequent, descending to the base, color - from white to gray. The leg has a cylindrical shape, can be straight or slightly bent, smooth along the entire length, only a small fluff is observed at the base. Although the mushroom is attractive in appearance, has a pleasant aroma and taste, it is very toxic. It contains a toxin called muscarine. The body cannot independently neutralize it, therefore, poisoning of the nervous system occurs. Within half an hour after consuming a waxish govorushka, the first symptoms appear, which should be noted. This is high blood pressure, slow heart rate. If many mushrooms have been eaten, then the limbs begin to tremble, headache, cramps, nausea, dizziness and vomiting occur. 10 grams is a lethal dose for humans. Only experienced people should pick talker mushrooms. Photos and descriptions will help them not to cut poisonous food.

Govorushki mushrooms photo

Whitish little head

This type of mushroom can be found both on the forest edges and in the parks of the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere. It can grow on bare ground, and on a bed of leaves. They appear in groups, often large, and form โ€œwitch circlesโ€. Mushroom hat - up to 6 cm in diameter. Its shape varies depending on the age of the head: in young, it is convex, the edges are tucked up, in middle-aged mushrooms it is outstretched, in old ones it is depressed or flat, and the edges are wavy. Color also changes with age: from white-gray to buffy. If the mushroom is old, then spots may appear on its head. The skin is coated with plaque, which is very easy to remove. The pulp has a white color, powdery smell and inexpressive taste. The leg is cylindrical, it becomes narrower to the base. The plates are white in youth, after darken and acquire a yellowish tint. It is a very poisonous mushroom that contains more toxin than red mushroom. 15-20 minutes after ingestion, discharge from the salivary and lacrimal glands increases, and active perspiration begins. After 2 hours, the heart rate begins to weaken, breathing is disturbed, vomiting and diarrhea begin. Although deaths are quite rare, you should be extremely careful when picking mushrooms. Photos will help not to make a mistake and collect only edible species.

Thus, govorushki mushrooms are quite common in our country. There are many types of them, but they have no special value.


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