DIY watermelon crafts for an exhibition at school. Works from the seeds of watermelon

Watermelon is not only a tasty and healthy berry, but also a fertile material for the manufacture of various crafts. They can be prepared for a beautiful presentation of fruit salads on the holiday table or make crafts from a watermelon with your own hands to school for the autumn fair.

In order to work with this large and thick-walled ball, you need a sharp knife and a little imagination. Sometimes you can see whole works of art carved from the flesh of a watermelon. Children, of course, will not be able to complete such sculptural paintings, but the easy versions of crafts made from watermelon given in the article will help to do a beautiful job and surprise the children of their class.


To perform such a simple craft, you need an elongated watermelon. To cut immediately only what is needed, you first need to draw the contours of the picture.

In front of the watermelon, draw a rounded head with two long ears. The tail is located behind. Connect the head to the back with a semicircular line with a slight rise in the middle. This is necessary so that the fruits and berries that will be placed in this basket do not fall out.

DIY watermelon crafts

How to make crafts from watermelon do it yourself next? To do this, you will need to prepare a knife and make deep cuts, right down to the pulp. And to make it more convenient to cut out the entire pink center, you can use a spoon.

When all the excess is cut out and the flesh is completely cleaned, you can start decorating the hare figurine with small details:

  • Eyes are made from blueberries or blueberries, you can also use blue grapes, cut in half. You can strengthen them with pieces of toothpicks.
  • In front of the face, two large teeth that can be cut out on the peel with a cutter or chisel will be interesting to look at.
  • Mustache and nose can be made from any material. It can be a light green part of the peel, sprigs of celery or carrots cut in stripes.


The DIY watermelon craft in the form of a turtle will look interesting. The figure consists of several separate parts. For its manufacture, the watermelon will need to be cut in half lengthwise. Scrub the bottom half and decorate the edge with any geometric pattern.

The upper part will take a little longer, as it consists of several separate elements. This is a carapace on which hexagonal plates are characteristic of most of the carapace of these animals. The cover should be smaller than the bottom.

DIY crafts from watermelon to school

From the peel that remained after cutting out the middle of the watermelon, the remaining details are made. These are paws, tail, head.

After the cup is filled with filling, the turtle is neatly placed on top. To prevent small parts from falling, they are strengthened with toothpicks. Everything, DIY handmade watermelon is ready!


To make a baby carriage out of watermelon, you must first draw with a marker the contours along which the incision will be made. After the main part is cut out, we are taken for laying out the core. Then it remains to make a handle and wheels.

DIY crafts from watermelon seeds

The handle is also cut out along the contour of the peel remaining from the main part. We attach it to two toothpicks from the inside. The wheels are made of round pieces of orange and berries. You can take any other fruit for this purpose, for example, an apple or a pear. They are also mounted on wooden sticks.


You can do it yourself with a watermelon in the form of a simple basket. To do this, draw contours with ribbed triangles on the edge of the main part and a simple straight handle. And after the peel is separated, you can take on the separation of the core.

how to make a diy of watermelon do it yourself

If such work seemed too simple for you, then you can add a drawing on the pen and decorate it with a geometric ornament.

Crafts from watermelon seeds

With your own hands you can make crafts not only from the berry itself. Removing the pink pulp, you will get a large number of seeds, which can also be used to make pictures for the fall holiday to school. They are painted with gouache in any color, combined with other seeds, for example, pumpkin or sunflower, cereals or beans are added.

how to make a diy of watermelon do it yourself

The easiest option for the picture will be autumn trees. You can draw their trunk, and draw leaves from painted seeds. Glue them with PVA.

Such a panel can be performed by a first grader, while older children should present more difficult work to the attention of the judges. For example, a stork sitting in a nest. The body of the bird is laid out from white seeds, and its wings from black seeds. Since his beak is red, it can be made from lentils, which have a bright orange hue.

The nest is made from dry grass or sticks. Natural material is glued either on thick paper or on matter. It is possible, in order for the picture to have a finished look, to make a frame, for example, from millet or beans.


Before doing crafts for the fall festival at school, look at a few suggested options, dream up and be sure to add your creative ideas. Then your work will be unique and unique at the exhibition. Creative success!


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