Lilac flower in the garden will help relieve emotional stress

We love when it is beautiful, comfortable around us. Flowers will help create a feeling of happiness. An example of this is a lilac flower - a beautiful cornflower.

lilac flower

Cornflower garden

This plant is easy to care for and unpretentious. After planting, the flower is watered, further care is reduced to the process of loosening and the destruction of harmful weed plants. In the period of the first year, you should not wait for a large flowering, but the general appearance of the plant will still please the eye.

The flowering period falls at the end of summer. If the wildflower has faded , it is recommended to cut the shoots. The foliage of the outlet itself during the first snow retains its green hue, which is why you can admire the beauty of the plant until late fall. In warm time, cornflowers need abundant watering. In order to avoid the process of excessive compaction of the soil, it is necessary to loosen the earth more often.

If you want to put a lilac flower in a vase, you need to use special dressings in the growth process. Then the cut of the plant will be successful. Feeding is especially relevant when growing musky cornflower. Fertilizers make the stems strong; flowers of a more saturated shade are obtained. Bear a year to collect the seeds, only after such a time after planting it is recommended to collect them.

Features of the growth of cornflowers:

  • The plant is perennial.
  • You can achieve flowering in the period up to 10 years by avoiding transplantation and division.
  • Regular weeding and loosening of the soil is necessary.
  • Watering is moderate.

lilac flowers photo

Lilac miracle - phlox splayed

The flowering period falls at the beginning of May. A common species is phlox spread, or Canadian. It is a groundcover. Phlox splayed is indispensable for various rock gardens, rockeries, and the environment of water bodies. The plant feels good in the sun and in partial shade.

Distinctive characteristics of phlox:

  • The flower does not grow above 25 cm.
  • After flowering ends, the plant immediately loses its attractiveness.
  • The process of overgrowing by weeds is lightning fast.
  • The plant is unpretentious to the weather, develops well in the sun and in the shade.
  • Protect phlox from drought.


what are lilac flowers

What are the name of the lilac flowers shown in the photo above? This is tradescantia. Use it to ennoble your garden. It’s good if there is a pond or brook nearby - moisture affects the lilac flower well. Tradescantia does not have a pronounced aroma, combines well with other colors, forming a composition with them. These flowers are lilac (photos are presented in the article) will not leave you indifferent.

The plant has the ability to attract a lot of butterflies, which will always be an additional highlight in your garden. The flower is perennial and not very moody. But he can grow old. To extend the life of the pet and ensure long-term flowering, divide the bushes, pay attention to the rejuvenation processes. All these procedures should be done in the spring, but you can carry them out at other times. When propagating tradescantia by spreading seeds, varietal traits can be destroyed.


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