At what age can a child be planted: features and recommendations

With the advent of the child, the whole life of the parents centers near him. The first few months pass unnoticed in household chores. The baby still does not know much about himself and is completely dependent on his parents. But time passes, and now the baby is already beginning to show interest in the world around him, he looks out of the window with curiosity. Parents at this time are tempted to put him in a highchair. This will allow mom to free up some free time. But here the question arises, at what age can a child be planted? There are certain subtleties here, so let's take this issue together.

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Each child has its own development

Often parents forget about it and are guided by what they were told in the yard. A neighbor boy at 5 months old was worn while carrying, which means it’s time for us to plant ours too. And how much parents want to brag about how much their baby can do. Therefore, they begin to fix it in pillows and "teach" to keep the back.

You must first check with your doctor at what age you can plant a child. Usually, experts call the average figure, this is 6 months. But we must not forget about the individual characteristics and development of the child.

Physiological features

Parents should know that the muscular system of the crumbs is not yet strong enough. Muscles are not able to hold the body in a vertical room. In this case, the bones and vertebrae remain very soft. Strengthening of the spine and muscle corset occurs gradually. As he grows and develops, he performs more and more perfect movements and develops abs and back muscles. As soon as they become able to hold his back, the child will certainly take the opportunity to try out a new position.

Therefore, the question of how old a child can be planted is not completely correct. Each child has his own developmental path. One will sit on his own at 4 - 5 months, the other only at 7 - 8. This does not mean developmental disabilities.

at what age can a child be planted

The danger of haste

You should not rush here. All attempts to seat the baby prematurely will not lead to an acceleration of his development, but can cause quite noticeable harm. And it is not so important whether you use special supports or pillows. In the upright position, the spine experiences a compression load, which is not yet ready. As a result, the vertebrae can be deformed, and the nerves in them are pinched. Even knowing at what age a child can be planted, one needs to pay attention to his individual development path.

A fragile spine without the support of a muscle corset is subjected to stress, which is fraught with various consequences. Among them:

  • rachiocampsis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • scoliosis.

It is believed that this moment is highly dependent on the gender of the child. In fact, sitting down early is harmful for both boys and girls. True, there are gender characteristics of violations that develop against this background. We will talk about this a little lower.

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The main thing is not to harm

As we already said, by about 6 months the baby begins to feel good about his body, already knows how to roll over, move arms and legs, hold his head. The grasping reflex is very well developed . This is the best time to develop the next skill. The muscles of the chest and abdominal crumbs are well developed.

As a rule, at this age the child himself tries to rise and take a sitting position. This process does not cause him painful or unpleasant sensations. At the same time, playing and learning the world around us is much more interesting in an upright position.

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Carrying and Kangaroo

These are very convenient devices that help make mom's life easier. You can fasten your baby and go for a walk or to the store. But the kangaroo does not provide support for the spine. The instructions for use indicate at what age a child can be put forward with his face, that is, his back rests on the body of an adult, this is six months. Then the parents decide at their discretion, perhaps these terms will be slightly different for your child. The duration of carrying the child should not exceed 30 minutes, gradually you can increase the duration of joint walks.


Another convenient device with which you can somewhat ease your life. The child is not only busy studying the playing surface, but also stands confidently, does not fall anywhere, but also moves quite freely in space, which gives the baby a huge joy. At what age can a child be put on a walker? It is advisable not to do this until he himself begins to get up near furniture and stand near a support or try to walk.

This means that his muscles and spine are already ready for such loads. But in this case, the walker is not a way to get rid of the baby for the whole day. You must also start with 30 minutes a day. As the child grows, you can increase the time.

From what age you can put a child in a walker, it is necessary to decide individually, looking at him. The process should proceed as naturally as possible. It turns out the following situation. While the baby does not know how to sit and stand, this accessory does not suit him. When he confidently master these skills, he already becomes almost unnecessary. That is, you will use it for a very limited amount of time.

at what age can you put your child forward

Let nature decide everything

It is much easier to give the child a chance to independently master all the skills without too much help with his hands. Of course, the first attempts of the baby will not succeed. First, he will fall on his side, lean on different surfaces and grab his hands for hanging objects. Try to insure the child so that he does not hit.

To make it easier for the child, you need to regularly practice light massage, as well as morning exercises. These are turns and inclinations, pulling up and bending knees, elbows. This will help strengthen the muscles and prepare them for upright position, crawling and walking.

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Readiness indicator for heterosexual children

And we will continue to consider at what age a child can be planted. Boys usually begin to sit a little earlier than their peers. There are signs that indicate that the child is already ready to learn new skills:

  • It easily flips from the stomach to the back.
  • He tries to take an upright position, grabs his mother by the fingers and pulls himself up.
  • Boys often rise on outstretched arms and begin to straighten their legs. After that, he sits down, but may fall on his side or on his back.
  • Having planted the child, look at him from the side. If the spine is arched, then it is too early for him to sit.
    from what age to put a child in jumpers

And when the girls sit down

At what age can a baby be planted if it is a little princess? Most people will answer that girls need to be planted later, otherwise they may have a bend in the uterus, which in the future is fraught with painful periods and difficult births. In fact, this is not scientifically proven. It's just that girls are usually not in such a hurry to study the world as boys. Therefore, they sit down and go a little later.

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Development techniques

Tentatively, the child should master this skill at 6 months. Someone a little earlier, others later. And what if the baby does not want to take an upright position? First of all, visit a neurologist to assess the condition of the child. If there is no developmental problem, then he can recommend light gymnastics and swimming.

If a specialist finds health problems, he will prescribe corrective measures. It can be massage, electrophoresis. They very well contribute to the development of the baby. Usually, when a child begins to sit, parents acquire deck chairs and other devices that serve both entertaining and developing. And at what age can you put your child in jumpers? It is advisable to wait until 8-9 months, so that the muscles are well strengthened. He will not only have to lean on his legs, but push off and land on them. Do not rush into such a load.


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