TCP for the disabled. The list of technical means of rehabilitation, terms of use

In any country, people with disabilities are a special group of citizens who need benefits and benefits. They also need technical means of rehabilitation, or TCP. They are required to provide a comfortable life for people with disabilities. They are provided by the state. You only need to know how and where to get them.

tsr for disabled

Disabled people need a lot of money to recover properly. They are selected based on the type of deviation. If there is a hearing impairment, then special devices are required. In other cases, other means are needed. They must be provided by the state.

Types of collateral

TCP for the disabled is in the "Individual Rehabilitation Program", as well as the necessary activities and services. The issuance of funds implies:

  • provision of technical equipment;
  • the provision of repair and replacement services;
  • the provision of travel for the child to the territory of the organization;
  • payment for the stay of the child;
  • payment of compensation for travel.

Period of use

There are terms for using TCP for the disabled. This is approved by law:

  • canes - not less than 2 years;
  • handrails - from 7 years;
  • wheelchairs - over 4 years;
  • dentures, depending on the type, - more than 1 year;
  • orthopedic shoes - from 3 months.

list of disabled people

For all other devices, certain periods are also provided. During this period, the products will be safe for rehabilitation. If the period of use has passed, you must change the tool.

List of funds

According to the law, technical devices include devices that allow you to compensate or eliminate the life limitations of a person. The list of TCP for the disabled consists of means for:

  • self-service;
  • care;
  • orientation;
  • learning;
  • movement.

People with disabilities need prosthetic products. They also need special clothes, shoes, hearing aids. People with disabilities need exercise equipment, sports equipment, and inventory.

provision of disabilities

The law spelled out a list of TCP for the disabled. The federal list also has specific technical means:

  • supports and handrails;
  • Wheelchairs
  • prostheses;
  • orthopedic shoes;
  • anti-decubitus mattresses;
  • means for dressing;
  • special clothes;
  • reading devices;
  • guide dogs;
  • thermometers
  • sound signaling devices;
  • Hearing Aids.

Other means are prescribed to the person depending on the type of deviation. The federal list of TCP for the disabled is approved by the state. Funds are provided free of charge, therefore it is forbidden to sell, give or transfer to other persons.

There are regions of the country where supports are understood only as structures for movement. Because of this, difficulties arise in the rehabilitation of a disabled person. If the rights to provide TCP for people with disabilities are violated, then interested parties must defend their interests. Indeed, depending on the restrictions, special means are necessary.

Where to go?

The issuance of TCP to the disabled is carried out after the procedure. It is necessary to apply to the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of residence. Sometimes you need to submit a document to the executive body that deals with these issues.

It is important to consider that foreigners and stateless persons who have a residence permit can also apply to the FSS of the Russian Federation. They must be given funds for rehabilitation if disability is recognized.

list of disabled people

Required documents

Disabled persons may receive TCP after submitting an application, as well as several additional documents:

  • birth certificate or passport;
  • representative's passport;
  • rehabilitation program;
  • retirement certificate.

Only when there is a full list of documents, the application will be accepted. They are provided in the originals.

Application Processing

The period for consideration of an application cannot be more than 15 days from the date of its submission. If a positive decision is made, then the following is received by mail:

  • notice confirming registration;
  • direction to create a technical product;
  • ticket for a free pass.

The forms of all documents were adopted by the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the country. They serve as confirmation of the issuance of the necessary means of rehabilitation.

Compensation payment

Not only can the TCP for the disabled be provided, but also compensation for the purchase of the necessary product. Parents have the right to independently choose the necessary technical equipment for the child. For this, a wheelchair, prosthetic and orthopedic products, prints with the desired font can be purchased. Parents have the right to pay for the repair of the funds themselves.

terms of use of TCP for the disabled

If the product was purchased or repaired at a personal expense, compensation is provided. It is paid only when the technical means is really laid out under the rehabilitation program. When people with disabilities are against providing the right product, they must be paid funds in the amount of the cost of the product.

How is the payout determined?

The amount of compensation is not taken arbitrarily, but is calculated according to some rules:

  • size is equal to the price of the goods;
  • should not be higher than the value of the product.

Payment of cash is documented. Those who need it are entitled to compensation.

A special classification is used to approve the amount of compensation for TCP for persons with disabilities. As an example, you can take the purchase of a hearing aid, which has additional functions. The size of payments is set based on the price of the device. It takes into account additional functions. The amount of payments is established by:

  • individual rehabilitation program ;
  • price of technical equipment;
  • documents proving the cost of the purchase of funds.

Documents for Payments

To receive compensation for the purchase of the desired product, it is necessary to collect important documents. These include:

  • statement;
  • confirmation of expenses;
  • birth certificate of a child;
  • representative's passport;
  • individual rehabilitation program;
  • insurance certificate.

The compensation period is 1 month from the date of the decision. It is accepted by the FSS of the Russian Federation within 30 days.

And if compensation is not paid?

The right to receive technical equipment and monetary compensation is regulated by the state. If these rights are violated, then liability is provided for this. If the money for the purchase of the funds has not been paid, then a complaint must be made. She is served in the Department of Social Protection. Moreover, this can be done in paper and electronic form. If 1 option is chosen, then you need to receive a delivery mark.

federal list of disabled people

The state guarantees not only the provision of TCP for the disabled, but also repairs. Moreover, this service is free. Only for repairs is required that the opinion of the disabled person on the need to carry out work coincides with the opinion of experts.


To verify the need for repairs, an examination is required. During this procedure, it will be revealed whether replacement of parts, product elements is necessary. For the examination to be carried out, it is necessary:

  • file an application with the FSS RF;
  • provide a technical tool that requires repair or replacement.

If the tool cannot be provided, then a decision is made to carry out the examination at home. The inability to deliver the product is associated with the complexity of transportation, the state of health of the disabled person.

The examination is carried out within 15 days from the receipt of the application. TCP users are informed about the time and place of the event. They can take part. As a result, a statement is drawn up, one copy of which is provided to the disabled person. The reasons for the breakdown of the tool, types of repair are prescribed there . If restoration cannot be performed, then the need to replace the product is indicated.

Repair and replacement

If the need for repair is determined, then the FSS must provide:

  • statement;
  • examination document.

Replacement of funds is carried out by decision of the FSS on the basis of a statement. This procedure is only possible when the period of use has expired or repair is not possible.


People with disabilities are entitled to free travel, as it is compensated by the FSS. For this, a person with a disability or his representative is given a ticket and a direction for all types of transport. This document is provided for no more than 4 trips to the location of the organization to which the referral is provided. There are also 4 free trips back.

issuance of TCP to the disabled

Benefits are provided for such modes of transport as:

  • railway;
  • water;
  • automobile;
  • air.

Travel Compensation

When traveling for personal funds, compensation is paid. It is provided only if these modes of transport were used. To receive compensation, documents such as:

  • travel cards;
  • confirmation of the need for travel.

Compensation is paid no more than 4 round trips.

Payment of accommodation

If the technical tool is only manufactured, then compensation is provided for the residence of the child and the person responsible. Costs are paid for the entire trip. The amount of compensation is equal to the amount of funds that are provided in the case of business trips.

Compensation of expenses is carried out for the actual number of days of stay. In this case, some conditions must be met:

  • living in a place remote from the organization;
  • the product is made in 1 trip.

The provision of technical equipment for the rehabilitation of persons with disabilities is guaranteed by the state. Ensuring their normal recovery occurs by compensating for various costs.


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