How much timber is in a 100x100 cube: a formula for calculating a building material

The bar 100x100 mm is widely and successfully used in many fields of human activity. Commercial construction, as well as the erection of structural systems for personal purposes, can not do without the use of profiled timber. The quality of the material has been tested for years. The wooden beam has enhanced operational properties due to special processing in the production process, which significantly increases the service life of products constructed from wood. In order to proceed with the procurement of material and construction work, in the future it is necessary to calculate the required amount of material and know how much timber is in 1m 3 .

How much timber in a cube 100x100

Rules for calculating the material and its consumption

In this way, you can calculate the exact number of bars in a package with different cross-sections of products. All that is required for the calculation is a knowledge of the simple rules of mathematics and the parameters of wooden blocks.

Calculate how much timber in a cube 100x100 mm, it will not be difficult, knowing the special formula.

For the calculation, you will need the length of the product, for example, building wood 5 meters long is stacked so that the products are closely adjacent to each other, and their cross sections form a square meter.

Considering the fact that the product parameters are 100x100 mm, a stack of wood of 10x10 bars is obtained. Multiplying the number, we get a pack of timber in the amount of one hundred products.

Since the beam has a length of 5 meters, and you want to find out how much timber is in a 100x100 cube, you need to calculate 1/5 of the total amount of timber: 100/5 = 20.

Calculation Features

If the calculation results in a number with decimal places, then it makes no sense to round it, otherwise, in case of material shortage, there will be nothing to fill in the gap. The answer to the question of how much timber is in a 100x100 cube is given exactly by calculation.

The price of a cube of timber

As it was noted, the calculations are not difficult, it is easy to conduct them independently and personally. If a person engaged in construction will understand how much timber is in a 100x100 cube, analyze the prices of products and be familiar with the characteristics of the tree species, choosing a good material and making an accurate purchase will be much easier.

How to properly procure material

The purchase of timber is carried out in bulk in cubic meters. Knowing the formulas and tables for calculating building materials will help to significantly save the construction budget. Today, the timber costs a lot in the building materials market in Russia. Wood is a valuable material, respectively, and the price of a cube of timber is high. According to a market analysis for 2015, a cubic meter of planed profiled material cost up to 5,500 rubles. Today, this figure has increased and for some manufacturers reaches 7,000 rubles per cubic meter of timber.

Some of the manufacturers at large wholesale purchases offer a discount to the buyer, which saves on the purchase of material.

Sometimes there are offers on the Internet about the cheap sale of profiled timber, but such positions do not always differ in the quality of products, because free cheese is only in a mousetrap. Therefore, it is better to order the beam personally at the base, seeing the goods in front of you.

Calculation of the timber is the exact thing, therefore, when conducting such operations, be extremely careful to carry out the calculation correctly.


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