How do stretch ceilings do? How are they interesting?

Repairing an apartment has always been a laborious process. But now materials have appeared on the market that significantly accelerate all work. This is primarily true for the ceiling. To put it in order, earlier it was necessary to do several things in sequence: first wash off the chalk layer, then putty all the bumps, and then paint or whiten.

How do suspended ceilings
Now, having learned how stretch ceilings are made, you can understand how convenient everything has become. All preliminary work on washing and leveling the surface can be omitted. This not only facilitates the process itself, but also significantly speeds up everything.

Stretch ceilings appeared in our market not very long ago, but during this time they have already managed to win their niche. Let's try to figure out how stretch ceilings do. The first products that appeared on our market were from Germany and Switzerland. Now stretch ceilings are made in Russia. There are samples brought from China. Choosing a specific option for yourself, try to find quality products.

How do stretch ceilings do?

How do suspended ceilings
Consider the whole process sequentially. First of all, you need to call the master, who will make all measurements. With him, you need to discuss in advance how many lighting fixtures and in what places you want to install. Then a working scheme is prepared, which is sent to the plant. It indicates the exact dimensions of your ceiling, its bends and irregularities. At the factory, a cloth is cut out, it is neatly folded, then, together with fasteners, they are delivered to you. The installation of this entire construction takes several hours.

The basis of such a ceiling is the canvas. The market now offers several options. A polyvinyl chloride film first appeared. This material increases in size when heated, which is used when installing stretch ceilings.

Stretch fabric ceilings
What matters to customers is not how stretch ceilings are made. For them, in the first place is the effect that can be created with their help in the interior of the apartment. A wide selection of colors allows you to choose the perfect composition. And the texture of the film itself, matte or glossy, only shades or emphasizes the beauty of your ceiling. A small minus of such ceilings is the mandatory presence of a heat gun, which means that they cannot be installed independently.

No less interesting are stretch fabric ceilings. They are made of synthetic fabric, which is additionally impregnated with a polymer. The result is a beautiful and fireproof surface. No heat gun is required for their installation. This simplifies installation, however, the cost of such a canvas is slightly higher. The third variety can be considered a cloth with internal reinforcement, which is coated on both sides with a special polymer composition. Such ceilings can also be installed without additional heating.

Clipso stretch ceilings
Many companies try to protect their products from fakes, as the market is flooded with cheap counterparts that are not always of good quality. So does, for example, the company "Clipso". Stretch ceilings of this manufacturer are distinguished by the obligatory presence of a colored strip along the edge of the roll. Even during the manufacturing process, a bright thread is woven into the fabric, which serves as a guarantee of the authenticity of the products.


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