Priozersk, Korela Fortress: description and photo

Priozersk is one of the oldest Russian cities, the mention of which in the annals dates from 1143. The city was a significant center in the country, ranging from culture and trade to the military-strategic heritage. The name of the city takes its roots from the Korela tribe, which lived on the isthmus of the same name, in a picturesque place where Lake Ladoga and the Vuoksa River connected . On one of the banks of this river was a legendary fortress, which decades later turned out to be geographically located on a cape in connection with the drying up of the river channel. Fortress Korela (Priozersk) today is a unique attraction.

Historical reference

Priozersk fortress Korela

According to the annals, the Swedes are shown in a negative light. This people notified that Priozersk was captured by Christians and was safe and sound. In fact, the Swedes carried out their dirty business in the city. A huge number of pagans were destroyed, the rest were taken to Vyborg. According to historical facts, a town with excellent fortification existed even before the appearance of the Swedes. Subsequent events are dated 1295. At that time, the legendary city of Korela was captured by immigrants from Novgorod.

War and fortress

For two centuries in a row this area was a border territory, which Novgorodians remarkably strengthened from Swedish raids. The further history of the town is quite interesting, since in 1610 it was captured by landskrons, after which it was renamed Kexholm. Within a century, the city was conquered by domestic troops.

Further historical events date back to 1295. During this period, the Swedish troops from Vyborg headed towards Korela, which was the most important military center of the entire isthmus. City dwellers quite unshakably and courageously defended their native lands, and in connection with this, a huge number of them died in a merciless battle. The legendary fortress, unfortunately, could not resist, and the Korel warriors were captured. Domestic defenders quickly cooperated and went to rescue Korela. The battle lasted almost a week and was crowned with success. After the construction of the castle in this stunning town, a reliable shaft was erected. This wall served as an excellent defense for the city.

Priozersk fortress Korela how to get

The updated version of the fortress repeatedly retained its power during the Swedish raids. Soon the town was rewarded with the erection of a stone tower in its open spaces, which became an excellent fortification of already standing structures. Fortress Korela (Priozersk) survived a lot of difficulties. A photo can reflect the appearance of a fortress, but its spirit can be felt only after visiting it.

Strategic object

korela fortress priozersk

Long since Korela was the most important strategic center of the isthmus of the same name. For this beautiful place the fight was continuously waged, its owners changed. In order to strengthen the fortification, the construction of a specialized tower began. Its capabilities included extended defense from all sides. Until now, these towers have been preserved in a rather distorted and crippled form. A more accurate location is considered to be the west of Priozersk, at the junction of the bridge with Spassky Island.

At the dawn of history, the tower had only one entrance. But after the Swedish perestroika, the main entrance changed its location. After such a historical event as the Nishtad truce, not only the features of the border territories changed. Korela became a geographical component of the Vyborg province.

Since the distant 1762, the so-called Kexholm Fortress has become a prison for political prisoners. Among the most famous prisoners, the walls of the prison were seen by the following personalities: wives and children of Pugachev, Messenius and Küchelbeker. In modernity, on the legendary territory of Korela you can admire one of the old towers, which has been restored. It has the name of the tower of the Old Fortress. In the next building is the regional museum of local lore, where you can get acquainted with the historical heritage of the town.


g Priozersk fortress Korela

You can plunge into the distant past by visiting the city of Priozersk. The Korela Fortress, even with its appearance, will recall the events of past years. Kexholm fortress on ancient prints and drawings was depicted as single-tower. According to the chronicles, it was quite small, its height was only 8 meters. The tower had a round shape, a two-tier structure made it incredibly beautiful. The tower structure included firearms. The wall thickness was quite large and equal to four meters. This suggests that at the time of the construction of the structure, the fortification capabilities of the structure were quite developed. The Swedes adhered to the same construction principle during the construction of such fortresses.


Today, in places of former glory is a museum. The Korela Fortress (Priozersk) is one continuous exhibit. The fortress includes 2 bastions, the Pugachevskaya Tower, the Old and the New Arsenals. Previously, weapons for protection were carefully stored in this warehouse. Among the ammunition and ammunition remaining to date, about 17 thousand units are stored in the museum itself. Archaeological finds of many historical expeditions are also a cultural asset.

Description of the place

Museum fortress Korela Priozersk

A cheerful spirit constantly envelops the city of Priozersk. The Korela Fortress is the place of various festivals, entertainments and festivities. Among the entertainment, the legendary knightly fights on horseback are most popular in this district. Among ammunition, crossbows and bows, reminiscent of the most ancient knightly tournaments, are popular . Picturesque nature can be enjoyed from the fortress itself. A wonderful sight is the fountain on the water, which looks quite modern and extravagant. It should be noted that it is a fashionable building that makes the overall picture more modern. In this regard, the fountain is likely to be removed from this area, so as not to spoil the old ensemble. At the beginning of the fortress, two monuments flaunted in honor of the victory in the Great Patriotic War.

Excursion for the whole family

With children, you can also visit Priozersk. The Korela Fortress is also a hospitable place for young visitors. Children can climb on the building of interest and take pictures. Near the fortress there is a boarding house for military personnel. It has a beautiful square, in which no one is allowed to enter. Its beauties can only be admired from afar. It should be noted that in the courtyard of the boarding house the oldest fortifications, which remotely resemble the original historical monuments, have also been preserved. In the district of the legendary fortress and nearby territory, beautiful lanterns are installed so that tourists can fully enjoy the beauty of this place in the evening.

On the territory of this fortification works a cozy souvenir shop. The selection of thematic products is quite extensive. In it you can buy ordinary spoons in the form of souvenirs, as well as luxury jewelry, hand-made by skilled craftsmen. Embroidered and painted paintings, various amulets and crafts are very popular. All products are made with love.

Tourists can not only see the fortress, but also take a walk around the picturesque town. For lovers of boat trips in the summer, boat trips function. A truly unique place, which the city of Priozersk is famous for, is the Korela fortress.

How to get to the Korel bastion from St. Petersburg

Fortress Korela Priozersk photo

1. By bus on route No. 859, which stops near Finland Station.

2. By rail from Finland Station.

3. By car along the serpentine highway St. Petersburg - Priozersk. The Korela Fortress will be visible after an hour and a half drive.


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