Metal stove for the home: the difficulties of choice. Metal heating stoves: reviews, prices

Metal furnaces appeared a long time ago. Each nation has a similar unit has its own form, as well as the scope. Only components remain unchanged. Metal heating furnaces consist of an ash pan, a valve in the pipe, a chimney and a combustion chamber. Of course, at the moment there are brick and stone structures. In any case, the ovens serve not only for heating the premises, but also for cooking. In some units, these functions are combined. Of course, when choosing, the question arises, which metal stove is better for the home?

metal stove for home

Acquaintance with the equipment

The hearth allows you to make the home not only warm, but also comfortable. However, brick kilns have many disadvantages. First of all, they heat up for a long time and heat only the room in which they are located. To make the house warm, you need to wait a few hours.

Metal stoves for summer cottages are an excellent option. Such units are able to heat large areas in just half an hour. Very often, such equipment is used as an additional or backup heat source. It is worth noting that metal furnaces are quite easily dismantled and, if necessary, they can be moved to another place.

metal furnaces for summer cottages

Varieties of metal furnaces

Many believe that such units are available in only a few options, but this is not so. First of all, a metal stove for the home is a long-burning equipment. The unit can operate for several hours without special fuel consumption. Such furnaces can be divided into several groups depending on the material from which they are made:

  1. Cast iron.
  2. Steel.

In addition, the metal stove for the house can be heating or cooking.

Metal furnace for heating a house: advantages

Such units are often installed in large rooms where a standard brick oven simply can not cope with heating. It is worth noting that this equipment is capable of generating about 500 watts of heat in one hour. Therefore, a metal furnace is flooded only several times during the day, even in very severe frost.

metal stove in a wooden house

Such units are a real find for those whose house is located far enough from central heating and the gas main. Such equipment is installed in homes where power outages occur. A metal stove in a wooden house allows you to maintain a comfortable temperature in any room. Of course, for heating a large cottage such equipment will not be enough. Heat is enough for only one large enough room. In this case, the chimney, if necessary, can be displayed in a conventional window.

The efficiency of metal furnaces is quite low. However, more modern models of furnaces are equipped with special heat accumulators that are able to maintain a comfortable temperature in the room while in prolonged mode.

In addition, there are models of long burning. In such units, the wood does not burn, but gradually smolders. This allows you to heat the room once or twice a day.

metal heating stoves

What you should pay attention to

To solve the problem of heating a private house or cottage, many install brick stoves. Such units have a fairly large size and if necessary they can not be moved and can not be moved. It is for this reason that metal stoves have become popular. When choosing such a product, you need to pay attention not only to its characteristics and features, but also the needs of those who will live in the room. Among a wide range of heating equipment, household appliances, heating and cooking, heating and special-purpose units are in great demand.

Model Features

Each of the above models has its own characteristics. For example, metal heating stoves are designed exclusively for space heating. Some models have more features. For example, heating and cooking units are intended not only for heating a house. With their help, you can cook food. Household appliances are installed not only in residential premises, but also in baths, greenhouses and garages. When choosing heating equipment, it is necessary to take into account its capabilities and purpose.

It is also important how quickly the stove works and the house becomes warm. This indicator is one of the main when choosing heating equipment for a country house or cottage. Metal furnaces heat air quickly enough. As soon as possible, the house becomes cozy and warm.

metal stove for home heating

Heating and cooking stoves

The heating and cooking model is considered simply ideal for a summer cottage, since with its help you can not only heat the cottage, but also cook food on it. However, when purchasing such equipment, it is necessary to calculate the heat transfer in advance and determine the required power. These indicators mainly depend on the size of the room. You should also take into account the lowest air temperature, which is inherent in the area where the house is located.

When calculating, do not forget about how and where the heating equipment will be located. Choosing a unit, do not forget about all the characteristics. Installing a metal furnace in the house takes a little time and does not require special expenses.

Metal stoves "Breneran"

At the moment, metal stoves for cottages and homes are produced by many manufacturers. Of course, in order to make the right choice, it is worth familiarizing yourself with all the offers on the modern heating equipment market. After all, the range of such units is quite wide. All products can be divided into high-quality and expensive, produced by foreign manufacturers, as well as equipment of local production, which has average characteristics and a fairly high cost. The choice directly depends not only on the requirements, but also on the amount that you can spend on the stove.

Products of the Breneran brand outwardly resemble a cylindrical container, which is encircled by pipes of a sufficiently large diameter. It is worth noting that such a metal stove for the home is able to work after the first laying of fuel for a long period of time. The large diameter of the pipes precisely at the outlet allows, if necessary, to equip the unit with air ducts. That will allow heating the neighboring rooms.

installation of a metal furnace in the house

Disadvantages of Breneran furnaces

Such a metal stove for the home is considered ideal if you need to heat only one room. The operation of such equipment causes some difficulties if it is necessary to heat several rooms at once. In this case, large heat losses are observed.

Another drawback of such equipment is the construction that is not well thought out. During the operation of such furnaces in the room, an unpleasant odor is felt, which occurs as a result of condensate draining into a separate container and other substances. This is due to the location of the chimney tee and nozzle. In the Breneran unit, they are located on the rear wall. Experts recommend creating a forced hood in the room where there is a similar stove. You can also solve the problem by installing the oven in a separate specially equipped room.


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