Statements about the war of Russian writers. Quotes and aphorisms about the war

โ€œWar is one of the greatest blasphemy,โ€ as the Soviet writer Vladimir Mayakovsky said. He is not the only one who spoke about this terrible phenomenon of human existence extremely negatively.

Statements about the war of Russian writers

Statements about the war of Russian writers are overwhelmingly similar to this. We will talk about these citations briefly in the proposed article.


Leo Tolstoy is most famous for his anti-militarist views. His quotes about the war, statements and phrases about the war are known throughout the world, and choosing the most important of them is not so simple. Perhaps the most significant of them is the following: "People who ... recognize war as not only inevitable, but also useful and ... desirable - these people are terrible for their moral perversity."

Aphorisms for quotes and statements by Russian writers

Indeed, the great Russian writer more than once walked extremely harshly through this merciless activity of the human race. And this is not surprising, a champion of peace and the education of society, the great moralist simply could not take it any other way. Only for this he should pay tribute.


Statements about the war of Russian writers should be continued with the famous quote by Maxim Gorky: โ€œI know that war is sheer atrocities and that people who are innocent of each other exterminate each other.โ€ Naturally, a person who has gone through the war, who knows about it firsthand, has a milder stance. However, even here we see a sharp rejection of this hateful occupation, which claimed the lives of many tens of millions of people only in the twentieth century. And although he did not happen to see the worst test of war, the one that was unleashed by Hitler, he nevertheless made a great contribution to the spread of peace.

Some militaristic statements

Nevertheless, there are statements about the war of Russian writers of a rather militaristic nature. For example, a quote from Sergei Yesenin: "What the mouth could not say in the words, let the pistols tell them with bullets." It is as if Mars, the one that the Roman god of war, wrote these hostile lines with the hand of the famous romantic poet.

Quotes about the war. Statements and phrases about the war.

There are statements about the war of Russian writers directly related to the cause of generals. These include, for example, Alexander Suvorov. He became one of the most famous war theorists of all time. His statements mostly justify the conduct of this inhuman torture of the people with whom he was associated. As an example of the warlike mentality of a commander, one can cite his famous phrase: โ€œBeat the enemy without sparing ... him.โ€ However, he also comes across certain anti-militaristic sentiments. As in the following quote: โ€œWithout virtue there is no glory and honor.โ€ There are many other statements left after the famous commander.


Aphorisms, quotes and statements by Russian writers can be listed for a very long time, even if it concerns a phenomenon such as war. It is important to understand the basic meaning that the majority of those who wrote about this dangerous occupation have. And he is very simple. If humanity does not stop brandishing a club, the strength of which is now measured in megatons in TNT, then very soon there will simply not be room on this planet to continue life, raise children, collect wheat, build houses. Apparently, this is why many Russian writers write so much and so passionately about the dangers of war, that any conflict can be resolved through negotiations. Let's hope that new generations of people will hear these words of Tolstoy, Gorky and others and seriously think before starting a bloody massacre called โ€œwarโ€.


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