Beautiful female names for cat girls

Little kittens are already distinguished by their character. Choosing a beautiful female name for a cat is always problematic, because it should reflect not only the nature of the kitten, but also its breed, color. Everyone has already been bored with Musi and Murka, I want something unusual, fresh, beautiful or cool. In this article, we propose to get acquainted with various female names for cat-girls. Choose by breed or color, you should definitely like something from the lists!

What to call a red cat?

ginger cat

Many take red kittens to the house, because there is a belief that they attract financial well-being. In addition, it was noticed that in the presence of a red cat or cat at home, people with various diseases begin to feel better, recover.

In addition to healing and magical properties, red cats are endowed with a frisky character, they are active and positive, energetic - real fireballs of happiness! For such creatures, you can choose both a perky and a beautiful name, but the main thing is that it should be memorable, so choosing too long is not recommended.

Nicknames for red kittens

Female names for cats can be very diverse, but it would be nice if they would reflect the personality of the animal itself. As for the red beauties, we suggest considering one of the following:

  • Paprika.
  • Ocher (natural orange color).
  • Zolotinka or Zlata.
  • Fanta.
  • Rufina.
  • Carrot (only if the cat is provocative, the business person doesn’t use that name).
  • Naranya.
  • Vesta.
  • Chile.
  • Squirrel.
  • Goldie.
  • Percy (from the word "peach").
  • Aurora.

As for Autumn, Paprika, Dried apricots and other similar names that are sometimes found among red representatives of the cat's kind, such nicknames by cats are poorly perceived.

What to name a white kitten?

White cat

It is believed that white cats help to relax, increase self-esteem, attract the opposite sex to their master / mistress. If you can’t find a soul mate and are unlucky in love, then esotericists would advise you to have a white cat or cat at home.

Even white cats fasten the broken relations in the family, bring harmony, comfort, warmth, prevent quarrels and relieve stress. White cats are recommended as a pet to people in public professions and those who communicate a lot with strangers. The fact is that white cats eliminate the negativity by taking it upon themselves, and also take damage, the evil eye and other ailments.

So you have a white pet. What female name is suitable for a cat?

Nicknames for the white purr

It’s much easier to deal with boys, you can call it Snowball, Lotus, Coconut, Sugar, Ice and so on. And what female name for a cat-girl will her color reflect? We suggest considering the following options:

  • Snezha.
  • Forget-me-not (if the eyes are blue).
  • Bun.
  • Blanca.
  • Lily.
  • Ayska.
  • Froska.
  • Snowflake.
  • Cream.
  • Pearl.
  • Marshmallows.
  • Smiley.
  • Belyanochka.
  • Milka or just Mila.
  • Bessie.

Black cat in the house

black cat

Cats of this color have long been considered mystical creatures to this day. Once they were almost completely exterminated, as they were considered accomplices of the devil and witches. Some are still convinced that black cats are unfortunately, but in practice, everything is completely different!

In many countries they believe that it is they who bring luck, prosperity, and prosperity to the house. They remove damage from their masters, take troubles and unkind people away from home. Black cats and cats get along well with brownies. If the house feels negative, then bring a black cat or cat, the animal will agree with the invisible owner of the house, and everything will be fine!

A black cat will always lie precisely on a sore spot, and soon the disease will recede, or a person will feel much better.

It is believed that if a black cat sneezes next to the bride during the wedding, then the family will have harmony and well-being!

What feminine name for cats of mystical black color is most suitable?

What to call a black cat?

Among the many options immediately comes to mind Bagheera from “Mowgli”. But, it seems, such Bagir is full. as many Nights and Panthers. If you need a less popular female name for a cat, then take a closer look at the following:

  • Selena.
  • Mystic.
  • Chimera.
  • Shadow.
  • Blueberries
  • Sibyl.
  • Mirka
  • Berry
  • Ink.
  • Fortune.
  • Chelia.
  • To find.
  • Cola
  • Signorina.
  • Crow.
  • Dushka.
  • Sparrow.

What does the gray cat promise to the owners?

Cats of gray color have absorbed everything that according to signs relates to black and white brothers! So, the gray beauty will help to find love, resist the evil eye and spoilage, avert negative, make friends with brownies.

gray cat

Gray cats perfectly relieve pain syndromes, you just need to hold it in your hands for a few minutes, stroke it, caress it. If there are problems with the vessels and the heart, then it is the gray color that the fluffy will help to make you feel better.

Gray cats positively affect all family members, give positive, joy, bring harmony to all families!

Female names for a gray cat

For such beauties it’s not at all difficult to find names. For gray, the following are suitable:

  • Haze.
  • Marquise.
  • Smokey.
  • Fly.
  • Awl.
  • Wendy.
  • Freya.
  • Lizzie.
  • Cinderella or Ash.
  • Zara
  • Shady.
  • Rainey (from the word "rain" - rain).
  • Misty
  • Ashley
  • Missy
  • Cleo.
  • Of the world.
  • Milka.
  • Mary or Marilyn.
  • Minnie.
  • Cougar.
  • Matilda.

Female names for gray cats should reflect not only her color, but also her character. The kitten should quickly begin to respond to its nickname, if this is not so, then the name is not to your liking, and no matter how you try, the pet will not respond to it.

Colorful cat

colorful cat

Monotonous kittens rarely come across, most often these are cats that combine several colors of wool. If you have a gray striped kitten, then choose a name from the list for gray, black and white cat name any name from the list for black and white. And what beautiful female name for a cat to choose if it is three-colored or motley? I definitely don’t want to call such an ordinary nickname!

But for starters, I would like to talk about signs of tricolor cats.

In the East, cats of this color are almost deified. It is believed that they bring peace and good fortune, endowed with healing properties, scare away evil spirits, eliminate the "traces" of bad people staying in the house. If a person came to visit you who wishes you harm (even if he doesn’t show it, but smiles), then the tricolor cat will not approach him, he will avoid it, he may even begin to hiss and kick out!

In Russia, it is believed that tricolor cats - fortunately in the house, to well-being and love!

What to name a multi-colored cat?

If you brought a purring lump of various coat colors to the house, then think about what name to give the pet. It should be unusual, interesting and beautiful, like the cat herself. If nothing comes to mind, then we suggest choosing from the following options:

  • Iris.
  • Beauty.
  • Wanda.
  • Pandora.
  • Vey.
  • Gabby
  • Eve.
  • Jolly.
  • Lisa.
  • A drop.
  • Muse.
  • Of the world.
  • Moa.
  • Audrey
  • Sandra
  • Pleased.
  • Una or Mind.
  • Fresco.
  • Chloe.
  • Happy.
  • T-shirt.
  • Chaira
  • Sherry.
  • Yuna.
  • Justa.

Russian female names for cats

We looked at a lot of names for cats, but there were almost no Russian nicknames among them - all English and French. It is difficult to remember such nicknames for a small child, if there is one in the family, so it is better to take a simpler name.

Among Russian female names for cats, you can choose beautiful ones for both purebred and outbred beauties. Whatever the color of the pet, anyone can come from the following list.

  • Varya.
  • Ksenia.
  • Masha.
  • Maroussia.
  • Buzzing.
  • Tasia.
  • Lyusya.
  • Dusya.
  • Musya.
  • Murka.
  • Lesya.
  • Masya.
  • Sonia.
  • Frosya.
  • Sima.
  • Yesya or Yasya.
  • Bonya.
  • Zosia.
  • Anfisa.
  • Lelia.
  • The mouse.

Many people consider it tactless to call a cat as a friend or a colleague. But all these are prejudices. If you like the name Ksyusha, then why not call your favorite so?

Next, we propose to get acquainted with suitable female names for cats of the British, Scots and Sphinxes, because these are by far the most popular breeds.

Names for fold cats

scottish cat

Lop-eared cats are Scottish. These are wonderful creatures: playful, flexible, with a soft character and disposition, kind. In addition to character traits, it is worth paying attention to appearance - these are cats with cute faces, beautifully pressed ears, in their appearance they resemble owls or bears. Let's try to find a name that will be close to the birthplace of the breed - Scotland.

  1. By the name of the country itself: Schotti or Scotty.
  2. By the name of the capital (Edinburgh): Edith, Eddie or Edd.
  3. The animals from the royal coat of arms and the standard of the Country are a unicorn and a lion, let's try to make an approximate name: Lioness, Lines, Connie, Uni or Yunk, Layen.
  4. The name can be chosen from national drinks - ale and whiskey: Elka, Ale, Viska or just Whiskey.
  5. There are human Scottish names that are perfect for the beauty of a fold cat: Ron, Mirrey, Rory, Colleen, Sean, Effie, Fanny, Nessa, Selma, Fiona, Ayla, Alice, Ailee, Isla, Jessica, Alma, Wilma, Catella, Ginny, Betty.

The female names of Scottish cats are very multifaceted and diverse. Call the pet one of the proposed ones, and you emphasize its noble origin!

Names for British

British female names for cats should reflect not only the origin of the cat. Cats of this breed are warlike, calm, proud, balanced, not too sociable, sometimes angry (when there is no mood, or someone got it). This is an incredible breed, combining a calm appearance and a storm of emotions inside!

Here are the appropriate names:

  • Athena or Enio is the goddess of war.
  • Black, Basti, Brandy.
  • Darley
  • Jess.
  • Gemma.
  • Moon.
  • Candy
  • Jasmine.
  • Cloudy.
  • Diva.
  • Corey.
  • Molly.
  • Miranda.
  • Patty.
  • Paris.
  • Rozzie.
  • Smokey.
  • Tiffany
  • Tabby.
  • Roxy
  • Paris.
  • Frutti.
  • Cherry.
  • Chloe.
  • Chelsea
  • Holly.
  • Ella.
  • It was going.
  • Chanel.
  • Abby
  • Stella.

In all these names there is no tenderness, timidity, only strength, power, beauty, grace.

Sphinx nicknames

what to call the sphinx

Sphinxes - an ancient breed that was worshiped by the Egyptians. These cats are hot to the touch, very kind, although in view of this and not to say, flexible and gentle. The name of such a beauty should reflect appearance, be national. But you should not call the first Egyptian name that comes across, because in translation it may not sound very nice. For example, there are beautiful sounds, but the translation is simply terrible: an unpleasant sound, a woman’s chest, an angry angry woman, and so on!

We suggest considering Egyptian female names. They fit perfectly for cats and everyone will have a good translation.

  • Amizi and Zahra - mean a flower.
  • Banafrit - with a beautiful soul.
  • Erby is a noble princess.
  • Zalika is from a good family.
  • Zem - royal blood.
  • Ibony is a tree of black color.
  • Ife is the embodiment of love.
  • Kia is a charming cheerful woman.
  • Layla - was born at night.
  • Mezi is the water itself.
  • Mert is silence.
  • Shiv-Sher is still a kitten.
  • Mosven is white.

But you can see the names are not of Egyptian origin. They are suitable for the sphinx girl perfectly, will be remembered more easily than those described above:

  • File.
  • Amalia.
  • Atika.
  • Baila.
  • Gyurza.
  • Beatrice.
  • Blanche.
  • Iness.
  • Guillemot.
  • Line.
  • Lyra.
  • Magri.
  • Raji.
  • Ocher.
  • Ozola
  • Naira.
  • Medea.
  • Riana
  • Taira.
  • Uza.
  • Fury.
  • Union.
  • Penelope.
  • Southerner.
  • Sykora.
  • Etri.
  • Yara.
  • Elite.

How to call a cat cool?

cartoon cats

If you are a person with an excellent sense of humor, or you have a cat prankish, mischievous, then a business name will not suit her. You can choose from the list of funny, but nice clicks. We offer you to consider these cute names, which even in the saddest moment can at least a little, but cheer up!

  • Sprat.
  • A bunch.
  • A cloud.
  • Meat grinder.
  • Bullet.
  • FIFA.
  • Washer.
  • Sausage.
  • Chucha.
  • Flash drive.
  • ICQ.
  • Pencil sharpener.
  • Cutlet.
  • Pound or Bucks.

You can also consider options for the names of cats from cartoons. So far they only remembered Bagheera. What other names can come to mind when it comes to choosing a name for a cat? Let's recall the cartoons:

  1. "The Lion King" and its second part: Zira, Kovu, Chiara, Nala, Sarabi.
  2. "Volt" - Mitten.
  3. The musical "Cats" - Demeter.
  4. "The White Lion and Kimba" - Kimba.
  5. "Cats Against Dogs" - Kitty Galor.
  6. Sailormoon - The Moon.

You can watch other names, name in honor of your favorite cartoon or movie heroines, for example, Pocahontes, Malvina, Scarlett, Lara and others.

How to train a cat to a name?

Earlier it was believed that in the name for the cat must be present hissing sounds. People were sure that cats respond to "Kiss-kis" only because there is such a sound. Not so long ago, scientists found out that sounds in general have nothing to do with a cat recognizing its name, they perfectly adapt to anyone if they like it.

If you want to quickly accustom your pet to a nickname, then in no case do not "search", do not call it by other names, for example, "hey, trifle", "puska, muska" and so on. In order for a cat to respond to its name, the following rules must be followed.

When selecting a name, the cat itself must be present. List the names to which she will react, and like it.

Call the cat to eat by name. Repeat many times, distinctly and loudly. When the animal is sleeping, pet it, calling by name, but without impurities, "good, beautiful" and so on.

Do not call the cat diminutive if it is not used to its full name yet - this does not apply to the long names given by breeders in clubs.

By the way, about these very long names: if one is given, then it is not necessary to use it at all. Let it remain club for the pedigree, and for home use, come up with a simpler one. By the way, you can choose the appropriate one from our list.


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