Corella content basics, cell size for corella

Corellas are very interesting and beautiful decorative birds, having earned the trust of which the owner will gain a devoted and cheerful friend. But in order for the bird to feel comfortable in the new house and to get used to its inhabitants faster, you need to try to create a favorable environment for it. Not the last place in this matter is the size of the cell for the corella.

Corella's home

The cockatiel parrot, or nymph, belongs to the cockatoo family, and lovers of domestic animals increasingly choose it when deciding to get a bird in the house.

Cell Size for Corell

Corella's native home is the Australian expanse, where they prefer to settle in the thick of the forest along the banks of the rivers. Birds choose dry branches, on which they are almost invisible due to their color. Locals nicknamed feathered nymphs because of the colorful coloring of feathers.

Meet the Nymphs

Depending on the subspecies, the corals differ in the color of the pen. Parrots predominantly have gray plumage, but the male has a more variegated color, so it is easy to distinguish it from the female. What color the parrot will have will become clear at the age of one year. It is then that birds acquire a constant color of feathers. Corellas are distinguished by a high yellow tuft with olive-green tips. The head of a parrot is bright yellow in color, with funny orange-red cheeks. The long, pointed tail, which is half the length of the bird's whole body, has dark shades. Such features attract the eye of lovers of decorative birds.

Parrot character

Corell has a rather picky disposition. Although they get along well with their smaller cousins ​​and never offend them, a person will still have to try to earn the trust of proud birds. It must be remembered that the bird does not forgive self-neglect and always requires special attention.

Cage for "Corella" sizes

The nymph prefers to choose one pet from family members, who will be considered a full-fledged master. Typically, the choice falls on women, because these parrots are more susceptible to the female voice. Corelli chicks are quite trusting and sociable, they are easy to train and train. But before you get a pet, you need to find out what size a cage for a cockatiel should be and how to provide complete care for the bird.

How to choose a house for a new tenant

The most important point in creating a favorable environment for the pet is the choice of a house. The size of the cage for the corella is of paramount importance: the more spacious it is, the more comfortable the bird feels. The nymph should freely extend its wings and swing them, without clinging to the rods, otherwise the parrot will break off feathers.

What is the size of the cage for "Corella"

A cage for a corolla, the dimensions of which should not be less than forty-five centimeters in length and width and sixty centimeters in height, consists of rods, the interval between which should not exceed 2-2.5 cm. If the distance is greater, then the parrot risks injuring the neck vertebrae and die by sticking the head into the hole of the fence.

If you plan to breed parrots, then the size of the cage for a pair of Corelli should be twice as large as for one bird. The dimensions in this case should be at least 150 cm in height and 80 cm in length and width.

Whichever cage size is chosen for the corella, it is important to pay attention to the structure of the rods. It is desirable that they have a horizontal rather than a vertical arrangement, this will facilitate the movement of the bird. It is more convenient when there is not one door, but several in the cage - this greatly facilitates the rearrangement and change of feeders.

Cell shape and equipment

The cage for the Corella parrot , the drawing of which is shown in the photo below, should not have a round shape. Such a structure does not give the chick a sense of security, because there is no secluded corner in which to hide. So that the feathered friend does not peck the remains of food, you can purchase a cage with a barred bottom. But many breeders do not recommend such a device, because the Corella can cripple the legs, unsuccessfully catching on the bars of the lattice. So leave or remove the grill, the owner decides.

Parrot cage Corella drawing

Correctly equipping a dwelling is no less important than choosing the right size of a cage for a corella. It must be equipped with:

  1. Two feeding troughs. One is for the main grain feed, and the other is for the additional.
  2. A drinker . It is necessary to ensure that the parrot is always in the presence of water. As for humans, this is the main component of life.
  3. Two perch perches of different sizes. At the same time, it is important to ensure that their diameter is such that the bird can completely clasp its paws. The surface of the perches should be rough. For their manufacture, it is advisable to take birch, linden, mountain ash, apple, pear, currant, viburnum or willow. It is unacceptable to equip the cell with coniferous branches, lilac, elderberry, poplar or acacia, in order to prevent the disease of Corellia, because they like to gnaw the hearts on which they sit.
  4. Toys. They must be positioned so as not to impede the movement of the bird through the space of the cage. Also, they should not be many.
  5. Capacity for swimming. Parrots are incorrigible neat and love water procedures. This is especially advisable in the summer, when there is a desire to cool.

How big should the cage be for Corell?

The location of the feeders and drinking bowls should be convenient for use by a parrot located on the perch. They must also be kept clean and washed daily. The cage itself is washed once a month.

Cell location

The size of the cage for the corella, of course, is important, but it is equally important and correctly placed in the house. The parrot needs sunlight, so the cage should be located near the window, but there should be a wall on one side. This is necessary for the bird to feel protected. Corells do not like drafts and direct sunlight. Therefore, the cage must be shaded so that the bird does not die from overheating, but it is impossible to restrict access to natural lighting. With a lack of light, parrots can develop rickets. The optimal daylight hours for Corell should last at least 15-16 hours. Otherwise, the bird will not be able to fully eat.

During the ventilation of the premises it is not allowed that streams of street air blow around the bird. For this period, the cell is covered or transferred to a safe place. Humidity in the room should not fall below 60 degrees.

What diet do the corals prefer?

You need to feed the parrot as diverse as possible so that the bird receives the required amount of protein, minerals and vitamins. In addition to ready-made grain mixtures, you can give a parrot:

  • boiled chicken eggs;
  • friable cereals without salt, sugar, butter and other seasonings;
  • fresh fat-free cottage cheese;
  • flour worms;
  • fresh vegetables: carrots, pumpkin, zucchini and their seeds, cucumbers, bell pepper;
  • fruits and berries: apples, plums, cherries and cherries, grapes, raspberries, currant mountain ash, sea buckthorn, blueberries, honeysuckle, pomegranate;
  • walnuts and pine nuts, cashews, hazelnuts;
  • greens of dandelion, lettuce, young woodlice, carrot and beet tops.

Feeding poultry with the wrong foods can cause illness and shorten the life of the pet. Feeding onion, garlic, eggplant, tomatoes, parsley, dill, cilantro and sorrel, citrus fruits, salt, fresh bread, milk, chocolate, fried, boiled and smoked foods is unacceptable.

Cell Size for Corelli Pair

Also, the cell must have mineral components: sand or small pebbles, chalk, eggshell, bone meal and charcoal.

Communication with Corella

We must not forget that the nymph parrot is a free bird, and it must be given the opportunity to fly and stretch its wings. You always need to pay attention to the behavior of Corella, so as not to miss the development of the disease and in time to seek help from specialists.

If you pay enough attention to Corella, bring it up and conduct training, then from a pleasant conversation with your pet you can get a lot of positive emotions. You will never be bored with such a friend!


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