"Pestorin Mormix": instructions for use, reviews

Even the most avid city dweller, far from agriculture, having moved to the village by will of fate or having acquired his own house on the ground, involuntarily thinks about animal husbandry. And there is nothing to be done with this thirst for nature, since it has been established in Russia from time immemorial: farming without cattle is worthless.

So the novice farmer thinks about where to start, what to plant first of all on his personal plot and what living creatures to have β€œfor the soul”. The most popular in this case are hens and rabbits. However, no matter how easy rabbit breeding may seem, in reality everything is not so. Pitfalls are present in such a seemingly simple business.

What can a novice breeder run into?

First of all, you need to be prepared for possible diseases. Not a single living organism is immune from diseases, including rabbits. The most problematic diseases are myxomatosis and hemorrhagic disease. How to recognize them and how to overcome them, read on.

Pestorin instructions for use reviews

Myxomatosis: causes, symptoms and consequences

Myxomatosis is a viral disease, the incubation period of which lasts only 4-10 days. A healthy rabbit can become infected by contact with a sick animal through objects infected with the virus or food. In addition, bloodsucking insects such as fleas, ticks and mosquitoes are carriers of the disease.

The course of the disease depends on its form. Veterinarians distinguish two of its varieties: edematous and nodular myxomatosis.

Pestorin Mormix vaccine

With edematous myxomatosis, rabbits suffer from abundant secretions of tear fluid, the eyes react poorly to light. Gradually, in the absence of timely medical care, edematous tumors are shifted to the ears, lips and nose of the animal. There is an increase in body temperature to 42 degrees, the animal refuses water and food. With this development of events, the infected rabbit dies two days after the onset of the first symptoms of the disease.

With nodular myxomatosis, the formation of elastic cartilaginous seals under the skin is observed, which subsequently dries up. The disease usually lasts 30-40 days, at the site of seals and nodules there are foci of necrosis.

Hemorrhagic disease in rabbits: what is it

The disease occurs suddenly, proceeds quickly and leads to the death of animals. The causative agent - the virus - is resistant to chlorine, ether and freezing. The disease spreads its effect only to rabbits; it does not pose a threat to humans and other animals.

Infection, as a rule, occurs through contact with sick or already ill animals. In addition, pussies can β€œcatch” the virus through:

  • Food, water.
  • Priming.
  • Manure.
  • Litter.
  • The coat of sick or ill rabbits.
  • Tools and equipment for staff.

Symptoms of the disease appear in the form of diathesis of the lungs, liver, or other internal organs. The incubation period lasts only a few hours and leads to death. Signs of the disease are:

  • Cramps.
  • Apathy, lethargy, refusal to eat and drink.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Bleeding from the mouth and nose.
  • Tachycardia.
  • Temperature increase (usually up to 40 degrees).
  • Rapid breathing.
  • Bloody yellow discharge from the nose.

The animal dies due to liver damage and pulmonary edema.

Pestorin Mormix instructions

Are there vaccines for myxomatosis and hemorrhagic disease?

Of course, veterinary medicine does not stand still, and today there is a combination vaccine for the prevention of these terrible diseases in eared ears. Her name is Pestorin Mormix. The use of the drug is advisable for clinically healthy animals from the age of 10 weeks. Re-vaccination is recommended after 6 months (for the prevention of myxomatosis) and 12 months (for the prevention of hemorrhagic disease).

Pestorin Mormix application

The composition of the drug

The dose of Pestorin Mormix includes:

  • Suspension of organs of inactivated rabbit plague virus - 128 HA.
  • Aluminum hydroxide - 0.5 ml.
  • Saponin (5% solution) - 0.005 ml.
  • Metriolate (2% solution) - 0.005 ml.
  • Lyophilisate is a weakened virus of the causative agent of myxomatosis - 1033TCIDso.

Up to 1 ml the dose of the drug must be supplemented with saline.

Pestorin Mormix instructions

Indications for use

In addition to prophylactic vaccination of a healthy population of rabbits against myxomatosis and hemorrhagic disease with Pestorin Mormix, the instructions for using this vaccine also allow protection against a disease such as plague.


Contraindications to the use of the drug are:

  • Pregnancy in rabbits (especially in the last stages).
  • Small age up to 10 weeks.
  • The presence of an ongoing disease - if the animal is already sick, the Pestorin Mormix vaccine will be useless.

Pestorin Mormix vaccine

How does the Pestorin Mormix vaccine affect the rabbit's body?

The instruction for use states that when administered subcutaneously, the antigens contained in it create substances that subsequently protect the vaccinated animal from the worst diseases: myxomatosis, hemorrhagic disease and plague.

Pestorin Mormix: instructions for use

So, earlier it was said that the tool is an excellent tool for the prevention of fatal diseases in rabbits. How should I use Pestorin Mormix? Instructions for use warns that before subcutaneous administration of the drug, it is necessary to first dilute the lyophilisate with the liquid component of the drug. Attention! The vaccine must be introduced into the body of the animal within 2 hours after dilution.

Vaccination should be carried out according to the scheme:

  • The animals are at least 10 weeks old.
  • If necessary, vaccination is also possible at the age of 6 weeks, however, after a month it is necessary to re-administer the vaccine.
  • In areas of frequent infection with the above diseases, prophylaxis with the agent can be carried out from 4 weeks of the life of animals, re-treatment after 6 weeks.

How effective is the vaccine?

How effective is Pestorin Mormix? Instructions for use, feedback from experienced farmers and veterinary practice confirm that full immunity to the diseases in question is developed after 9 days, to the plague - after 2-3 weeks. In this regard, within 7 days after the introduction of the vaccine, it is not recommended to kill rabbits for the purpose of eating them.

Pestorin Mormix instructions for use reviews

So to summarize. If you seriously decide to do rabbit breeding, then you need to consider all possible problems. Do not lose sight of the most serious diseases. Get vaccinated on time, do not expose yourself to potential threats and losses!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F15454/

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