One, two, three, run! Funny relay races for children

Relay race - a team competition during which players take turns passing the distance. Often, while the participants pass each other an object. Children are very fond of such competitions. They teach children to follow the rules, work in a team, strengthen their health, and develop motor skills. Funny relay races for children can be held at a physical education lesson, on a walk or during a festive event. More information is provided in the article.

Sports games for children

You can attach the baton to any topic. For example, invite teams to participate in the Olympic Games. For competitions you will need simple equipment: balls, baskets, rackets. Organize the following sports games for children:

  1. "Jumping." The first child jumps in length, the second gets in place of his landing and does the same. The winning team, whose members will eventually be further.
  2. "Walking". Participants walk the distance by placing the heel to the toe of the leg standing behind. Go back running.
  3. "Shooting". Children take turns throwing cones or other objects into the basket. The most accurate team wins.
  4. "Tennis". The ball must be put on the racket and run the distance without dropping it.
  5. "Basketball". Players make a run leading the ball in front of them. At the end of the distance, you need to throw him in the basket, which is held in the hands of the team captain. They come back running, holding the ball in their hands. The winning team is the one with the most successful shots.
  6. "Night orientation". With a blindfold, you need to get to the start, listening to the advice of your team. Back children come back with open eyes.

Summer Relays

If it’s sunny day outside, have some fun outdoor competition. Relays for children may include the following tasks:

wet sponge relay
  1. "Artists". At the end of the distance a circle is drawn with a wand on the earth - the sun. The participant takes a twig, reaches the drawing and depicts a ray. The winning team is the first to complete the picture.
  2. "Diving". Before the participants put a bucket of water, at the end of the race - empty. The player puts on flippers, fills a glass with water and carries it above his head, trying not to splash. The team with the most fluid wins.
  3. "Jump rope". Players take turns jumping rope, overcoming the distance.
  4. "Water Bread." On the stool is a bottle of lemonade and a straw. Players take turns drinking sparkling water before the leader’s whistle, which is delivered exactly after 5 seconds. Who will empty the bottle faster?
  5. "The fisherman." Matches are floating in a bucket of water. Use a spoon to catch as many "fish" as possible and put on a plate. Each player is given one attempt. The team with the richest catch wins.

Winter relay races for children

Snowdrifts and frost - not a reason for sadness. Outdoor games will help kids warm up, recharge their batteries and be in a good mood. Invite them to participate in the following relay races for children:

hoop relay
  1. "Sniper". It is necessary to run a distance and shoot down a target with a snowball, which may be an empty plastic bottle.
  2. "Running on the ice." On the snow circles are drawn, on which you need to jump to the finish line and back. Who missed - "drowns in the Arctic Ocean" and begins to go the distance again.
  3. "Horse and Rider". One player runs the distance, carrying the second on a sled. Then the one on the sled becomes a “horse” and the next member of the team is lucky.
  4. "Racing on the hands." Participants lie belly on a sled. They need to overcome the distance, pushing only with their hands. The children come back running, carrying sleds behind them.
  5. Pull. Two players sit on a sled with their backs to each other, in this position they move to the finish line and back.

Zoological Relays

Kids love to imitate animals. Arrange relay races for children, during which they have to reincarnate in various animals and birds. For example, such:

relay "kangaroo"
  1. "Kangaroo". You need to jump, holding the ball between your knees.
  2. "Penguin". The ball is still sandwiched between the knees, but now we have to go to the waddle.
  3. "Snake". The team squats, holds each other by the shoulders. It is necessary to go the whole distance without tripping.
  4. "Crayfish". Children run forward with their backs.
  5. "Monkeys". Narrow, wavy "creepers" are drawn on the ground, along which you must go the distance without stepping over the line.
  6. "Spider". Two children turn their backs to each other, clutch their elbows and run to the finish line, and then back.
  7. "Cuttlefish". One player walks on his hands, the second holds his legs.

If you intend to hold relay races for children, think in advance about the prizes to the winners. They can be paper medals, sweets, toys, stationery, stickers or badges.


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