What should be a toy machine

Every parent, especially dad, always wants his son and heir to grow up strong and courageous. Therefore, they are so happy when the boy is actively playing with traditionally "masculine" things, such as a car or a toy machine. And how often young fathers look with admiration at especially cute models, exclaiming: “Why in my childhood there were none!”

toy machine
Do I need a machine for children

In general, toy weapons are a whole separate topic in education. The fact is that, thanks to various media, and personal experience, it is largely associated with aggression in our country. Therefore, it happens that young mothers, fearing manifestations of uncontrolled cruelty, exclude toy guns and other weapons from among children's things. But, alas, we live in a society! And when the boy plays with other children or watches cartoons, he sees how to shoot. Then he will try to use improvised items as a weapon: branches and the like. So is it worth it to go too far? In fact, the desire to shoot is not at all dangerous. The kid doesn’t want to do real harm. He just likes the hustle and bustle associated with the use of such weapons as a toy machine. Games related

thompson toy machine
shooting, are most often collective. These are also known to our fathers and grandfathers as “warriors” or “Cossack robbers”. They teach kids to set common goals, act in a team, make friends and help each other. And no matter how pathetic it may sound, along the way the kids join our rich heroic past. Here too caring mothers may calm themselves.

toy machines
What are they

Such goods as a toy machine are made and sold in our time a great many. They differ in the materials of which they are made: metal, plastic, wood and so on. Of course, there are machines of different sizes. From small, light enough to huge, which can be lifted with only two hands. The mechanism of this weapon can also be different: both mechanical and electric. And they shoot in different ways. Some do not fire at all, just depict weapons. Others blink with different lights and make sounds. Finally, there are models that produce a real shot of varying strength with some kind of bullets, balls, or something else.

toy machine

Items such as a toy machine can be dangerous for children. First of all, when choosing such a toy, you need to consider the age of the baby. So, a baby in a stroller doesn’t need anything at all. And the three-year-old peanut is already frisky enough to run and play war with friends, but it can be injured by a bullet. The electrical parts of the mechanism can be dangerous, babies can stick in their mouths and accidentally swallow not only small parts of the weapon, but also batteries. Therefore, having bought a beloved child a new Thompson submachine gun , it is better to observe for some time how exactly he treats him. If necessary, you should show him something. But, if there is reason for concern, it is better to postpone the gift until the son grows up and grow wiser.

The choice of such a weapon as a toy machine should be based on one simple consideration: what will be interesting to the boy himself. And do not be upset if an expensive and sophisticated model breaks down in a matter of days or even hours. She brought her benefit, brought the baby joy. And at the same time, it will be possible to boast of acquaintances how quickly your little man knows how to disassemble what grown-up, intelligent and wise-experienced uncles have come up with.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F15458/

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