Growing delphinium from seeds

A perennial plant that is well suited for a variety of decorative plantings is a delphinium. The cultivation of hybrid forms is quite common in floriculture, although there are beautiful wild species. The delphinium has powerful bushes about two meters high. The leaves are palpable, large. Flowers of various colors (white, purple, etc.) reach a diameter of 5 cm. The flowers are collected in an inflorescence - brush. It makes up the beauty of the delphinium. The brushes are long, thick, lush. Their length can reach 60-120 cm. Flowers bloom from bottom to top. If faded shoots are removed in a timely manner, then in some forms, under favorable conditions, new inflorescences develop and decorativeness persists until early September. After flowering, decorativeness is lost.

Growing delphinium from seeds

So that the delphinium seeds do not lose their germination, it is recommended to keep them in the refrigerator at a temperature of plus five degrees in plastic bags or glass clogged dishes. Since seedlings are susceptible to various diseases, before sowing, the substrate must be disinfected with a 3-5% formalin solution, and the seeds should be treated with fungicide or 0.1 percent potassium permanganate (put in gauze bags for ten minutes in the solution). Sowing seeds is done in different conditions. Sown before winter in the groove when steady frosts occur. The soil is prepared in advance. From above, the seeds are covered with humus, which is stored in a dark room until sowing. Sometimes seeds are sown in the spring directly into the ground (April, May). Thick seedlings thin out (10 by 10) when the seedlings have several real leaves. Extra plants are transferred to the ridges, protecting them at first from the sun with shields. But the guaranteed receipt of seedlings can be achieved when working in a greenhouse, room, greenhouse. The best time for sowing seeds is March. In this case, the delphinium blooms in August.


- humus: sand: turf land (2/1/1);

- leaf (peat land): river sand: turf land (2/1/1).

How to grow delphinium from seeds

It turned out that for lovers, crops often turn out to be unsuccessful. Indeed, sowing and growing delphinium from seeds requires compliance with the required details. Below is a detailed technique that will ensure high-quality cultivation of delphinium from seeds and seedlings, developed by the specialist in delphinium culture N. I. Malyutin. The prepared substrate must be sieved. The ground in the boxes, especially at the side walls, is well compacted and watered abundantly. Top up with dry earth, after which the surface must be carefully leveled with a ruler. Otherwise, water will drain into the recesses, which can lead to uneven germination of seeds and even decay of seedlings. Sow randomly, at the rate of 1-2 seeds per 1 cmΒ². Seeds during planting should be slightly pressed into the ground by tamper. Then carefully pour and cover with earth a layer of about 3 mm, sifting it through a fine sieve. Failures during sowing are associated with a deep seeding of seeds. In case of a small exposure of seeds after watering, they can be lightly sprinkled with earth. To protect the substrate from drying out, the boxes are covered with paper. After emergence (about 10 days at a temperature of 15 - 16 Β° C), the paper is removed, and the boxes are placed closer to the light. It is necessary to ensure uniform wetting of the earth. The lack of moisture manifests itself in the form of a dark green color of leaves and cotyledons, which are usually light. If during irrigation water does not penetrate to the bottom of the drawers, they must be placed briefly in iron-filled baking sheets filled with water. Then the moisture will go to the roots, leaving the surface of the earth dry, and the seedlings will not be affected by the β€œblack leg”. If the cultivation of delphinium from seeds occurs according to the above method, the first leaves appear 4-6 weeks. Seedlings dive into the nursery at a distance of about 4 cm. It is important to consider that seeds of a delphinium with a dark color of flowers sprout longer than with a light one. Therefore, it is not necessary to postpone picking when sowing varieties with light flowers. When picking seedlings, care must be taken not to fill the growth point with earth. Deep landing is undesirable. After transplanting, seedlings should be watered with warm water and put in a shaded place for 5-6 days, and then give full light. Plants are ready for planting in the main soil by May.


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