Good grape varieties: reviews, description

Each grape variety has its own unique qualities. Therefore, choosing the most delicious is very difficult. As they say, there are no comrades for the taste and color. Good grape varieties have been bred recently by breeders. They are distinguished by good frost resistance, delicious taste and the beauty of berries. Choose grapes for planting should be depending on its qualities and purpose. For beginning gardeners, it is better to plant unpretentious varieties with early ripening.

Types of grapes

Usually this plant is divided into wine and table varieties. The former have a not so attractive appearance, but are great for making wine. Their aroma and color make the drink just wonderful. Therefore, they are in great demand among gardeners. Table varieties are more attractive. They are more suitable for decorating the festive table and for eating.

Good grape varieties
Although they are successfully used for wine production. These varieties have large, regular-shaped berries. Among other things, table grapes also have useful properties. Some specimens are used to treat anemia. Good grape varieties are high in fructose, vitamin C, glucose and iron. Their use is useful for respiratory diseases.

The best wine varieties

Many wine varieties have long been used by gardeners and give excellent yields. Many of them can be considered classics. The wine from such grapes turns fragrant, with a pronounced taste. The most popular varieties include Cabernet, Isabella, Merlot, Sauvignon, Pinot, Muscat and Aligote. They are recognized by winemakers around the world.

What a good grape variety
Caring for these varieties is very simple. It is only necessary to observe the simplest conditions in order to get a rich harvest. Some of the best grapes for wine are not even cover. For unpretentiousness and taste, gardeners love them so much.

Table varieties

Poets sing this grape in their poems, and artists decorate still lifes with them. The best table grapes are highly productive. Their berries are juicy and very mouth-watering. Here you can highlight Italy, Muscat of Hamburg, Karaburn, Rizamat, White Chasla and Typhi. Each gardener chooses the best variety for him. It is necessary to take into account the climatic features of the region. In general, the selection of varieties is simply huge.

Choose seedlings

Choosing a good planting material is a very responsible matter. The future grape harvest depends on this. It is better to buy seedlings in specialized stores and nurseries. Specialists will help you make the right choice. Good grape varieties should have a well-developed rhizome. The roots should not be damaged. Shoots must be healthy and strong. It is better to take seedlings with a closed root system - they will take root with almost one hundred percent success.

Grape planting

The best grape varieties (for central Russia , for example, Laura, Volzhsky, Donskoy Agat, Moscow Sustainable, Muromets, Tavria, etc.) must be properly planted. This berry is very fond of the sun. No wonder the grapes have always been considered a southern plant. The sunny side of any building or fence where there are no strong winds is ideal for landing. It is under such conditions that grapes reach a good degree of maturity. Landing is carried out in a trench, the depth of which is about 60 centimeters. Seedlings are placed at a distance of 1.5-2 meters from each other. This culture requires binding, from the very beginning of breeding.

The best grape varieties for the middle strip
To do this, stretch the wire in several rows along the trench. Grapes are usually planted in spring. Mineral and organic fertilizers can be added to the trench. Take 80 grams of superphosphate and 50 grams of potassium chloride in a bucket of humus. This mixture is mixed with the ground. The seedlings must be carefully spread the roots and well compacted with earth. After planting, grapes must be watered abundantly.

Grape Transfiguration

If you take the best grapes in Ukraine, then one of them is the Transfiguration. Berries ripen on the 115-120th day. This variety is classified as early ripe. Transformation grapes have very powerful bushes with intensive growth.

the best grape varieties in Ukraine
Bunches of grapes can reach a weight of 2.5 kilograms. The berries are oval and pink. The peel of the fruit is soft, the taste is sweet. This variety has a stable yield and good taste. Grapes Transformation has good disease resistance. Its cuttings are well rooted, but require shelter in the winter.

Variety Codryanka

The top ten grape varieties include the Kodryanka variety. It gives early fruits and refers to table species. The bush grows rapidly and gives good yields. On average, clusters reach a weight of 400-600 grams, but larger specimens are also found.

top ten grape varieties
The berries have a dark purple color. Each weighs about 6-8 grams. Grapes are very sweet, but have no special taste nuances and shades. Late awakening of the bush helps the culture protect itself from spring frosts. This variety is disease resistant. The clusters have a very beautiful appearance, so it is often bred for sale.

Variety Laura

Laura white grapes belong to the early grades. Its ripening period is 110-115 days. He is a leader in the nomination "best summer grape varieties." Reviews gardeners celebrate its extraordinary sweetness. The bushes are medium in size and almost the same brush weighing about 600-800 grams. The variety has high pollination. The grapes are oval and milky white. Each of them weighs 7-9 grams. The skin of the fruit is soft and thin, and the pulp is dense. This variety is especially popular with gardeners for its resistance to disease, high productivity and the ability to tolerate frosts up to 23 degrees.

the best grapes for wine

Non-covering varieties

Many gardeners dream to plant grapes, which will be unpretentious and will not cause much trouble. Such varieties include non-covering bushes. They tolerate frosts well and do not require additional protection in the cold season. Here you can highlight the variety Festival. It belongs to dwarf bushes. The taste of its berries reminds everyone of the familiar Isabella, which is also frost-resistant. Bunches have an average weight of about 600 grams. The berries are sweet, light blue. This grape ripens in late August. The disadvantage of this variety is its disease resistance.

Pineapple early is a non-covering grape that has strong shoots. The clusters of this variety are small, on average about 250 grams. Sugar content in fruits reaches 22 percent. This variety is resistant to disease and can withstand frosts up to 30 degrees.

Ontario is another type of grape that can be planted in regions with cold winters. It has huge leaves and medium sized fruits. Bunches reach a mass of 200 grams. The color of the berries is green and white, the taste is similar to the Isabella variety.

The best grape varieties in Ukraine

Chardonnay Wine Variety

This name is familiar to many. For some, it is associated with delicious and fragrant champagne. It is this grape that is used to create a divine drink. If you don’t know what good white grape variety to buy, then choose Chardonnay. He is appreciated by all the world's vine growers. Chardonnay grows on badlands, does not like a lot of moisture. The variety does not differ in high productivity, but stably gives fruit. Like any grape, Chardonnay is very fond of the sun. From its berries, which are well ripened and have reached full ripeness, excellent wine is obtained.

top grape varieties reviews

Muscat Aladdin

This variety was bred from red and nutmeg Delight. It has a very early maturity. Aladdin tolerates frosts well at 24 degrees. Bushes grow medium in size. The average mass of a bunch is 680 grams. The berries are oval and yellow-pink in color. The flesh is fleshy, and the skin is thin. The taste is sweet with a touch of nutmeg. Grapes are very productive and resistant to disease. It is recommended for cultivation on personal plots.

good grape varieties

Cardinal steady

This is a table hybrid that has been bred from the varieties Queen of Vineyards and Criuleni. It is characterized by early ripening - only 118-128 days. Bushes are medium in size. Bunches reach 500-700 grams. The color of the berries varies from light to dark red with blue. The weight of the berry reaches 6-7 grams. It is a frost resistant variety. The taste of the fruit is sweet, but without features. Grapes Cardinal is popular with gardeners. Sugar content of berries ranges from 16-18 percent.

what a good grape variety


Varieties must be selected depending on climatic conditions. To begin with, it is better to buy unpretentious copies that do not cause much trouble. Early, good grape varieties are more preferred for beginner growers. Bushes and vines of this plant require timely pruning. The length of the shoots left depends on the variety. Fertilizers for growth can not be used often. The first top dressing is carried out during planting. Varieties must be grown depending on their purpose. For the preparation of alcoholic drinks, wine grapes are better suited, and for food - table grapes.


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