Interesting riddles about the moon for children

The night sky fascinates many children. They read encyclopedias about space with interest, watch cartoons about travels to the stars. And of course, little researchers will be interested in riddles about the moon. After all, this is the closest celestial body to us. Adults can use puzzles to systematize children's knowledge of a natural satellite, as well as to develop their quick wit and thinking.

Riddle about the moon for children

Riddles of the People

Our ancestors came up with short, but very capacious and intricate questions about various objects and phenomena. Their riddles are full of bizarre images, interesting observations. They do not give direct hints, as is often the case in authorโ€™s poems. Folk riddles about the moon - a good example of this. Read them to children to see the world around them through the eyes of their ancestors, feel folk poetry and wisdom.

  • In the middle of the swamp lay a piece of gold.
  • Sleeps during the day, walks at night.
  • It shines brightly, but does not warm. That is losing weight, then getting fat.
  • With horns born, and then loses them.
  • A cake is hanging from a turnip above the window.
  • He was young - he looked great. Tired of old age he began to fade quietly. New ugly - again amused.

Riddles about the moon in verses

The images invented by modern authors often indicate the characteristic features of the Earth's satellite. They may contain astronomical facts, they incite children's curiosity. In addition, verses are easier to read.

1. At night, scary and dark.

I look out my window.

A dim light is pouring from the sky -

Is this a miracle or not?

Golden and pale

Illuminates the world ...


2. Around the Earth rotates.

What is the name of?


3. It doesnโ€™t burn itself

But the light reflects.

At night in the sky

Shines brightly.

Whirling in orbit

Blinding in beauty

Looks at the Earth

One side.


4. In the night sky sometimes

Golden orange

Between the stars rolls.

In a week weโ€™ll grab:

Only half left.

Then - a quarter.

Then - a slice.

Who ate so much?

Riddles about the moon phases

The transformation of the night luminary in the month and back, children can watch with their own eyes. The mysteries about the moon below are devoted to all four phases. Can children recognize them?

riddle about the moon

1. Earth shouts: "Ay! Ay!"

The moon is playing hide and seek.

The night is getting dark. Galaxy of stars

Unable to solve the riddle.

Where did the moon hide?

Indeed, without it, blackness is so black!

(New moon)

2. A thin crescent ascended into the sky,

Found a lot of food around.

I ate everything instantly,

A little fat.

Still ate -

The belt was no longer needed.

Such is she, always chewing,

This moon ...


3. A golden dish rolled out to heaven

And blinded the stars with beauty.

All the people in the world, old and young,

Admire the moon in ...

(Full moon)

4. Was round as a ball.

Look - a strip of failures.

A piece fell off,

Then a little more.

At the end of the moon

There are only horns left.

(Waning moon)

Moon riddles for kids are a great way to have fun and usefully. They can also be used in classes on space and the solar system.


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