Aphorisms from "The Master and Margarita". Catchy quotes

The last "sunset" novel by Mikhail Afanasevich Bulgakov brought particular fame and popularity to the author. It is in this work that all the creative results of the writer are collected, to which he went throughout his life. The philosophical quest for meaning, the purpose of one's destiny - all this is impossible to imagine without the “Master and Margarita”. Quotes amaze and amaze with its capacity and hit exactly on target. Fans of the work of M. A. Bulgakov easily remember them. The quotes from the novel “The Master and Margarita” are filled with irony, life wisdom and the variety of choices we make every day.

“Cowardice is without a doubt the worst sin”

These words are spoken by Yeshua Ga – Nozri, a philosopher, a tramp, whom Pontius Pilate executes for the truth, because he is not ready to hear and accept it. People most often, out of their own cowardice, commit acts in life that they later bitterly regret. This happened with the fifth procurator of Judea. At the time of the execution of Yeshua, he already understood that he had made a mistake, but could not fix it - it was too late. Previously, he was afraid to harm his reputation, worried about his name. After a while, the most cruel ruler will agree to “ruin his career”.

master and margaritas quotes

Without the “Master and Margarita”, the quotes of which astonish and amaze us, it would have become impossible to touch the forces of darkness and light as fully and multifaceted as is done in the book. There is no second such novel in the world.

“The truth is that you have a headache. And so much that you cowardly think of death. "

Yeshua Ga-Nozri during the interrogation of Pontius Pilate remains free, does not change himself. From this, without realizing it, the procurator of Judea begins to respect him. Yeshua is a strong, whole person who does not bend in front of people who have power, and is not ready to please someone, even for the sake of his salvation. The young man believes in a bright resurrection, in the fact that his soul will not perish, but will live.

master and margarita quotes from the book

In fact, many people are ready to sacrifice themselves to social norms and principles: they suffer an inappropriate work schedule for the sake of getting a salary, some other inconvenience. Few turn to themselves in search of a better solution, most just go with the flow. This approach to life cannot be called correct, because people are deceiving themselves and mislead others.

“We speak different languages ​​with you, but things don’t change from this”

One of the most striking novels of the twentieth century is The Master and Margarita. Quotes from the book attract the reader’s attention and fascinate him with their unusualness and beauty. We remember them for many years after reading and often use them in our speech at the right time.

quotes from the novel master and margarita

Bulgakov emphasizes the idea that it does not really matter how to call habitual things - their essence cannot change from this. Even enemies can agree among themselves if they don’t interrupt each other, and everyone begins to put meaning that is clear to him in words. The same thing happened with the heroes of the novel by M. A. Bulgakov. At the moment when Levi Matvey comes to Woland to ask for the Master and Margarita, the dark and light sides join forces for a short moment to solve an important issue. And then again, each diverge in their own direction. The style of “Master and Margaritas”, quotes from the novel are stunningly beautiful.

“An unhappy person is cruel and callous. This is because good people disfigured him. ”

No one comes into this world, being evil and cruel. The baby, barely born, is ready to respond with love to the warm feelings of mother and father. But sometimes it happens that instead of a positive experience, a person receives only negative manifestations. For some time he will silently expect a better life and attention to himself. However, a defensive reaction will gradually come into play, and he will realize that he needs to act differently.

master and margarita quotes about margarita

It is from such a personal tragedy that cruel-hearted people are born who do not know what sympathy and compassion are. Without the “Master and Margarita”, quotes from which are engraved in memory, the reader, perhaps, could not be so imbued with an understanding of good and evil.

“After all, you think! How can you be dead ?! ”

This is how Azazello exclaims, the very fallen angel, the demon who helped the heroes reunite. Many people take for life the external benefits and pleasures. It is necessary to take care of the development of one's own soul, and not just engage in the accumulation of wealth, buy houses and cars. Truly unique is the novel "The Master and Margarita." Quotes about Margarita, such as those given here, will help readers realize the value and significance of life. Each of us sooner or later asks such complex questions.

One of the most popular works of modern literature is, of course, The Master and Margarita. Quotes from the book are many-sided and deep, always accurately reflect the truth.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F15465/

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