How to get a ticket to Artek for free?

Each parent dreams of his child having a good rest in the summer, sunbathing, learning something new and becoming healthier. For this purpose, many Russian schoolchildren go to children's camps, where they spend the most memorable days of their holidays. But there is one camp, which for almost a hundred years has been the cherished dream of any child. Guess what we're talking about? Of course, about Artek. This all-Union health resort was a true embodiment of a fairy tale for Soviet schoolchildren and now among modern children, interest in this camp is reviving on the Crimean coast. If you want to know how to get a ticket to Artek, then our article will be interesting and useful to you.

how to get a ticket to artek

All-Union health resort "Artek": a brief description

Before we talk about how to get a child a ticket to Artek, we will give you the most important information about this children's camp, which fulfilled all dreams, without exception, and was a pipe dream for most Soviet children.

Artek was founded in 1925 as a children's camp, which could be visited by the most gifted children from all over the Soviet Union. A separate quota existed for the children of high-ranking officials, but still there were always a minority of them.

Getting a ticket to Artek for an excellent study in Soviet times was quite realistic, so many kids could boast of having been to this magnificent place. The coastline of the camp stretches for almost eight kilometers, and it is a real children's town, uniting ten camps spread over two hundred and eighteen hectares of beautiful land.

Interestingly, Artek was conceived as a year-round camp. Changes take place here in any season, so the children not only relax, but also go through the school curriculum so as not to lag behind their peers, do creative work and participate in various events every day. Since the founding of the camp, thematic shifts have been taking place here, when, for example, children learn to make films or prepare scientific projects on relevant topics. Therefore, anyone who gets here gets invaluable experience and knowledge that can direct his whole life in a new direction.

This is what prompts modern parents to look for information on how to get a ticket to Artek.

Artek camp how to get a ticket

Children's camp today

After the annexation of Crimea to Russia, the government first began to study the condition of all health resorts and children's camps of the peninsula. โ€œArtekโ€ immediately attracted attention due to its plight: the buildings were dilapidated, the coastline was washed up and was on the verge of collapse, many structures were abandoned. Several billion rubles were allocated for the reconstruction of the camp, and now he appears before his little guests in all its glory. However, work on updating it has not yet been completed; they will continue until 2020.

But now Artek is amazingly beautiful and able to give children a lot of new experiences. The camp has a modern stadium, a convenient port, schools, swimming pools, a zoo and a huge open-air cinema. This is enough to have fun and usefully.

how can I get a ticket to artek

What can I do at Artek?

Why do many parents think about how to get a ticket to Artek? Everything is simple, because here children get the opportunity to gain new life experiences, and, perhaps, they will decide on the choice of their future profession. Every day, experienced teachers teach them sailing, build airplanes, learn the basics of equestrian sports, draw and the like. Often, Artek residents have meetings with interesting people and political leaders, they can ask them interesting questions and hear a lot of interesting things on how to become a famous person and find their calling in life.

how to get your child a ticket to artek

Age of Artek

You think how to get a ticket to Artek, but donโ€™t know if your child is suitable for age? Keep in mind that children from ten to sixteen years old can fall into the shift. In the summer season, students from eight to seventeen years old rest in the camp.

If your child is of the appropriate age, then he has every chance in order to get into the famous "Artek".

Voucher Distribution

Is it possible to get a ticket to Artek for free? Indeed, many parents doubt it very much. We can say with confidence that the majority of trips to this amazing camp are really distributed free of charge. But the competition for one place is often more than a hundred people.

In each region of our country there is a special department that distributes vacation quotas in Artek. Their number is proportional to the number of students, so many Russian children have chances. Typically, these quotas make up the majority of trips, about forty percent are intended for gifted children who are winners of creative contests and winners of various Russian and international competitions.

About ten percent of trips go to children who enter the camp without any selection. They do not need to think about how to get a ticket to Artek. This category of schoolchildren falls on vacation from areas of natural disasters or disasters. Also, those who have committed a heroic act or become the leader of any serious public organization have a chance to be in Artek.

And only three to five percent of vouchers can be bought for money. We will talk about this in the next section of the article.

get a ticket to artek for excellent study

Paid tours

If you definitely decided to send your child to the famous camp, then keep in mind that even paid vouchers are in high demand, despite their considerable cost. Depending on the shift, parents must pay from sixty-five to eighty thousand rubles. The amount by today's standards is impressive, but it does not scare away parents who want to fulfill their childโ€™s dream.

Priorities in the distribution of vouchers

How to get a ticket to Artek for achievements in studies, sports or creativity? How do regions prioritize the allocation of vacation quotas? The fact is that in this matter it is rather difficult to influence regional departments. They act on the basis of needs established at the legislative level.

That is, if the development of sports is a priority in the region, then the sports achievements of children will be taken into account in determining the candidatures for a trip to Artek. And in the case when the region considers exact sciences more important, then the division will also take into account the victories at the mathematical olympiads in the distribution.

Unfortunately, the distribution system of vouchers is extremely opaque. Therefore, quotas always go around a lot of questions and conversations. Many parents who consider their children worthy of a trip to Artek talk about how free trips go to friends and relatives of regional department employees. In this regard, this year a computer system for selecting candidates for the trip was launched. We will talk about it in more detail.

how to get a ticket to artek for achievements

How to get a free ticket to Artek: new technologies

The developed computer program is still in the testing phase, but it has already shown itself only on the positive side. The new system is interesting in that the regional departments continue their work, but they are almost completely removed from the selection of candidates for a trip to the camp.

The program contains all the necessary criteria for each of the regions of Russia, so the achievements of applicants are evaluated objectively. But all the organizational issues related to the trip, and the information alert is carried out by the regional department.

Camp "Artek": how to get a ticket

If you think that your child is worthy of a ticket to the Crimean camp, then you need to go to the Artek official website and fill out a special application form for a vacation. It indicates all the data of the child, the email of his or her parents, and also in a separate application scans of all the achievements of the child are attached.

After this, the application is sent and you have to wait for the result. The program carefully analyzes all the information and assigns a rating to the child. You can always see it by going to the site. Also, your application is assigned a status by which it is easy to determine at what stage of consideration it is.

It happens that when filling out the form, parents make mistakes, so the application is canceled or the childโ€™s rating is reduced. Therefore, it is necessary ten days after sending the portfolio to call the local regional department and inquire about the status of your application. The staff will tell you if you filled out everything correctly and what needs to be changed if there are any gaps.

Is it possible to get a ticket to Artek

Selection procedure

Keep in mind that when compiling an electronic portfolio, the following rules must be observed:

  • all letters and diplomas must have dates and seals;
  • distance certificates obtained as a result of victory in olympiads in which the child did not take personal participation are not allowed to be considered;
  • all certificates must be received no more than three years before the application;
  • You can scan diplomas for those events in which the child was recognized as the winner or simply participated.

In addition, do not forget that before sending the application you must choose the desired shift. But keep in mind that getting on thematic shifts is much harder than on regular ones.

We hope that our article helped you understand how to get a ticket to Artek. And do not think that dreams come true only in fairy tales. Visit the site, fill out the questionnaire, and perhaps this summer your child will become a happy participant in the next Artek shift.


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