Lenin-Snegirevsky Military History Museum: where it is located, how to get there, description of the museum's exposition

On the eve of the Great Victory Day, many people seek to visit the places where the battles took place, lay flowers at the memorials, and also go to museums to touch on the military past. In this case, you should definitely visit the Lenin-Snegirevsky Military History Museum. These places are not only interesting, but also memorable because it was here that the line of defense passed near Moscow.

A bit about the museum: general information

Back in 1941, the defense of Moscow was organized here. Now the Lenin-Snegirevsky Military History Museum is operating in this area. The Moscow region, of course, boasts a large number of memorable places where the battles were fought, but this exposition is truly unique.

Lenin Snevyrev Military History Museum

The museum occupies a decent area - as many as 12 hectares. Here is the building of the museum complex, which was built before the war, a platform where tanks and an artillery exhibition are located. Nearby is a fairly large military cemetery.

The Lenin-Snegirevsky Military History Museum is of particular interest in that 98% of the exhibits are genuine. Many of them are unique. Various materials and documents devoted to the war are also exhibited here: these extensive collections were formed during the existence of the exhibition complex. Interestingly, the collection has more than 10 thousand exhibits. Among them are: tank equipment and artillery, documents, books, personal items, an extensive collection of awards.

In addition, various military scenes are often played here.

Location: how to get to the museum?

As mentioned above, the Lenin-Snegirevsky Military History Museum opened its doors in the Istra district. On the way you can see the granite pedestal on which the tank stands. It is known that it was here in the fall of distant 1941 that the enemy was stopped, and in December 1941 the troops launched an active offensive and the German invaders were defeated.

Before the trip, you should see where the Lenin-Snegirevsky Military History Museum is located on the map. This will allow you to choose the best mode of transport and the most suitable route. You can go here both by private car and by public transport. And in that, and in another case, it will not be difficult.

Lenin Snevyrevsky Military History Museum on the map

The first option is the train of Riga direction, on which you should get to Snegiri station. Then you will need to walk to the museum for about 10 minutes.

There is another option - to get by bus from Moscow from the metro Tushinskaya to the village of Lenino.

By car from Moscow, you can drive up to 41 kilometers along the Volokolamsk highway (village of Lenino).

Lenin Snevyrevsky Military History Museum Moscow Region

Exposure Details

The exposition that the museum has assembled is truly huge and unique. It is worth talking about her in more detail.

The museum is divided into 2 exhibition venues: one of them is a tank, the other is devoted to artillery.

Of the whole mass of remarkable exhibits, special attention deserves: the Soviet small tank MS-1, which was launched in 1928, the American tank "Sherman", launched in 1943 (there were only 20 of them). Many of the world's museums dream of such rare exhibits , however, they are located here. Another valuable copy of the collection is the German trophy tank Tiger. In addition to these tanks, there are also about 10 units of various equipment. Thus, the collection really has no analogues, because nowhere is there such an extensive collection of real military equipment.

lenino snegirevsky military historical museum reviews

There is also an exhibition of artillery systems, which is complemented by a collection of auto and motorcycle equipment.

Why is it worth going to the Lenin-Snegirevsky Military History Museum?

A visit to such a wonderful place is worth both adults and children. Firstly, it is incredibly interesting to consider the technique directly. No other museum complex has such an extensive collection. Of course, when military equipment is located in the midst of a city landscape, it is not as impressive as in real conditions. Secondly, the exposition is created in such a way that it shows not only the evolution and development of military equipment, but also the balance of forces of the parties at different stages of the war.

Lenin Snevyrev Military History Museum

Looking at powerful German tanks, one can truly imagine the courage of Soviet soldiers who opposed them, often being weakly armed. Thus, this allows us to understand how brave the defenders of the homeland were.

It will be interesting for people of any age to go to such a wonderful place as the Lenin-Snegirevsky Military History Museum. Reviews about it can be found mostly enthusiastic, because the exposition contains a truly unique collection of military equipment. Most visitors express gratitude for this beautiful museum, which allows you to preserve the historical military heritage. You can also visit this place to honor the memory of all the fighters who courageously fought for their homeland. Many people with pleasure recall interesting quests conducted on the territory of the museum. Visitors are pleased with affordable prices, and people respond especially warmly to the field kitchen, organized by the forces of workers (there is even a barbecue on the menu). It is worth taking a child to the museum, since from early childhood it is worth instilling a desire to learn the history of your country, to preserve memory and respect for the Patriotic War.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F15477/

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