Do-it-yourself rug from fabric: step-by-step instruction with photo

Almost every person has a carpet in the house. There is no need to explain why it is needed - it is cosiness, stylish decor, and pleasant feelings when walking barefoot ...

From ancient times, the carpet has long been considered a symbol of prosperity. With them, he replaced both wallpaper and furniture. Indeed, in many countries they still eat while sitting on the floor, or rather, on the carpet. They most often depict intricate ornaments that carry a certain meaning.

It is believed that the first carpets began to be made in the Ancient East. Currently, their production is very developed in Azerbaijan, India, Turkmenistan, Iran. Often carpets are made from expensive materials. Creating some instances can take up to six months from the master. Therefore, their cost is high. But many tourists do not spare money in order to bring such a charming thing home.

Oriental rug

You can buy a carpet in a store or make it yourself. People with a creative streak will always find application for old, unnecessary things, not throwing them away, but breathing new life into them. After all, you can sew a rug on your own both from new fabric and from old clothes.

Second life of old things

Our grandmothers also made small rugs of fabric with their own hands, but then they were called "rugs." Until now, in the house of the elderly, you can see such products, mostly round and multi-colored.

To make a do-it-yourself rug, pieces of fabric, leftover yarn and even old things will do. In every house you can find clothes that for some reason are no longer worn: the color of the dress has faded, the t-shirt has torn, the skirt has become small in size, the blouse has gone out of fashion or the stain does not wash off. Therefore, if you make a rug of shreds of fabric with your own hands, you can not only get the desired exclusive design, but also save money, as well as get rid of unnecessary or boring things. It should be noted immediately that all the seams should be cut off from the clothes, otherwise they may look ugly in the finished product.

From the craftswoman will only need an investment of time. It will take an average of two to ten hours. But the guests will enviously look at such an exclusive work.

Manufacturing technique

The question of how to make a rug of fabric with your own hands is asked by many needlewomen. They can be made in several ways. Among the main manufacturing techniques are:

  • sewn;
  • wicker;
  • knitted.

Sewn carpets do the fastest. As a rule, shreds of tissue of various sizes simply staple together. But in this case, it is desirable to have a sewing machine, since manually doing it for quite a long time and is difficult. Weaving and knitting carpets is possible from a rope, as well as from shreds of fabric sewn together. But first things first.

Where to use products

There are many ways to use a hand-made fabric rug. It can be placed in the center of the room, making it more comfortable. Someone will prefer a rug lying near a bed - it will be very pleasant to get up from a bed in the morning on a soft and comfortable product. Can be laid in the bathroom and hallway. Or even hang on the wall! And another win-win option for using the rug is to present it to a loved one as a gift. After all, as they say, the best gift is one that is made by oneself. And to understand how they look in business, you can see photos of do-it-yourself rugs made of fabric in the article. It is really unusual and beautiful.

DIY doormat

The easiest and fastest way to make such a product with your own hands is simply to choose the material and hem the edges on a sewing machine or manually. Here it is best to use a dense fabric, since the thin one will constantly crumple under your feet. By the way, you can not hem the edges, but specifically swing them. But here everything will depend on the quality of the fabric. You can sew some trim on the edges, for example, lace or fringe.

Do-it-yourself rugs from fabric scraps

Who is not familiar with such a technique in needlework as a patchwork. Its essence is simple - patches of fabric are sewn together. In the patchwork technique, blankets are most often made, but such a rug will also look great in the interior. For this purpose, as a rule, a non-tearing fabric (drape, gabardine, etc.) is taken. A base is also needed (foam rubber, synthetic winterizer or batting). You will also need threads, scissors and a sewing machine (if there isn’t one in the house, then you can sew everything together with your hands, but then the process will take time). The fabric needs to be cut into pieces in the form of squares, rhombuses, triangles. Now it remains to sew a rug from shreds of fabric - with your own hands and according to your design. The more various elements appear in the product, the more charming it will look.

Now more about how this can be done.

  1. Do-it-yourself rug made of strips of fabric. In order to stitch the product, you need to take the prepared material and cut it into strips in the form of rectangles. Then decompose them on the basis and see how the colors fit together. Do not make pieces of fabric very small - they will need to be stitched for a very long time (cutting, by the way, is best done for your favorite movie or involving children in the process). At this stage, it is possible to replace shreds from one fabric to another - after all, harmoniously combining colors emphasize the beauty of the work. Then you need to notice the details to the base with a seam “forward needle”, and then flash everything on a typewriter. At the end of the work, the seam must be pulled out. If there is no typewriter in the house, then you can flash everything manually, but it will be a very painstaking and laborious work. Do-it-yourself doormat is ready! This beautiful and stylish accent in the design of the house will delight more than one year of its owners.
    Striped carpet
  2. Mat made of triangles of fabric. Such an element of the interior is no less beautiful than that made by the previous technology. In order to make a rug of fabric triangles with your own hands, you need to cut it into triangles. To sew it was easier, the figures should be isosceles. This is very easy to do - just cut the fabric into squares, and then cut each square diagonally into two equal triangles. Although you can make them rectangular - it all depends on the desire of the master. The technology for stitching the mat will be the opposite: first, the triangles are squares, which are then folded close to each other and form fancy patterns. It is worth noting that you need to sew a square from triangles of different colors, and not from one.
    Triangle rug
  3. Mat made of pieces. This sewing method is the most laborious. Different pieces of fabric are taken here: triangles, squares, rectangles - and stitched together. It is worth noting that the material for sewing in patchwork is better to use the same type, but in different colors. Mats made from pieces of denim look very nice. Different quality of the material may look ugly in the finished product (for example, do not use wool and silk at the same time).

Thus, making rugs from scraps of fabric with your own hands is quite simple to do.

Rug braided

To make such a rug, you will need an ordinary rope or twine. Due to the fact that it is quite thick, it is unlikely to be crocheted. Here you have to work with your hands. But in the manufacture of a rug from a rope, there are also several ways of working:

  1. Rug made of rope. For these purposes, you need to take a thick rope and a dense felt base in the form of a circle. Then find the center in it, attach the edge of the rope to it and fix it with glue. Then wind it in a spiral, carefully lubricating the place where the felt and rope join with glue. Winding should be continued until the base is complete. The product can only be used after the glue has completely dried.
    rug mat
  2. Rug made of clothesline. Most often, it starts to weave from the center. As a basis, you can take any scheme for creating napkins and follow it. You can also weave a regular pigtail out of a rope and, twisting it in a spiral, carefully hem it with a hidden seam. Using the same technology, you can make a rug both square and oval. The only drawback of such an accessory is the limited color palette, since the rope is produced mainly in gray-beige color.
    Rug weaving

Crocheted rug

Also, do-it-yourself rugs made from scraps of fabric look very beautiful in interiors. Crocheting is much easier.

The proposed interesting idea of ​​such a knitted product is as follows: narrow pieces of material are cut and sewn together along a narrow edge. It should make a strip several tens of meters long. Then a large-sized hook is taken, which is used for coarse knitting from thick yarn, and the desired pattern is started to be knitted. A stitched strip of fabric here plays the role of a thread for knitting. Here you can also use a knitting pattern for napkins.

It is worth noting that a person who has not used a hook before is unlikely to be able to gently knit such a fabric rug with a do-it-yourself crochet the first time, as certain skills are required here.

Beautiful rug

Mat made of fabric balls

Such a wonderful rug can be made for a child. Although an adult is not averse to walking on it with bare feet - a similar rug gives a good massage effect.

To work, you need to take the old unnecessary fabric and cut it into circles of the same size. Next, you should sweep along the edge of each circle and pull it into a ball, stuffing it from the inside. As a filler, you can use, for example, synthetic winterizer, synthetic winterizer, cotton wool or even trimmings from clothing. Now it remains to sew the resulting pompoms on the base fabric, tightly applying them to each other. The mat will turn out to be very soft and pleasant to the touch. And the more balls there are, the more embossed it will be.

Fluffy rugs

Shaggy litter looks very cute and unusual. So you want to touch them with your hands or walk on them with bare feet. How to make a shaggy rug? It is also quite simple and fast. There are two ways:

  • from fluffy pompons;
  • from the ribbons fixed on a grid.

In the first case, it is necessary to make pompons from yarn (or thin ribbons), then tie them together (you can not sew on the base, but just fasten together). But it’s better to take a plastic mesh and impose the resulting balls on it. They can be made all the same color or multi-colored. Large relief will create balls of different sizes. The mats look very nice, in which pompons are lined with flowers or animal figures.

The technology for making balls of thread is simple: a circle is cut from thick cardboard. A hole is made in it. The thread wraps tightly around the base. Then along the hole under the winding, a piece of rope is poked with a needle, which the pompom will hold so that it does not crumble. Next, a thread is cut along the edge of the workpiece, and the slipped rope is pulled together. The resulting pompon can be trimmed with scissors.

Rug from pompons

The second method involves the manufacture of a rug from shreds of fabric. To do this, old clothes (or specially purchased material for these purposes) must be cut into thin strips of the same length (about 10 cm). You can scroll the patches in the washing machine without powder and rinse aid - this should twist them into a tube. On the plastic base, fasten the strips closely as follows: put each one between the cells and tie it to a knot. A freely left edge will create the desired shaggy effect.

Another option for making a fluffy rug is from threads. The manufacturing technology is similar to the previous one, only instead of pieces of fabric you need to take pieces of yarn. You get the effect of fluffy grass.

Weaving mat

Do not ignore woven fabric rugs made by yourself. After all, you can weave it from unnecessary shreds - it will turn out more dense than just sewn, but no less beautiful. The only problem that may arise is that such a technique requires a machine on which the warp threads are pulled. An ordinary person in the house is unlikely to have a special weaving frame, so it can be made from improvised materials, for example, from an old cabinet door, chairs and other unnecessary things. Nails are driven into the base at the same distance from each other. On the contrary, you need to drive the same number of them. By the location of carnations, you can immediately assess the size of the future rug.

Between the nails, the warp threads are pulled. They should be pretty tight. From old things, cut strips of fabric and sew them together. Weave starting from the edge, letting strips either under the thread of the warp, then above it. When the weaving is over, you need to carefully cut the stretched threads, tying them on a knot, put them into the main weaving, thereby hiding the ends so that the mat does not crumble. Get a great decoration.

For weaving, it is not necessary to use a single strip of stitched rags. You can, for example, first weave a pigtail, and then drag it through the warp threads. The options are many, and which is more convenient and more like it, the craftswoman decides.

rug weaving

Children's developmental rugs

Another option for using unnecessary things is to sew a developing mat for the child. Such products are suitable for children aged 6 months to 2 years. You can sew a developmental rug from the fabric with your own hands for your own child, as a gift to your nephew, and also sell it. The kid will be delighted with such a surprise! Yes, and mummies such things are in good demand.

In order to sew a doormat from a fabric with your own hands, you will need:

  • several types of material;
  • threads
  • scissors;
  • Velcro
  • iron;
  • pins
  • needle (or sewing machine).
    children's developmental mat

To begin with, the base of the mat is made. It can be either a separate piece of fabric or made using any sewing technology described above. Usually developing rugs are sewn about 1x1 meter in size. Of course, you can make it larger or smaller - here you need to build on the amount of material that is available. It is desirable that the base be on a tight base, so that the mat does not bend while the baby is playing on it.

Next, you need to sew removable elements from pieces of fabric. It can be just geometric shapes, animals, birds, vegetables and fruits. Now you need to sew on Velcro. Usually it is sold by footage in any haberdashery department. It needs to be cut into strips about 3 centimeters long. The Velcro should be divided into two parts: one is sewn onto the base, the second into removable parts. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the Velcro has one side fleecy and the other with small hooks, which just cling to the villi to hold the parts. It is better to sew on the base of the rug either all the hairy pieces, or all “with hooks”, otherwise it may turn out that the child wants to attach a removable part to the rug, and both of them will have “villi” or “hooks”, and the baby just -just nothing happens.

Instead of Velcro, you can use the buttons. They can be attached to the fabric in two ways - using a special tool or sewn on (sewing buttons).

Also on the mat you can sew buttons, various fasteners, zippers for a greater developmental effect. Some mothers also do lacing. Such development can be laid on the floor so that the baby can play while sitting on it, or hang it on the wall. So, it’s quite easy to sew a similar fabric rug with your own hands, but at the same time you can still please the baby. The most important thing is maximum safety for a small child: all elements must be firmly sewn and not glued so that the baby does not accidentally swallow a torn off small part.

Other use for floor mats

Homemade rugs look good on the floor or on the wall. In addition, they can:

  • use as a "seat" on a chair;
  • apply as a plaid;
  • lay on car seats.


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