Vacation 2011: feel the difference

In 2010, Russia acceded to the convention of the International Labor Organization, which entailed some changes in the vacation calculation system, which entered into force the very next year. So the next vacation of 2011 remains equal to 28 calendar days, which is worth noting, somewhat more than the Convention says.

Employees may not notice special changes. The main thing now is that vacation 2011 is protected not only by the Russian state, but also by the international community. Now the employee is entitled to compulsory rest in the first year for 14 days, and he can take off the remaining two weeks no later than 18 months from the day he comes to work after the first vacation. Many have a logical question: so what will happen to the second part of the weekend if you do not use them within the specified time? The labor code of Russia does not specify time limits on time off. This suggests that the remaining days will not burn. Such an order is prescribed in the Convention, which does not contradict domestic legislation and, in turn, does not violate the provisions of the international agreement.

In turn, the adoption of this document ensures that the vacation of 2011 and subsequent years will comply with international standards. Now the legislative branch of the Russian Federation cannot change the provisions of the labor code for the worse for the employee.

Do not think that no changes will happen, because already vacation 2011 will be mandatory for all working citizens. His first 14 days cannot be exchanged for compensation. Such an option will only be with the remaining two weeks, which, as analysts suggest, will still burn out after 18 months. In other words, it is no longer possible to accumulate vacation over several years. The state in voluntary-compulsory form will encourage citizens to rest.

Going on vacation, the employee must notify the head of this at least 14 days in advance. The latter, in turn, is obliged to pay vacation pay no later than 3 days before it begins. If the manager does not comply with these rules, then the employee can go on vacation at any time convenient for him according to the organization’s schedule. The standard calculation of vacation in 2011 has not changed much and is also obtained from the average earnings for the last 12 months. It is interesting that some organizations prescribe other conditions for holding and paying vacation in their labor contracts , which may contradict the adopted labor legislation and the Convention of the international labor organization. In this case, you can safely contact the labor protection inspectorate.

It is worth noting that vacation 2011 is calculated and paid according to the number of working days. In other words, if it falls on holidays, then they are not included in the calculation. Thus, the vacation can formally remain the same, but in fact increase by several calendar days, which are recognized throughout the country as holidays and weekends.

Russia, trying to meet European standards for the organization of work and leisure, actually forces people to take vacations. For some, this state of affairs is more than beneficial, but nevertheless a significant part of the population does not have the ability to afford to go on vacation. The reason for this was either too low salaries or gray payments in envelopes. In the latter case, the employee is given vacation pay equal to the white part of his income, which is significantly lower than his earnings. This situation encourages people to work constantly, which negatively affects their well-being. Until the system of informal activities of companies is destroyed, such a vacation organization will only meet protest from the employees.


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