What should be toys for children 3 years old. Educational toys from 3 years: photos, prices

Growing up, the child learns the wealth and diversity of the world through play and developing activities. With the help of toys, young children learn to build relationships, experience different emotions, try to figure out their own desires and aspirations. For the harmonious development of the baby, it is important for him to feel like a pioneer. When choosing the best toys for 3 years in a store, you need to try to be diverse: they teach you to act according to certain rules, develop your imagination, and introduce you to new social phenomena. That is why you need to approach a new purchase selectively and thoughtfully.

toys for children 3 years old

Game start

In the third year of life of a small person, gaming moments arise. He begins to become more interested in the actions that produce toys, the possibility of various manipulations with them. This can not yet be called a full-fledged game, because the child is not yet fully aware of his creative business activity, he is only trying new opportunities. Toys for children 3 years old allow you to perform simple actions that reflect daily life events: put the doll to sleep, rock it in a small stroller, feed, carry cars, load them with cubes.

A child can repeat the same actions several times without a logical sequence. For example, to fold a tower of blocks, immediately to destroy it and again begin construction. For adults, such actions may seem chaotic and inconsistent at first glance. But for the baby, this is a good study and consolidation of skills.

kids toys for boys

Parent help

Children's game, reflecting various life processes, is an important stage in the development of a small person. Parents should take part in activities, gently helping the child learn new activities and opportunities. Feed a doll from a spoon together, wrap it in a blanket, put loads in the car body, build a house. Push the child to a new game, but in no case do not bother him. Restrain yourself from the temptation to intervene in the process and show “how to” should be done. Explain obscure things with simple logical phrases.

Leaving a child alone with toys is also not worth it, it can get bored quickly. Bringing home toys from 3 years old, give the baby the opportunity to open the package on his own and first look under the lid. He will be very interested to consider a new fun, touch it, try it in action.

toys for girls 3 years

How to choose toys

In the store, always pay attention to age recommendations, which are always on the package. Buy sophisticated and functional toys for 3 year old kids.

The attention of the kids is very unstable, they are easily distracted by other activities, quickly losing interest in new purchases. Adults are sometimes perplexed - they bought a toy that the child chose in the store himself, but he does not want to play with it. It is possible that the new acquisition does not correspond to the age or development of the baby. Too simple or very difficult toys turn out to be uninteresting to him. If the child did not manage to learn the novelty and quickly cooled to it, then it is better to take the thing away and offer it to the baby when he grows up a little.

The development of motor activity

To stimulate the physical actions of children, it is worth paying attention to various types of sports toys. A good purchase would be a tricycle. On it you can first learn to ride around the apartment, then go out into the street.

toys for a boy 3 years

Children's toys for boys and girls should help them move more, so you will need balls of different sizes, hoops, plastic pins, cars. Inflatable water toys and a swimming ring will be useful.

Teach your child to design

Collapsible toys for children 3 years old and building kits teach kids new actions (to fold, assemble, connect), introduce them to various properties of objects (sizes, shape, color), help develop imagination. The child plays well with cubes, molds for sand, builds pyramids, folds colored sticks and balls. Simple geometric shapes of objects help to master design manipulations.

Choose sets of building wooden parts of various shapes and sizes (cubes, blocks, pyramids, rings). Such sets will be interesting to the baby for several years. From small elements can be constructed on a table, large buildings are conveniently created on the floor. From individual details you can assemble a house, doll furniture, car garage, walkways, bridges, slides and much more. A small helper like Lego with large parts will be a good helper. They are easy to hold in hands, interconnected.

developing toys 2 3 y

The child can be shown how to use the surrounding objects in the game. From the chairs you get a great car, and from the table covered with a blanket - a cozy house. Design helps to develop creative thinking, mental abilities of the child, promotes concentration and concentration of attention. Through the creation of new objects, children enrich their idea of ​​the properties of various objects and their spatial arrangement. In addition, working with designers well develops fine and large motor skills of children's hands.

Themed toys for girls 3 years

Of great importance in the development of the baby are objects that allow you to repeat the actions and deeds of adults. It is desirable that the girl must have such toys:

  • dolls - several pieces of different types with long hair;
  • a set of kitchen utensils - pots, a frying pan, a kettle;
  • table set of large items - plates, cups, spoons;
  • plastic products - vegetables, fruits, meat;
  • bedding, clothes for dolls;
  • care items - stroller, bed, nipple, bottle, diaper, comb and others.

Classes with thematic toys give children the necessary experience, which will later turn into real life. Such games serve as a model for future family life.

best toys for 3 years

During this period, parents should be very careful in their conversations, trying to avoid discussion and criticism of teachers, other children and their parents. Three-year-olds are good at copying gestures and repeating all the words heard at home. This may apply to people around you who are unlikely to like this kind of information from children’s lips.

Educational toys from 3 years

Children may be interested in layout books, lotto with bright patterns, cards with color pictures. At this age, kids are able to independently flip through pages of books (preferably with thick paper) and consider illustrations, recognizing familiar objects on them (animals, plants, people, etc.).

You can read a short fairy tale to your child, accompanying book events with expressive pictures. At first, the baby will just listen, and then it will begin to recognize and show individual objects. Drawings should be large and clear, not overloaded with unnecessary details.

The kid will certainly be interested in games of logical thinking, in which you need to add a picture of several elements (cubes, cardboard squares). The development of imagination will also be promoted by wall posters with images of animals, birds, seasons.

Professional interests

Kids often play games in which they imitate people of various professions. It is very useful to buy educational toys (2-3 years) in the form of sets of a seller, a doctor, a locksmith, a builder. The stores offer a large selection of sets with elements of equipment, so that the child receives more information about various professional opportunities. These items include a doctor’s cap, a police cap, a cook hat, a fire or construction helmet.

educational toys from 3 years

When buying professional toys for a boy of 3 years, you need to try to reflect various types of human activities. It can be cars (ambulance, crane, concrete mixer), ships, planes. In addition, with the help of toy vehicles, it is good to teach children games in travel. For example, lay routes of cars in a room with overcoming obstacles. You can choose a suitable place for the airfield and indicate the point of landing of the aircraft, and then offer the baby to independently direct the plane in the right direction. Such manipulations contribute to the correct perception of reality.

Respect for proportions

When arranging a puppet corner, strive to ensure that all toys for girls 3 years old are the same size. Then it will be easier for the child to understand the correspondence of the real volumes of objects. The girl may cry because the dress for the doll is not the right size or it turns out that the bed is too small.

Be careful that toys for a 3 year old boy also reflect the correct proportions. Cubes for the truck should not be too large so as not to fall out of the body. Such an annoying misunderstanding can greatly upset the child. At the age of three, many circumstances and objects acquire a special meaning and greater significance than it was before.

Dynamic toys

In the third year of life, a small person clearly shows activity in relation to surrounding objects and the whole world as a whole. Dynamic toys for children 3 years old transmit certain movements caused by the efforts of the child. A kid can twist a yule, push a tumbler doll, launch balls.

By type of action, children's toys for boys and girls that convey the dynamics of movements can be able to:

best toys for 3 years

  • spinning - spinning top, yule;
  • swing - a horse, a tumbler;
  • to roll - balls, balls for a bowling alley;
  • ride - a centipede, a wheel with bells, a hare drummer;
  • pacing - dolls that can rearrange their legs.

Clockwork or electronic toys are not dynamic, as they do not allow the child to comprehend the principle of movement.

A three-year-old child already has an idea of ​​himself and his strengths, and more and more confidently feels himself in the world around him. For the convenience of the baby, you must definitely give him a play area where he can feel like a sovereign master.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F15486/

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