How to choose a laser rangefinder. Laser rangefinder: specifications and reviews

Today, a laser rangefinder is no longer a luxury, as it was literally 5-7 years ago, but a necessity. Without such a roulette, it is difficult not only in professional construction, but also in ordinary repairs. In addition, realtors, designers and even representatives of public utilities today use range finders. Now there are a huge number of roulettes on the market, usually the measuring range does not exceed 50 meters, but with great need you can find devices for 70 and even 100 meters.

laser rangefinder

What are rangefinders and how to use them?

The range finder is a special device, usually ultrasonic, electronic or optical, which is used to contactlessly determine the distance to the object. In this case, the result appears on the display instantly. The principle of operation is that the device sends a pulse, which is reflected from the surface and captured by a special receiver. For example, phase rangefinders operate on the basis of the reflected and received phase signal. Information processing is carried out in meters, yards or feet. In addition, such a device may have a laser level. A rangefinder of this type will cost a little more, but its functionality is higher. You will be able to measure horizontal, vertical and inclined surfaces, as well as in inaccessible places. In this case, you do not need to be in close proximity to the object. The scope of their use is quite extensive, from construction to geodesy and cartography.

bosch laser rangefinder

Laser rangefinder: customer reviews

One can not ignore such an important aspect as the feedback left by consumers. To date, rangefinders are quite popular, so many buy them. But the reviews are mostly based on which manufacturer was preferred. So, Chinese fakes are not particularly popular and support. According to experts, the accuracy of such products is not pleasing. The best Chinese-made models are barely suitable for minor repairs at home. Consumers say that European models are much better, albeit somewhat more expensive. The largest number of positive reviews has the German company Bosch, which is a leader in the production of construction tools in Europe and the world. In any case, it is better to buy an expensive laser rangefinder, reviews of which are positive. For example, speed and accuracy of measurements play an important role.

What should the choice be based on?

There are several criteria, taking into account which you should make this or that purchase. First you need to decide whether you need professional or household roulette. If you buy a rangefinder to carry out repairs at home, then the average price for a household model will be quite enough. If you are professionally engaged in repairs, it makes sense to buy a multifunctional roulette. In the latter case, the acquisition will be not cheap, this must be remembered.

rangefinder laser reviews

Another important criterion is the measurement range. Professional models can work at a distance of up to 200 meters, but in practice it very rarely makes sense to buy just such a device. In most cases, a minimum range of 30-50 meters is sufficient. You should not lose sight of the functional saturation of the device, for example, the ability to calculate the area, remembering the information received (built-in memory), level, etc. Of course, you can not say about the manufacturer, as this is one of the most important points.

Minimum required feature set and device security

It is worth paying your attention to the fact that modern rangefinders have the ability to not only calculate the distance. For example, the simplest household models of the Bosch company are equipped with functions for calculating the area, addition and subtraction, etc. It is desirable that the device has a slot for a memory card, which is necessary for storing the results. In principle, the range of functions of household rangefinders is approximately the same, which is why such roulettes cost slightly less. Professional models are equipped with a timer, built-in bluetooth (for the possibility of transferring data to computer technology). In addition, there is the possibility of dividing into segments and the use of an inclinometer. It can be said with great confidence that in 90% of cases a household appliance is enough. For example, the Bosch laser rangefinder, reviews of which we will discuss a little below, is famous for having a body that is well protected from moisture and dust. This is of great importance when working on dusty objects, in difficult weather conditions, etc.

disto laser rangefinder

Bosch Laser Rangefinder: Benefits and Customer Reviews

As noted above, German products manufactured by this company are famous for their high build quality. Bosch roulette is no exception. Let's look at the PLR ​​25 model worth 6 thousand rubles. This is a household roulette with a range of 25 meters and a deviation of 2 millimeters. The device will allow you to calculate the volume, area, and also remember the results. It is noteworthy that with a weight of only 180 grams "Bosch" PLR 25 has a large number of functions that are inherent in professional models of rangefinders. Measurement time ranges from 0.5 to 4 seconds, depending on the working environment. The better the lighting and less dust, the faster you get results. It should be noted that there is an energy saving mode, which consists in turning off the device after several minutes of inactivity. In principle, the Bosch PLR 25 laser rangefinder is an excellent choice not only for amateurs, but also for professionals at a reasonable price. As for consumer reviews about this model, they are all positive. This is due not only to the affordable price with a large number of functions, but also to the overall high build quality.

Leica Disto D2 review

The laser rangefinder from this manufacturer has 5 stars for consumers. The tool is used for professional purposes, and therefore it will cost no less than 12,000 rubles. Roulette is very compact and weighs just 160 grams. It is noteworthy that this model is very accurate. Deviation does not exceed 1.5 millimeters. According to the product passport, its range is about 60 meters, but users have a slightly different opinion on this. So, many say that in a dark room you can measure at a distance of 30 meters, and in a bright room even smaller. To compensate for this minus, many recommend purchasing a reflector. Pay attention to the fact that Disto is a laser rangefinder with a protected housing and great functionality. Here you have addition, subtraction, determination of volume, area, sound signals for people with low vision and much more. The ideal solution for professional use, for everyday life you can buy something simpler.

laser range finders laser roulettes

The advantages of laser roulettes

We have already said quite a lot about the fact that it is very convenient, fast, etc. But you should pay attention to the fact that the range finder is a necessity in most cases. For example, if you do not have the opportunity to work with a partner who would help carry the tape measure from one corner of the room to another, then your main assistant will be laser roulette. You will take measurements without being in close proximity to the desired object. With this in mind, we can say that alone you can easily measure what you can’t get with your hand or even from a ladder. In addition, the speed and accuracy of such a roulette is slightly higher than traditional. Another question is which laser rangefinders are better . Laser roulettes from most European manufacturers deserve attention. As you can see, Bosch makes very high-quality devices, but there are many others. Let's look at a few of them.

Popular brands

A little higher you can see two small reviews of popular rangefinders. It is these two manufacturers (Leica and Bosch) that are considered leaders all over the world. However, all the same, companies focus on the manufacture of a professional tool, so you can not always choose a household appliance. Although Bosch produces an impressive line of low-cost rangefinders for home use. However, not everyone will have enough funds to buy products from these manufacturers. For example, professionals very often buy Hilti rangefinders, which are considered one of the most accurate. Prices for the best models start from 8 thousand rubles, and if we are talking about a household model, then 5 thousand will be enough for you to buy. But judging by consumer reviews, for the best home repairs are Skil appliances. Such a roulette is a laser level, a range finder and the ability to calculate the area in one product. You decide.

rangefinder laser instruction

How to make the right choice?

If you buy a laser rangefinder, the instructions should be in Russian. This is especially true for well-known brands. If this is a Chinese fake, then there can be no talk of a guarantee or any instruction. Most popular companies give a guarantee for several years on their rangefinders. Always pay attention to how well the case is protected from moisture and dust. If you will perform work in the rain or snow, then this is especially true. If you are making a purchase for home use, do not prioritize the measuring range. In most cases, 20-40 meters is enough, but the presence of additional functions is quite important. The level with which you can level the mounted surfaces is not out of place. In addition, the presence of a reflector is also useful. But storing the results in most cases is not required. Nothing prevents you from carrying a notebook and pen and taking notes, especially since most of us are so used to it, and it's quite convenient.

Good to know everyone

There are several useful rules that everyone who works with the rangefinder should know. Firstly, do not direct the laser beam at the eyes, as it can cause a retinal burn, especially with prolonged exposure. Secondly, always try to install the device on a solid surface, preferably on a special tripod, so you will increase the accuracy of measurements. Always remember that direct sunlight that hits the laser beam can make it barely visible to the human eye. Although this does not affect the accuracy of measurements, you cannot see where the laser was directed.

bosch laser rangefinder reviews


So we figured out the issue of rangefinders. As you can see, the device is very useful and necessary. This purchase will not be superfluous. In addition, there is no need to buy expensive models. It always makes sense to dwell on something in between. Such is for professionals the Robot 40 laser rangefinder, which is able to provide high accuracy and measurement range (40 meters). For fans, an inexpensive Skil or Bosch roulette is suitable. The main thing is to always make a deliberate purchase, which you will not have to regret.


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