Rimskaya Station: Metro and Attractions of the Rogozhskaya Zastava

There are not so many infrastructure facilities in the capital of the Russian Federation whose names are associated with the capitals of other states. But they are, and the Roman station is an example of this. The metro in Moscow, in addition to it, has three more stations with similar names - "Prague", "Riga" and "Alma-Ata". So far, nothing is known about whether there will ever be more such points, or whether tradition will not be continued ...

Moscow metro map: "Rimskaya" at Rogozhskaya Zastava

Rimskaya metro station of the Lublin-Dmitrov line received the first passengers two days before the new year 1996. It is located between the Krestyanskaya Zastava and Chkalovskaya stops and is transitional to the Ilyich Square of the Kalinin line. Often one has to hear questions about what caused the choice of such a not quite traditional toponym - "Roman"? The metro station Rogozhskaya Zastava - according to the name of the historical district of Moscow, where it is located - would be much more appropriate. By the way, this is how the future station was designated in the project documentation. But the priority was the political desire of Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov to make a noble gesture towards a friendly country. So in Moscow appeared the station "Rimskaya". Roma Metro does not yet have a Moskovskaya station, but there is evidence that such an object will appear there soon. As a response gesture. It will be called Moscow, and it will not be located anywhere, but in the very center of the Italian capital, not far from the Vatican.

roman metro

Architectural features

By its constructive decision, "Roman" is a columned three-vaulted station of deep occurrence. It would be surprising if the architectural solution of this object would not contain any elements that make you recall the ancient classics and imperial grandeur of ancient Rome. That is why marble of light coloristic scale is chosen as the prevailing interior decoration material. It can be seen on columns and pilasters uniformly located throughout the space of the main hall. The flooring is composed of alternating granite slabs of gray, black and reddish hues.

metro roman exits


Famous Italian interior designers Cuatrocci and Imbrigi had a hand in the design of the station. This circumstance makes its name β€œRoman” even more justified. The metro in Moscow is filled with a significant number of unique works of art and other artifacts. These include unique interior solutions, sculptures, mosaic panels. But the fountain in underground Moscow exists in only one instance, and you can see it at the Rimskaya metro station. And besides the fountain, there is also a sculptural composition with column capitals. Its main characters are the babies Romulus and Remus, considered the founders of Rome. The author of the work is the sculptor L. Berlin. This sculptural composition looks very specific in the Moscow metro.

roman metro station

Rimskaya metro station: city exits

In the northern part of the main hall there is a passage to the station "Ploshchad Ilyich" of the Kalinin line. The exit to the city is from the opposite side. The escalator takes passengers to the ground lobby, the exit from which leads to the Enthusiasts highway, Rabochaya and Mezhdunarodnaya streets, as well as to the Rogozhskaya Zastava square and to the Hammer and Sickle railway platform of the Gorky direction. In the immediate vicinity is the platform "Moscow-Commodity" Kursk direction. The modern district of the historical Rogozh outpost is a pretty lively place. Here are concentrated a lot of administrative and commercial structures, business centers and supermarkets, notary offices and law firms.

Roman metro map


By coincidence of historical circumstances, the "Roman" metro station of the Lublin-Dmitrov line was located in the very center of the old Moscow region, which was formed in the Middle Ages. It was called Rogozhka, or Rogozhskaya Sloboda, and was known as the traditional habitat of Russian Old Believers. But today, mainly Rogozhskoye cemetery with a church reminds of them here, where the service is conducted according to the canons of the old rite. Of course, the most important historical attraction of the area is the Spaso-Andronikov Monastery located here. It was founded in the middle of the fourteenth century and named after one of the closest associates and followers of Sergius of Radonezh, Abbot Andronik. Among other things, the monastery is known as the place of detention of the head of the Russian schism of Archpriest Avvakum. The Spassky Cathedral of the Andronikov Monastery is one of the most ancient religious buildings in Moscow. Next to Rogozhskaya Sloboda is the no less famous Moscow district of Lefortovo. Traditionally immigrants from Germany and other European countries settled here.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F1549/

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