How to start a car in Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl. Game description

In this article we will find the answer to the question of how to start a car in "Stalker. Shadow of Chernobyl." The game was released in March 2007 and is loved by millions of players around the world. "Stalker" was released by a Ukrainian company in the style of a shooter, the game is divided into several locations, which were developed based on documentary filming in the Chernobyl exclusion zone.

Game background

In April 2006, a second explosion occurred at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, the causes of which are unknown. This was the reason for the emergence of the "Zone", in the territory of which mutated animals and abnormal natural phenomena begin to appear actively. To investigate the situation, the government sends the Ukrainian armed forces to the so-called Zone. But all attempts to take control of it end in the death of the military.

how to start a car in a stalker the shadow of Chernobyl the overlord of the zone

Soon, information appears on the territory of products arising in anomalies - artifacts, each of which has certain useful properties and a considerable price. In this regard, more and more artifact hunters appear in the Zone, who are called "stalkers". The territory of the Zone is well guarded by military checkpoints set up on the border, but no one succeeds in getting to the center. According to rumors, this is where the legendary Klondike artifacts stalker is located.


From time to time, the so-called death trucks appear on the roads of Cordon, which transport the corpses from the Center of the Zone. Once one of these trucks gets lightning and it crashes. In the morning, a random stalker, examining the wreckage of a car, finds one survivor there - the main character. Stalker takes him to a local merchant Sidorovich. Upon examination, the lucky person has a "STALKER" tattoo and a pda with one task: "kill Strelka".

how to start a car in a stalker shadow of Chernobyl

How to start a car in "Stalker. Shadow of Chernobyl"

Many mods of the Stalker game enable the protagonist to ride in transport, be it UAZ or military equipment. To do this, go to the menu, enter the game options, select "Management". There you need to find the line "Turn off" or "Start the engine", or "Ignition", it all depends on the installed mode. Opposite this line, you need to click with the mouse and select a key convenient for the player, for example, "Z", the main thing is that the key should not be occupied by another action. Next, click the "Apply" window.

After that, you need to return to the game, go to the vehicle and open the door by pressing "F". When the player is in the car, you need to press the key that you have chosen, in our case - "Z".

After reading this article, you can get an answer to the question of how to start a car in Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl. "Lord of the Zone", "Capercaillie 2", "The Last Stalker", "New Time" and many other mods for the game "Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl" also have the ability to use transport.


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