A flower with blue flowers. Names of blue flowers, photo

Nowadays, monochrome flowerbeds with blue flowers in the same gamut have become very popular, which look stylish and elegant and create a certain mood. The blue flowerbed is calming, bewitching, has a calming effect on you. You can look at it indefinitely, like the sky or the sea. A flowerbed with blue flowers is better to break in a quiet, secluded corner of your garden. Sitting on a small bench, you can dream, relax and forget about problems for a while.

Bright blue flowers

What does blue color mean?

First of all, it gives a feeling of serenity, calm and cool. A flower with blue flowers is considered irresistible by both experts and amateur gardeners. It is akin to heaven or water on a sunny day. Meet blue flowers can be infrequent. Perhaps that is why they are so desired and loved, like all the unusual and rare.

Symbolism of flowers

A widespread symbol of young life is a blue flower. And because of the structure of the petals that create the star shape, it symbolizes the sun, the earth's circle or center. Flowers are not only the innocent harbingers of spring, but also a symbol of carnal pleasure, vitality or the joy of life. They symbolize the end of winter and the celebration of victory over death.

A cup of flower, opened upwards, in the symbolism of Christianity indicates acceptance of the gift of God and the delight of the child from nature seen in paradise. At the Aztecs, flowers are a symbol of the joy of life and the perishability of being.

If you dreamed of blue flowers, what does it mean?

If you dreamed of a flower with blue flowers, mystical events await you. But they will not scare you, but will cause a lyrical mood. Blue flowers in a dream portend calm in relationships and waking things, speak of the nobility of the actions that you perform. Such a dream promises the respect of the people around you. However, a flower with blue flowers suggests depression associated with unrequited love. If such a dream is dreamed by a man, in reality it portends a quick meeting with an impregnable, but very beautiful woman. A blue rose in a dream is a good sign. Get ready for a new stage of life, there will be no return to the past.

Small Blue Flowers: Forget-Me-Not

Little blue flowers

This group of garden crops includes: forget-me-not, ageratum, didiscus, limonium, amellus, lavender, veronica, hakelia and others.

Forget-me-not - a small flower with blue flowers, which symbolizes fidelity and constancy. They compose verses, legends about him, sing songs. The pale blue petals and bright yellow center make the forget-me-not irresistible. It is considered to be the best decoration of the spring flora. A bouquet made of forget-me-nots is very beautiful. To emphasize the charm of each flower, untie it and place the flowers in a plate of water, spreading a wreath. Change the water constantly, and they will remain fresh and blooming for a long time.

Forget-me-not is beautiful only during flowering. And when this period passes, it becomes inconspicuous. Although, if you look closely, small hairy leaves look very moving. As soon as the buds, glades and fringes on which the forget-me-nots grow, transform, they become sky-blue. Awesome beauty!


This is the second name of the flower, and the first is Houston, as the name of the breeder who first discovered these magnificent little blue flowers in the 18th century. They are very small, gather in small inflorescences or baskets, which, in turn, form umbrella-shaped shields up to 10 cm in diameter, shaped like balls. They are very soft and fluffy to the touch.

Ageratum (Houston) blooms in early summer and delights others with its beauty before the onset of frost, while emitting an amazing aroma. The bright blue flowers of this plant have medicinal properties. Ageratum juice relieves pain, and leaves heal wounds. These flowers are happy to grow gardeners in their areas.


Photo of blue flowers

This is a wonderful exotic plant, which in natural conditions blooms in July-August, and in greenhouses from March to November. Romantic, openwork inflorescences-umbrellas, combining a large number of small flowers, are attached to thin velvet stems. In the photo of blue flowers it is clearly visible.

Flowers, gathered in the lungs, as if filled with air inflorescences emit a subtle pleasant aroma. Didiscus is widely used by florists to compose wedding and anniversary bouquets and compositions.


Kermek (limonium, statice) is a modest, charming and very beautiful plant with small flowers, which are collected in the form of umbrellas or panicles. Kermek is a frost-resistant plant. It blooms in August and October. It is used by phyto-designers to create decorative compositions. This flower attracts attention in group plantings during the design of garden plots, perfectly retains its shape if dried. Dried flowers stand in vases for a long time, complementing the interior of your home, and do not lose their attractiveness.

Names of blue flowers. rose flower

There are a huge number of large blue flowers. The most popular are roses, asters, gladioli and cornflowers. Bells, anemones, balsam, bindweed, delphinium, bells and nasturtium are also widely known.

The blue color of the rose is not natural. In the natural environment, such a color in its pure form is practically not found. Many flowers, although considered blue, have a variety of shades. The blue rose is a separate story. Breeders from different countries tried to get this color, but to no avail.

The name of the blue flowers

For the first time, a rose of heavenly color was bred in the middle of the 19th century. The name of the blue flowers was conditional, since they had this hue only after they faded.

At the beginning of the 20th century, a new attempt to breed a blue rose was again unsuccessful. At first, the petals were purple, then they burned out and became gray-lilac, and in hot weather they got a subtle blue tint.

Breeders made more and more attempts to bring out a flower of blue color, but all to no avail. And only now our contemporaries found out that a rose initially does not have a blue gene. She is unable to produce dolphinidin. And without this pigment under natural growth conditions it is impossible to get a blue tone from flowers.

Blue aster

Blue flower

Callistefus (blue aster) is the most popular garden flower with densely double, simple or double petals with a diameter of 4-12 cm. In appearance it is similar to peony, chrysanthemum, daisies and dahlia. Very bright, fast-growing blue asters every time surprise gardeners with a variety of flower shapes, which can be tubular and reed.

They bloom all summer, capturing the first autumn month. Blue asters grow on flower beds and flower beds, independently and with other plants, in the shade and in the sun, of which bouquets and compositions are made.


This flower has long been a resident of our country, a visiting card of Russian nature. Cornflower can be found everywhere: in fields, meadows, in crops of cereal crops. As the main character, he is found in folk tales, parables, songs. Girls weaved wreaths and made bouquets of cornflowers. Popularly, these flowers are called a bobylnik, a commotion and a blue flower.

The blue color of the cornflower is its natural color. Terry flowers, tubular, collected in inflorescences and attached to a long stalk. Cornflower is unpretentious and grows both in the field and in the garden, where flower beds are decorated in the style of a meadow. Often they are planted in an array or used as a border. Blue color goes well with yellow or white. Cornflowers are kept cut for a long time, if this is done in the morning and immediately poured boiling water over the stems, and then put in cold water.

Gladiolus (fennel)

Flower with blue flowers

He is considered the king of victory and a great duelist. In the photo of blue flowers, the gladiolus is distinguished by a high slender stalk and beautiful flowers collected in a straight pointed spike.

This is a male flower, reminiscent of chivalry and victory. It is very rarely given to women and girls. Gladioli look good in bouquets and are intended for business partners. They are presented to the winners and laureates of various awards.

There are many legends associated with this flower. Shamans endowed him with magical properties. The ancient Romans used gladiolus as an amulet and believed that such a talisman would bring victory over the enemy.

Despite the whimsicality of growth, these flowers are considered favorite and well known in our gardens. Unusually and solemnly look blue gladioli. They grow independently and in compositions with other flowers, they are decorated with flower beds and flower beds. Cut gladioli placed in vases perfectly complement the interior of your home.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F15493/

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