DIY handmade flower arrangement

Many people like to create things with their own hands. From the many options for needlework, everyone can choose exactly what interests, captivates and will give pleasure to the process and the result. If you have not yet decided what you would like to do, try different directions. After all, until you start to do something, it will be difficult to say for sure whether you like it or not. Craft from fresh flowers can decorate your home or become a unique gift.

crafts from fresh flowers

Best gift

Flowers are an indispensable attribute of a holiday, they are presented for birthdays, for weddings and simply as a sign of affection or gratitude. Today you can buy or order a bouquet of any complexity from the most unusual and exotic plants, but this is still just a bouquet. Craft from fresh flowers is a great alternative to the standard β€œbroom”. Firstly, the gift and the feelings of the donor are invested in such a gift, which in itself is already pleasant. Secondly, it is done taking into account the taste of the one to whom it is intended. And, thirdly, financial costs will be much less than when buying a designer work from eminent florists.

crafts fresh flowers

Types and options

Craft from fresh flowers will largely depend on the occasion on which it is presented. For example, on a child’s birthday, an extract from the hospital, you can present a flower toy, for a housewarming party - a picture. In addition to living plants, you can use dried ones, as well as cones, acorns, fruits, in a word, everything that your fantasy tells you. To create such masterpieces, glue, floristic wire, sponge, spangles, beads and even hair spray are also used. Depending on the idea of ​​the craft, fresh flowers can be elite purchased or touching dandelions, growing in abundance in the nearest park.

Make a toy

This composition does not leave indifferent either adults or children, which is probably why it is one of the most popular. First you need to figure out what our craft of fresh flowers will look like: what kind of animal it is, what size it is, in what position it is. The option for lovers - the heart - everything is very simple, but very romantic. Now you need to buy an oasis (such a special sponge where flower stems are stuck) and the plants themselves. Using a sharp clerical knife, we cut out the figure from the sponge of the desired shape, this will be the basis of the composition. It must be placed in a container with clean water so that the material is nourished. We cut the flowers, leaving a stem of 3-5 cm under the bud. When the sponge swells, we begin to stick the buds into it, tightly so that the base does not appear. You can combine colors, shades, sizes and their varieties as you want, but the smaller the shape or detail, the smaller the size of the flowers should be. It turns out more beautiful, more accurate, and the surface looks more uniform. Eyes, ribbons and a nose (if provided by the idea) can be bought in advance in the sewing accessories department.

crafts from fresh flowers photo

The gift is ready. Such crafts from fresh flowers look very fresh, original and unusual. The photo may lead you to the decision to try to do something similar with your own hands.


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