The history of the origin of the Shevchenko surname: the nature of its owners and famous carriers

Surname is the second name of a person, which is transmitted to him from his ancestors. Previously, it was considered a warning against unclean forces, but the first name was not given to the people, because it was given at baptism and was sacred. The surname was assigned for any deeds or character traits. Basically, this name was assigned in connection with the craft and was passed on to the next generation. According to most people, in ancient times it was believed that the middle name of a person does not belong to the state of mind, and therefore no mage or sorcerer is able to harm a person with his help.

Why is it important to know the origin of the Shevchenko surname

Knowing the history of your family name is very important for every self-respecting person. Since it was the ancestors who created the story for the future.

Bearers of the Shevchenko family name have sufficient reasons to be proud of their ancestors.

Zaporizhzhya Cossacks

The history of the Shevchenko surname goes back to Slavic Russia. Mention of the name of Shevchenko is usually attributed to the Cossacks who lived in the 16-17th century. The first carriers of the Shevchenko surname directly influenced the course of history and contributed to the development of the cultural heritage of not only Ukraine, but also Russia. There are different opinions about the origin of this surname.

Surname Shevchenko: origin and significance

In Cossack settlements, people who were engaged in the manufacture of clothes and shoes from various materials were called Shevts, and many of their descendants were proudly named Shevchenko. The production of clothes and shoes was passed from father to son. Also, craftsmen were called Shevts in the villages and cities of Little Russia.

There is another assumption about the roots of this surname, which tells about the Adyghe origin of the Shevchenko surname. In the 15th century, in connection with the wars, several migrations took place. At the same time, the Adyghes had a name for the clergy “sheujen”. Presumably, it was from here that the surname Shevchenko went, as well as other surnames similar to this word.

Another assumption about the origin of this surname originates in the Zaporozhye Cossacks, who called the gun cleaners "shevchiks". The same word was used for the names of assistants to clothing manufacturers.

It is also believed that the end of the surname came from the Turkic language, from the roots of “kyo” and “ikue”. These words mean "son", "him." That is, if you look at the word “shevchik” and add this ending to it, you get the son of this same “shevchik” or his descendant.

Warehouse character personalities with the name Shevchenko

Usually, hearing words that are incomprehensible to a person, he reacts to them only by sound. If a word sounds softly, a person thinks that it is pleasant, but on the contrary, then such a word is felt sharply. The same thing happens with the sound of one or another surname. Some directly repel even before meeting with people wearing them, while others are calmly carried, some even attract. This is due to the soft sound.

Scientists have long found that the origin of the Shevchenko surname, nationality and some other facts directly affect certain character traits. Since the ancestors from whom the family name comes, possessed certain properties of character that are transmitted along with the family name from generation to generation.

So, while conducting research it became clear that individuals bearing the name of Shevchenko have the following character traits:

  • reticence, that is, conciseness;
  • expediency;
  • abstinence.

These character traits are fundamental to the holders of the Shevchenko family name. There are also additional qualities that come from the foregoing. Usually this is honesty, graciousness, shyness. But these qualities are individual for everyone.

Famous carriers of the surname Shevchenko

This surname has many famous carriers. Therefore, it is a shame not to know the origin of the Shevchenko surname, especially when you yourself are its bearer.

Writer Taras G. Shevchenko

Of course, in the first and foremost place is the great Ukrainian poet Taras Shevchenko, who left a huge mark in the development of Ukrainian literature and culture as a whole. His works to this day are preserved as the greatest historical heritage. In addition, in the years 1814-1861, this greatest poet manifested himself on the part of writing and fine art.

Football player Andrey Shevchenko

Also known carrier of this great family name is the famous football player - Andrey Nikolaevich Shevchenko. He was the captain of the Ukrainian football team, this is the best Ukrainian scorer. His legacy is just as important as the previous owner of the Shevchenko surname. His achievements will remain in the sport in the form of forty-eight goals scored.

Very well known to all movie buffs is the magnificent actor Shevchenko Dmitry Valerievich. He played in many famous films, as well as in some Russian and Ukrainian TV shows.

Actor Dmitry Shevchenko

Thus, not only the most ancient ancestors of the bearers of the Shevchenko surname were outstanding personalities, but also recently and living individuals deserve admiration.


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