How to Determine Your Color Type - Tips

It happens sometimes like this - we try on some thing and feel - it does not fit. Neither the fashionable style, nor the popular, alluring color will correct this impression. Most often, this means that the color is not suitable. It can visually age the skin, dull the color of the eyes. To avoid this result when buying clothes, it is enough just to correctly determine your color type. After spending a few minutes on this, you can save a lot of time when choosing clothes in the store.

Color Type Test - Determine Your β€œSeason”

The test is best done in a fairly spacious room lit by dim daylight in front of a large mirror.

First you need to figure out what is more in appearance - warm or cold shades. This is best seen in the hair if it has not been dyed. Turn them up, run them through your fingers. If you are of a warm type, a golden or reddish hue will be clearly visible in the hair. It is this shade of hair, skin or eyes that relates you to the warm type. In the case when it is difficult to determine in this way, the type can be determined by silver and gold. In front of the mirror, alternately attach the gold and silver thing to your face. Silver is more suitable for girls of a cold type, it will revive the image, complement the appearance. Gold will make the appearance of warm-type girls play with bright colors.

How to determine your color type - summer

This is a cold color type. The skin of such girls always, even tanned, has a bluish backlight. A blush is often manifested, quite bright. In the sun, the skin acquires an even nutty shade without burning. Eyes - gray, gray-blue, gray-green, light blue, hazel-brown. They do not have bright colors - green or blue, for example. Smoky, slightly shaded makeup is more suitable for such girls. The hair is mostly fair or blond, with an ashy shimmer, soft, often curly.

Yellow and orange colors are contraindicated for this type . The color scheme is cold and more pastel. Gray, soft fuchsia, cold light pink, light pink, coral pink, sky blue, lavender, turquoise, light green - clothes of such colors will suit this color type.

How to determine your color type - autumn

Bright, warm color type, but its brightness refers to darker colors. The skin is always golden, freckles are reddish. From embarrassment, such girls do not blush, their skin is always even in color. In the sun, it can burn, the tan does not go well, the skin quickly turns red. This color type gives the eyes a rich, vibrant hue. Their color is olive green, amber olive, walnut, dark green, dark brown. The reddish tint in the hair is very pronounced, most redheads belong to this color type.

The colors for autumn are quite bright, pronounced, saturated - light brown, coral, ambergris, khaki, terracotta, light peach, green, olive, amethyst, black, cream, orange.

How to determine your color type - winter

Cold color type, darker than summer. The skin is naturally milky white, pinkish (even tanned). Sometimes covered with a slight blush. Tanning on such a skin does not go very well and does not make it very dark. The eyes of such girls are bright, cold shades - blue, purple, green, bright gray, black, dark hazel. A distinctive feature of this color type is dark hair with cold shades. Dark ashen, blue-black - this is the classic hair color of this color type.

Black, gray, cold shades of yellow, blue, lavender, lilac, raspberry, dark violet, bright blue, royal blue, khaki, red, forest green, cold brown - this is the color scheme that a winter girl should adhere to.

How to determine your color type - spring

Fresh, delicate, warm color. Light by nature, with a golden tint, the skin tans well. Cheeks are often with a milky pink blush. Eye color is not bright, light - light blue, light green, topaz, light olive. Most people of this color type are born with blond hair. Even darkening with age, their hair remains golden.

The color scheme is more light - warm gray, gray, cream, pastel pink, light peach, peach, fuchsia, iris, blue, green, dark green, pastel green, light khaki, coral, golden light brown, olive, golden yellow bronze.


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