At the leaf in the bosom: what are the axillary kidneys

The whole variety of types of buds is divided according to different dominant signs, so the same embryonic shoots can fall into different categories. Axillary kidneys are no exception. However, all of them are united by an invariable moment - being in the bosom of a plant leaf.

Kidney as it is

Each kidney is an embryonic shoot with very greatly shortened internodes. This is an extremely reduced and simplified future plant or its part, which has a certain function (for example, generative - future flowers and fruits).

Depending on the purpose, the kidneys differ in shape, size and structure. Some of them contain the rudiment of an inflorescence or a single flower - in the latter case they are called buds. Even a head of cabbage is a significantly overgrown kidney.

The location of the buds on the shoot

An already developing plant has leaves and buds, as well as side shoots, the first of which begins with the so-called germinal bud and is called the main (first-order shoot). At its apex there is a growth cone, allowing it to be extended in height.

What is the axillary kidney

The axillary are those buds that develop in the axils of the leaves of the plant. It is from the axillary buds that lateral shoots develop, which ensure the growth of the plant in width, its bushiness, and branching. Most often, they are located just above the attachment point of the leaf cuttings to the stem.

If the leaf falls, then a trace called a leaf scar remains in its place. From this imprint and axillary buds, one can determine the places of leaf growth on trees. This will not be difficult even during their absence.

Numerous axillary kidneys

The arrangement of axillary buds follows the pattern of leaves distribution on the shoot and gives them some advantages - the leaf perfectly protects the embryonic shoots, and also supplies it with the necessary amount of photosynthesis products.

What are the signs of kidney division?

The kidneys are divided according to several criteria and have the corresponding names:

  • By location on the body of the plant. The apex is the terminal bud, the axils of the leaves are the axillary, the rest of the plant is the accessory. Both axillary and accessory belong to the side kidneys.
  • In content and functions - vegetative, generative and mixed.
  • By structure - closed and open (bare).
  • By inclusion in the development of the plant - active, dormant, as well as kidney renewal.
Alternate arrangement of axillary kidneys

The location of the axillary kidneys

Since the arrangement corresponds to the axils of the leaves, then it will be called depending on the structure of the plant. The kidneys can be attached one at a time or in groups. In the first case, axillary kidneys can have the following location:

  1. The opposite, that is, opposite each other on the escape.
  2. Alternating - to attach to the stem in turn.
  3. Whorled - several leaves simultaneously emanate from one point on the stem in the direction in different directions. Each with a sinus kidney.
Whorled axillary kidneys

The group arrangement of the described buds suggests the presence of several embryonic shoots in the sinus of one leaf. In this case, the placement is called serial. The kidneys are attached one above the other, and the lower one is most often the largest. And with a collateral group of kidneys joins the shoot in the same plane.

Kidney functions and their contents

The apical and axillary buds, as well as the adnexa, necessarily have a stem in its infancy. The presence of the remaining organs in the kidney determines its further functions. Depending on the purpose, all buds (and basically they will be axillary, since they constitute the predominant amount on the plant) can be divided as follows:

  • vegetative - there is no future flower in the bud;
  • generative - consisting of a stem and a flower or inflorescence in a state of embryo;
  • mixed - in which there are elements of both future flowers and leaves.

Vegetative buds in comparison with the other two species will always be slightly smaller and have a less round shape (within the same plant species).

Lateral axillary kidneys

Kidney activity is also directly related to their role in the life of the main shoot. The opening ones immediately ensure successful vital activity, and the buds of renewal (wintering) are the adaptation of perennial plants to awakening in warm time. Sleepers slowly develop until the main plant is in danger. Any critical moment can cause them to start to behave actively - pruning a tree, the death of the trunk or part of it.

The external structure of the kidneys

The buds may differ in their internal structure - it depends on the parts of the plant embedded in them, as well as the external coating, protection. The longer the kidney needs to maintain its vital potential, the more nature protects it. In most plants, the buds have a special scale, and often it is glued together with a substance secreted by the plant (for example, coniferous resin). However, there are also unprotected kidneys that do not have an external hard protective layer (for example, viburnum).

Such structural differences apply to all types of plant buds.


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