Moniliosis, or monilial burn of fruit trees: signs, photo. How to deal with moniliosis

Each gardener puts a lot of time and energy into his plot, and in return wants to get a good harvest. To do this, it is not enough to feed, water and trim the plants. It is also important to protect the garden from pests, as well as from various diseases, which are becoming more and more. Viral and fungal, they spread at the speed of light and lead to the complete destruction of the crop, and sometimes the trees themselves.

Today, more and more often summer residents are faced with the fact that spring greens on stone fruit trees are covered with brown spots. Many mistakenly believe that there was a night frost, or blame themselves for improper treatment with an insecticide. In fact, this is the activity of a harmful fungus. This disease is called a monilial burn. Its prevalence in Russia today has reached incredible proportions, therefore, every summer resident should provide such a problem.

monilial burn

How to recognize the enemy in person

This disease appeared far from yesterday. If you have been doing summer cottage for a long time, then, most likely, you know what a monilial burn is. It's just that in everyday life it is called differently. This is ordinary gray rot. Various subspecies settle on all fruit trees. At the same time, stone fruits are a favorite of this fungus and suffer much more.

Territorial prevalence

Monilial burn is very common in temperate regions. In Russia, this is the European part and the northwest, the Far East, the Caucasus and the Urals, Siberia. That is, it turns out that most of the country is suffering. Cherry orchards of Ukraine and Belarus are infected. The problem is becoming almost universal, and regular processing does not help. Relatively cool weather and rains are excellent conditions for the development of gray rot. With high humidity, the optimal temperature is 15-20 degrees. Today, the climate is changing everywhere, and a prolonged spring with precipitation leads to the fact that a monilial burn appears even in those regions where it has not been seen before.

monilial cherry burn

How does infection happen?

Processing should be carried out before flowering plants. It is from the moment the buds open that the conidia of the fungus penetrate through the pestle into the flower. Here he receives all the conditions necessary for life and development. The mycelium is able to hit and shoot wood. As a result, the gardener observes a rapidly growing monilial burn (cherries, for example). Instead of pouring berries, you get drying young twigs. Spores of the fungus are carried by the wind over a considerable distance, so if there are no diseased trees in neighboring areas, this does not mean that there is nothing to worry about. Insects can also bring them.

First signs

As we have already said, leaves and shoots acquire a brown color. Following them, the same fate awaits the formed ovaries. If the affected parts of the plants are not removed on time, then they themselves will become a source of spores. Bone monilial burn is a disease that must be combated with all seriousness. Even adverse conditions can not stop the process of vital activity of the fungus. In hot weather, its activity slows down, but at the first opportunity it will again prove itself in all its "beauty". The spores of the fungus are extremely tenacious.

Over the summer, he can give several generations of controversy and capture entire gardens. Spores survive the cold on branches, dried leaves and unripe berries, which were mummified and remained hanging on a tree. And with the advent of the warm season, the development cycle repeats itself with even greater speed.

monilial burn treatment

At risk

A novice gardener is sometimes surprised that only adults, fruiting plants are affected. At the same time, young trees calmly tolerate their neighborhood, without showing any signs of disease. There is no miracle here. Just the only place through which the fungus penetrates into the bast tissues of the plant is an open flower. Therefore, seedlings are 100% protected.

At the same time, precipitation that falls during the flowering period is vital for spores. The tree itself needs them, since moderate heat and a sufficient amount of moisture contribute to the appearance and ripening of fruits. But the same rains create conditions for the development of the fungus and reduce the resistance of the plant. Therefore, warm and rainy spring is an occasion to beware and regularly check your garden. Even if you are not sure that the branch dries precisely because of a fungal infection, it is always better to cut and burn it.

monilial burn photo

Stop the spread

Distribution is also facilitated by insects that parasitize on flowers and ovaries. By the way, useful bees can also be indirectly to blame, because together with pollen they capture harmful spores. Therefore, timely treatment with insecticides is also a very important event. Monilial burn of fruit trees is considered one of the most fatal diseases. At the same time, you need to remember that treatment with folk methods is useless, so you do not need to spend time and effort on it. Modern agricultural technologies have stepped far forward, and summer residents will probably find the necessary preparations in modern stores.

Choose a variety

Even at the time of purchase of the seedling, you should think about which one will feel best in your area. The stronger the tree, the easier it will survive the attack of the fungus and medical pruning, and it will also start growing and restore its previous yield. Of course, it is very convenient to plant plants that are fully resistant to such formidable diseases as monilial cherry burn. Treatment involves the use of special drugs, which can then accumulate in the fruits. I would very much like to avoid this.

Breeders never managed to breed varieties that would be completely unaffected by a dangerous disease. It’s a pity, of course, but you shouldn’t lose heart. There are varieties that cope better than others with this scourge. An example is cherry Anadolskaya and Tamaris, Belarusian varieties Zhivitsa and Rossoshanskaya black, as well as a number of unpretentious varieties for the Moscow region. These are Turgenevka and Youth, Radonezh and Bystrinka.

With a competent approach, these trees can safely grow and bear fruit even in the area where there is a massive infection with a monilial burn. At the same time, the number of crops will please from year to year.

bone marrow burn

Preventive actions

It is much easier to stop a monilial burn. Treatment can be lengthy and rather complicated, so pay special attention to this point. A good preventive measure is the regular formation of the crown of fruit trees. Removing excess branches, the growth of which leads to excessive crown density, as well as cutting of weak shoots reduce the risk of colonization of the crown with pests and fungi. Such pruning is especially important for old, weakening trees. Do not forget to cut off all plant residues from diseased cherries.

Mechanical destruction of affected plants

The fight against a monilial burn is a whole range of measures that is aimed at completely ridding the garden of the fungus and preventing its occurrence in the future. If you do not want the garden to be completely destroyed, you need to cut out all the affected and dead parts of the plants.

Usually the time for a full inspection comes immediately after leaf fall. Sick and dry twigs are cut out, and wounds are smeared with putty or paint. Cut branches and dry garbage must be burned. After that, experts recommend spraying the trees with a 6% solution of iron sulfate. Do not be too lazy to whiten tree trunks and twigs with milk of lime.

If you were unable to complete these activities in the fall, then they are seamlessly carried over to spring. Do not forget that work must be completed before the kidneys swell. Cut branches also need to be burned. Now carefully monitor the garden. After the swelling of the kidneys, you need to spray the trees with 1% Bordeaux fluid. After flowering, check fruit trees again. If there are old dried branches or new ones are added to them, then you need to repeat the pruning and conduct a second spray with Bordeaux liquid.

monilial burn cherry treatment

Fungicide use

To date, there are many modern compounds that are intended for the treatment of fungal diseases. But it is very important to take into account the fact that parasites quickly adapt. Therefore, it is necessary to change fungicides from year to year, as well as regularly repeat the treatment. Along with this, it is necessary to prevent the spread of insect pests. Most often it is recommended to use "Fundazol", "Topaz", "Acrobat", "Chorus", "Strobi", "Falcon".

Complete deforestation

This radical decision sometimes comes to the mind of a gardener who is tired of fighting the disease. This is actually the worst option. Of course, with the destruction of trees, a monilial burn will also disappear. The photos presented in the article will help you understand what this disease is. However, when you plant new trees, you will again be at risk. Cherry and plum, apricots and peaches should not be chopped, but rejuvenated by pruning skeletal branches. In parallel, a number of preventive and therapeutic sprayings are carried out and a crown is formed, completely free of fungus. In this case, you will not lose as much time as it takes to grow a new orchard.

monilial fruit tree burn

Instead of a conclusion

Monilial burn is a formidable disease that can quickly leave you without a crop. The fungus spreads at lightning speed and is dangerous for most garden crops. But among fruit trees, stone fruits suffer the most. In Russia, this is cherry and plum. However, the gardener is quite able to protect his plantings. To do this, you need to form a crown of trees, regularly inspect them and conduct timely treatment with iron sulfate or fungicides.


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