How to plant peanuts? Peanuts: planting, growing

The name of this nut comes from the Greek word "arachne", which means "spider". Somewhat unusual, isn't it? However, everything is explained very simply - a cobweb-like pattern is clearly visible on its shell. Although it can be called a nut very conditionally, since it belongs to the oilseed crops and the legume family.

How to plant peanuts

Where does peanuts grow?

The most valuable nuts are those that are grown in Argentina and the United States. Many peanuts are grown in China. Significant plantations are occupied by this culture in southern Africa and in India.

Peanuts at home

It may seem surprising, but this nut does not belong to the group of wild plants. Your home greenhouse will be very decorated with peanuts. How to plant it? Very simple, moreover, this plant does not need special care. Planting peanuts and growing them is no more difficult than growing room violets, and there is much more benefit.

Peanuts: planting, growing

Planting material can be ordinary nuts, which are now sold in abundance in all stores. It is not necessary to remove the shell from them. Soak the nuts in water, and then put them on a cloth and wait for the sprouts to appear. As soon as they appear, you can plant the nuts in the soil. Peanuts are planted in moist, loose soil with a small amount of sand. You need to know that this plant is thermophilic, so it is advisable to soak it in April. In this case, it will actively develop in the summer months. During this period, it grows most intensively. But if you dare to plant it at a later date, then you will need to carefully monitor the temperature and lighting.

peanut planting

Essential care

We talked about the fact that caring for the plant is not too complicated, but this does not mean at all that it is enough to plant a pot and put peanuts on the balcony. How to plant it so that as a result you get valuable fruits? During flowering, the plant needs abundant watering, and after its completion, much less water will be required. During the flowering period, the plant is able to decorate any greenhouse - bright yellow-orange flowers appear on it. When they fall, in their place there are gynophores - processes that grow up for some time, and then rush to the ground. Entering it, they form the ovaries, from which a nut is subsequently formed in the ground.

Beginning gardeners and gardeners should be aware that geneophores are not always able to reach the ground themselves. Therefore, for very tall plants, you can use ordinary egg shells filled with earth, which should be substituted for geneophores. As soon as the leaves on the plant begin to turn yellow, this means that the nuts are fully ripe and can be taken out of the soil. Peanuts are an annual plant, therefore, having received the crop, they will have to part with them.

peanuts planting growing

Outdoor cultivation

Planting peanuts on a personal plot is slightly different from growing it at home. In the southern regions of our country, germinated kernels can be planted in open ground in the middle or end of May, when the air temperature is set at +20 - +25 degrees. During the summer months, the plant will develop well, and you will collect high-quality peanuts. How to plant a nut in more northern latitudes? In this case, it is advisable to use seedlings, which must be grown in early April, and in early June it can already be planted in open ground.

Pay attention to the place where your peanuts will grow. How to plant it most successfully? This should be an open, well-lit garden, on which potatoes, cucumbers, cabbage were previously grown, but in no case other bean crops.


When the bushes begin to dry, you can collect the nut. This usually happens in early October. On the day you start harvesting, the weather should be sunny and warm so that the soil is completely dry. By the way, a week before this, watering the plants should be completely stopped. In this case, the bush will come out easily. It is more convenient to dig out peanuts with the help of a pitchfork - gently poke the rhizome so that the nuts remain on the bush.

peanuts at home

Lay out the dug plants for 2 to 3 days in a dry, well-ventilated area. Then cocoons with nuts can be collected and left at room temperature until completely dry. You will find out about this by shaking the cocoon - the nuts should roll freely in it.

The use of peanuts

Despite the fact that you now know how to plant peanuts, do not hope that you can grow a multi-kilogram crop on the windowsill or balcony, but the average person does not need that amount. Peanuts are very high-calorie, it contains a lot of fiber. Nutritionists do not recommend using it in large quantities. This nut is widely used in cooking. It is used in the preparation of various sauces, meat dishes, confectionery.

How to store peanuts?

If you have harvested a large crop, then you should take care of its storage. He must certainly remain in his peel. Place it in an airtight container and refrigerate. In this form, it can be stored for up to six months. You can leave the nut in a dry and dark place - it will be suitable for consumption for three months. But if you freeze it, then this period will increase to a year.

Peanuts: benefits and harms

In fairness, it should be noted that this product is completely unpredictable - it can be extremely useful for the human body, and can seriously harm. The debates of scientists and nutritionists on these issues are still ongoing. So where is the truth?

how to plant peanuts

The undoubted advantages of peanuts include the following qualities:

- antioxidant properties;

- improves blood coagulability;

- strengthens the immune system;

- Peanut butter is saturated with vitamins A and B, fats and proteins.

Negative properties:

- slows down blood flow, which negatively affects blood vessels;

- is a fairly active allergen;

- contains a large amount of fat.

As you can see, the pros and cons in this plant are approximately equal, so remember that the measure is important in everything, and in the use of peanuts, too.


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