Malibu - a rose full of tenderness and charm

Every grower wants to have a queen of flowers in his collection. One of the most charming is the Malibu variety. Hybrid tea rose, bred in Holland. She impresses with her grace and tenderness. Rosa Malibu is an amazing component for a festive bouquet that can be presented at such celebrations as a birthday or a wedding.

Malibu rose

Rosa Malibu: Description

The plant is tall, the stem length can reach 1.20 m. The bud is oblong, medium in size. It is not very splendid, but in comparison with other varieties of roses, the bud is quite high. Flowers have a delicate color. In the lower part, the bud is predominantly white, with a light light green tint; closer to the edge, the petal acquires a light pink, and sometimes creamy tone. The smooth transition of the color scheme gives the Malibu rose a special charm.

The stem of the flower is smooth and high enough, the number of thorns is average. The leaves are small in size, oblong, have a dark green matte color.

Flower characteristic

This variety can be distinguished from many others. Malibu - a rose of pastel colors, with a delicate aroma. The plant is resistant to low temperatures, so it easily tolerates winter. Also, the flower is not susceptible to disease, so gardeners prefer to grow it in their areas. But still there are some rules that need to be followed when growing, because despite its strengths, the rose is somewhat capricious.

Plant care

Before you buy seedlings, you must choose a place to plant Malibu. The rose does not tolerate direct sunlight, and with a lack of moisture, the buds will be small and inconspicuous. Although an excessive shadow will also not benefit the plant.

rose malibu description

It is recommended to moisten the leaves with water, for this you can use a sprayer. A sufficient amount of moisture will allow you to grow a healthy flower.

You should not plant shrubs near the trees, as the latter will draw from the soil all the nutrients that are so needed for the normal growth of Malibu. The rose of this variety, with proper care, will delight with its beauty and give a subtle, light aroma, filling it with a garden plot.

Flowers as a business

Growing roses is a fascinating activity. Such plants adorn urban flower beds and private estates. But for some people, flower cultivation has become a very successful business. Roses are used by florists to decorate banquet rooms and create bouquets. Since Malibu is a rose of an elite variety and is stored in a vase for a long time, it can be found in almost all flower shops. To extend the life of the cut flower, make an oblique incision and remove the lower leaves and thorns. Such manipulations will allow you to admire the bouquet for more than one day.


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