When to plant peonies in the fall? Landing rules

Peonies have long been popular among gardeners. Indeed, according to the decorative foliage and beauty of the flowers, it is difficult for them to pick up analogues. Peonies pleasantly delight the eye with a variety of colors, ranging from the most delicate shades and ending with a bright, rich palette. In addition, they have a wonderful aroma. It is not surprising that almost all gardeners tend to grow and propagate such flowers. This is a simple process, if the necessary conditions are met. So, consider when to plant peonies in the fall? And how to do it right.

when to plant peonies in the fall

Autumn landing

Novice gardeners often come across the question: when do peonies plant, in autumn or spring?

Professional flower growers recommend planting flowers in open ground in the month of September. The beginning of autumn is the best time to plant any kind of peony. In this case, preparation for the procedure can begin in August. However, the landing itself should be postponed until mid-September.

Thinking about when to plant peonies in the fall, gardeners often ask the question: why September? This period was not chosen by chance.

Florists give the following arguments:

  1. Renewal buds on the plant are fully formed.
  2. The bush stops growing in September. This applies to the ground.
  3. The process of forming the smallest roots has not yet begun. Therefore, during the transplant, you do not injure the plant.
  4. The heat has already passed.
  5. It starts raining. This contributes to better rooting.

But what if the plant was presented in early spring? Knowing perfectly when to plant peonies in the fall, beginning gardeners can get confused. Do not despair. The plant can be temporarily planted in a pot. And move to open ground in March or April. However, be aware that such a procedure is permissible only if the temperature in the street has settled and reaches + 5 C.

when peonies are planted in autumn or spring

And now we will consider what conditions should be created for a pion.

Seat selection

So, now you know when it is better to plant peonies in the fall. But it is important to understand the features of the correct site selection.

Florists give the following recommendations:

  1. Peony loves the sun. Therefore, select a well-lit area.
  2. The flower does not tolerate winds and drafts. Therefore, it is recommended to plant a plant near shrubs and trees. They will provide a fine screening from the winds. However, provide free space for the root system.
  3. Do not choose a place near the house. For a plant, this will play a poor service. After all, the walls of the house constantly radiate heat, and the flower does not tolerate overheating. From this, the peony simply dies. The distance from the house to the peony should be at least 1.5-2 m.

Soil preparation

Now let's move on to the soil. What soil is needed for the plant?

Take the advice of professionals:

  1. Peony develops best on loamy soil.
  2. If the earth is heavy, clay, it is recommended to add sand, humus and peat to it. Such soil will allow the plant to develop well.
  3. Sandy soils complement peat, clay and humus.
  4. Peatlands are most unsuitable for peony growth. However, even such a soil can be made high-quality for the development of peony. It is necessary to add sand, wood ash and organic fertilizers to the soil.

how to plant peonies in the fall

Consider the above recommendations, and your bush will delight you with amazing flowering.

Fertilizer needed

Of course, it is very important to understand when to plant peonies in the fall. However, experts give many more points that affect the development of the bush. They should also be aware of. It is important enough to properly feed the flower.

For such purposes, the following is recommended:

  1. Before planting, add superphosphate and potassium sulfate into the pit . Such fertilizers will need 200 g. They should be mixed with wood ash. The last one will need a liter jar.
  2. Now prepare the manganese solution. It should be dark pink, saturated color. It will take about 10-15 liters. Pour the fertilizer mixture into it.

The subtleties of landing

Preparatory activities are over.

Now we will figure out how to plant peonies in the fall:

  1. Landing hole should be prepared in advance. In this case, the soil mixture will have time to give the necessary shrinkage.
  2. Make a small knoll at the bottom of the fossa. Put a plant on it. Be sure to straighten all the roots.
  3. Sprinkle voids with earth. Carefully squeeze the plant from all sides with your hands. You must form a watering hole.
  4. Plant the flower in such a way that the upper bud is covered with soil about 3-5 cm. You can plant a little deeper.
  5. After planting the plant, the hole should be abundantly watered. Mulch with compost.

when to plant peonies in the fall

Another important recommendation to consider. Peony will not grow on a damp low section. Excess moisture provokes decay of the root system.

If groundwater comes close to the surface, consider a drainage system. For its manufacture, you can use crushed stone, tile, broken brick, gravel, shell rock.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F15522/

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