Cooperative "Lake" and its owners

cooperative lake

About a hundred and twenty kilometers from St. Petersburg is the village of Solovyovka, which is located on the shores of Lake Komsomolskoye. There is clean and stupefying air, Karelian pines are a great place. It was in this place that Vladimir Putin bought the cottage with the assistance of Viktor Zubkov.

Shortly after this, or rather, in the fall of 1996, the Dacha cooperative was founded, whose members were V. Putin, Yu. Kovalchuk, N. Shamalov, V. Myachin, V. Smirnov, V. Yakunin, and the Fursenko brothers. Later, Smirnov, Shamalov and Yakunin remained in the cooperative, but soon enough businessmen V. Mozhaev, V. Ballandovich, V. Votolevsky, S. Orlov, A. Antonov, economist S. Prushchak, O. Pershina and A. Levin joined them. .

By 2011, 15 years have passed since the beginning of the existence of these cottages. The "Lake" cooperative became world famous. Photos of magnificent buildings and their inhabitants flooded the entire Internet.

What is this mysterious object? Cooperative "Lake" is a well-guarded territory with a runway, a post of meteorologists, a radio beacon. Buildings on the territory of the cooperative are two- and three-story mansions.

country cooperative lake

With the coming to power of Vladimir Putin, the co-operatives suddenly began to climb quickly up the career ladder, their business began to flourish, all the rich were in full view. According to media reports, Kovalchuk and Shamalov, Russian oligarchs, are now billionaires with a controlling stake in AKB Rossiya (joint-stock commercial bank). At the very beginning of Putin’s career as president of the country, it was the most ordinary and insignificant bank, but then suddenly the state decided to take control of it. So, Gazprom’s large monetary assets went cheaply to the battery, while Gazprom ceased to be state-owned.

Relatives of Putin have also increased their wealth. Putin’s cousin, Mikhail Shelomov, became the shareholder of the bank. His other cousin, Mikhail Putin, took the post of deputy chairman of the board of Sogaz, the largest insurance company. Previously, he led the medical department of Gazprom, which conducted transactions worth several hundred million a year.

The cooperative "Lake" continued to flourish, all of its founders held the positions of leaders in government bodies and organizations controlled by the state. First, Yakunin was the Deputy Minister of Transport of Russia, then the first Deputy Minister of Railways, and then became the head of the Russian Railways.

cooperative lake photo

Vladimir Smirnov also rose rapidly, rising to the rank of adviser to the director of the Atomenergoprom concern. He had close ties with businessman Barsukov (Kumarin), who, in turn, was associated with Colombian drug dealers. The cooperative "Lake" was guarded by an agency owned by Kumarin-Barsukov.

The Fursenko brothers. Sergey, a former director of Lentransgaz, now heads the Russian Football Union, the National Media Group, which is controlled by Rossiya Bank. It includes several television channels and the Izvestia newspaper. Andrei Fursenko is appointed Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

The cooperative "Lake" continues to flourish, its founders and their relatives, along with the bank "Russia" tirelessly increase their wealth.


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