Work plan in a preparatory group with parents. Memo for parents. Consultation for parents in the preparatory group

The concept of preschool education states that the first educators are parents. Psychologists have proven that caring for the baby, an atmosphere of trust, attention in the family become the basis for the normal development of the personality of the child. Many believe that educators are solely responsible for the education and upbringing of the preschooler. In fact, only the joint activities of DOE workers and parents can give positive results. Therefore, in preschool institutions much attention is paid to this direction of pedagogical activity. Our material will help to draw up a work plan in the preparatory group with parents and effectively implement it as part of the educational process.

work plan in a preparatory group with parents

The purpose and objectives of working with parents in a preschool educational institution

In our society, the situation is widespread when adults, having given their children to kindergarten, are completely immersed in workdays, worries, problems, paying minimum attention to their baby. Of course, parents try to provide the child with everything necessary, but the result is the opposite - under such conditions, the baby cannot develop normally, there are violations in the formation of personality, and mental disorders are often observed. Therefore, the main goal of a preschool institution in the framework of working with a family of pupils is to form an active position of adults. This means that parents must become proactive participants in the pedagogical process. This aspect is especially important for older students, so it is at the age of 5 years that a turning point in the formation of personality occurs, due to the fact that the baby is preparing to become a schoolboy.

It is also important to note that parents do not always cope with pedagogical tasks - this is due to the lack of specialized education. Therefore, there is a need to increase the competence of adults in raising children - this task should also be solved with the help of close cooperation with the families of foster children.

interaction with parents in the preparatory group

Work plan

To solve the tasks in preschool institutions, directed activity is organized. So, an important document regulating this process is the annual work plan in the preparatory group with parents. It is compiled on the basis of regulations, but the actual needs of families are also taken into account. The content of the plan should include various areas of activity, including:

  • informational work;
  • diagnostic measures;
  • psychological and pedagogical education;
  • popularization of family values, the importance of joint leisure.

Such a document is prepared for the entire academic year. The columns of the plan are not strictly regulated, but the following are recommended: "Name of the event", "Pedagogical goals and objectives", "Dates", "Responsible agent".

long-term plan with parents in the preparatory group


The work plan in the preparatory group with parents includes measures to familiarize with the conditions for children in kindergarten, the proposed additional services, as well as special services organized in the institution (for example, speech therapy, psychological). This information can be conveyed through advertising booklets, information stands. In addition, counseling for parents is an effective form of informational activity in kindergarten. The following topics for discussion can be proposed in the preparatory group: "First Steps to First Grade," "The Crisis of Six Years and the Ways to Overcome It," "Is It Time to Go to School?"


In order for the interaction with parents in the preparatory group to be productive, it is necessary to determine the needs of the children. In addition, it is important to identify a number of urgent problems, “sore” issues related to the education of preschoolers. It is possible to solve such problems with the help of individual and group conversations, surveys.

The most accessible and common form of diagnosis is questionnaires for parents. In the preparatory group, you can offer topics such as "The need to study literacy at the stage of visiting kindergarten", "Health status of the child", "Tempering procedures: for and against" and others.

Parent Education

Improving the competence of parents in the development and upbringing of children is one of the most important tasks in the interaction of pre-school education with the family. In a preschool institution, various forms of activity are organized in this direction. So, a long-term plan with parents in the preparatory group includes:

  • parent meetings
  • consultation;
  • psychological and pedagogical trainings;
  • design of thematic corners, stands;
  • joint mass events.

questionnaires for parents in the preparatory group

Parent meeting

An effective and productive form of work in a preschool educational institution is a meeting of parents. In the preparatory (middle and younger groups can also take part as listeners) the age category of pupils, the topics of such events can be as follows: “The regimen of the day of the future first grader”, “Playing in the life of a senior preschooler”, “Sports and hardening as the prevention of infectious diseases”.

Using this form of work, such as a parent meeting, it is possible to solve various pedagogical problems, in particular, to inform about the conditions of children’s stay at the pre-school educational institution, conduct questionnaires, determine the actual needs of children during the conversation, and increase the level of adult competence in education.

During this form of activity, the minutes of the meeting are necessarily kept, which reflects the issues discussed, decisions made, practical measures taken, and more.


No less effective for solving pedagogical problems a form of activity in a preschool educational institution is counseling for parents. In the preparatory group, it is carried out both according to the plan and in the event of any problem situations. Such work can be carried out both in the form of a collective meeting and individually.

Corners and stands for parents

Another method of educational work with parents is the production of special stands, thanks to which, when bringing kids to kindergarten, adults have the opportunity to get acquainted with relevant information. How to arrange a corner for parents in the preparatory group? The most convenient option will be to purchase a ready-made stand with existing "pockets" for information. Its advantages are that it is aesthetically designed and practical. The following information should be posted on the stand for parents, regularly updating:

  • psychological and pedagogical age features of children 5-6 years old;
  • daily regime;
  • Timetable of classes;
  • menu;
  • anthropometric data of the pupils of the group;
  • pedagogical recommendations, advice of a speech therapist and psychologist;
  • ads.

Also in this corner you can place areas of exhibitions of children's works, a “box of pedagogical skills”, which can contain, for example, a memo for parents on any relevant topic, a folder with photographs of children during their creative activities, and much more.

counseling for parents in the preparatory group

Organization of leisure activities

To form an active pedagogical position, family events are organized in the preschool institution. The work plan in the preparatory group with parents includes matinees, sporting events, creative collective activity.

The organization of such events involves conducting extensive preparatory work with both pupils and their family. When implementing such joint holidays, it is primarily important to create a warm, friendly atmosphere of interaction between teachers and parents, as well as adults and children. For this, a consultation is preliminarily held for parents. In the preparatory group, the topics of such an event may include the following: “Family values”, “Support, understanding of adults as a factor in the psychological comfort of a senior preschooler”.

parent meeting in the preparatory group

Thematic reminders

A simple, affordable form of educational work is the production of special booklets and leaflets. They can post information on upcoming events, important organizational issues. The memo for parents displays various recommendations, rules of conduct in a particular situation. For example, you can suggest the following topics: "The child does not speak well: what to do?", "Ideas for an autumn walk", "Scientific experiments for children 5 years old."

corner for parents in the preparatory group

The work plan in the preparatory group with parents is the main document of the preschool institution, reflecting a whole range of activities aimed at increasing the activity, initiative of adults, organizing interaction between educators and the family of pupils, providing the necessary psychological and pedagogical assistance.


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