Where does the lion live? Species and area of ​​distribution of animals

Africa has long attracted Europeans with its diverse and rich flora and fauna. Significant animals for this continent became such animals as a giraffe, rhino, elephant, lion. The king of animals is one of the largest representatives of cats, and he differs not only in size. His lifestyle is also not typical of the family. It deserves special attention.

The appearance of a lion

where does the lion live

Before we find out where the lion lives, we will describe its appearance. These animals belong to predatory feline mammals . In total, more than ten subspecies are known. The males are very large. On average, their weight is from 170 to 185 kilograms. The body has a length of one hundred seventy to two hundred and twenty centimeters. And this is without tail! A rich mane of light or dark shades is distinguished from a female male. On the tail is a brush. The fur is on the belly of an animal of white color; the color on the top varies from light sand to tan. On the face, in the area of ​​the vibrissa, the lions have specks that are unique to each individual. This trait is used when observing animals to identify them. Females are more modest in size: an average of about one hundred and fifty centimeters. Weight can range from 120 to 150 kilograms. This predator is not only distinguished by strength, dexterity, but also by its calm disposition. Not dangerous for a person, rarely attacks himself. Most often this happens if the animal is injured.


where the lions live in the savannah

Nature lovers are interested in where the lions live. In the savannah, in Africa. They populate not only grassy plains, but also semi-deserts of this hot continent. They form families, the so-called prides. This is not typical for cats. The group includes one dominant male, several adult females and lion cubs of both sexes. On average, about 13 animals. Roles are strictly distributed. Females are responsible for the cubs and hunt. Male lions act only as guards of the territory. Moreover, as a result of skirmishes, they can kill even other feline representatives, as well as hyenas. Antelopes and even elephants act as prey for these large predators. It also happens that a family specializes in only one type of prey. To feed, an adult male needs to eat from 18 to 31 kilograms of meat at a time. Lions eat once in 2-3 days. But at the same time, they endure without food for a long time, up to several weeks. The dominant male eats first, then the females, and last, the calves. Lions sleep up to 20 hours a day.


wildlife lions

In the mating season between lions, battles for the female occur. It often happens when, as a result, one of the opponents dies. In the pride where the lion lives, the dominant male mates with the lioness. In the process, he very gently nibbles her by the scruff of the neck. This is typical for cats. Three and a half months later, the pregnant female leaves the family group, finds shelter and produces offspring. Cubs are born with a spotted skin, helpless and blind. Until six or seven months of age, they suck mother’s milk, and then switch to meat. A lioness returns to the pack with older cubs. Adult animals raise cubs, but as soon as they reach puberty, males are expelled. Only the fittest should remain in the family group. Therefore, where the lion lives, occupying a dominant position, the other male has nothing to do. If young individuals expelled from the family return, they can be killed by their own father. The lionesses in the pride also drive out the grown females. Lonely predators do not live long, they die in clashes, in the struggle for their role in the family. Often the expelled male creates his own family group. But for this he must gain experience and strength.

Habitat and hunting

area of ​​lions

Are you curious about the area of ​​lions? Their main habitat is south of the Sahara and in India, in the Girsky forest. In the past, these animals were widespread. Traditions report that lions lived not only in North Africa, but also in India, Pakistan, Turkey and Greece. The number of these majestic predators has declined sharply due to the intensive hunting of humans on them, as well as due to changes in the environment. Their prey can be buffalo, giraffes, and other ungulates. Most often these are zebras and wildebeests. Hunting takes place collectively. Basically this is the task of the lionesses. They occupy a position in ambush, and one creeps up to the chosen victim and rushes at her. She drives the animal to a group waiting for her. The male helps to fill up the largest prey. Predators migrate after herds of ungulates. Therefore, to say where the lion lives is quite difficult. During seasonal movements of potential prey, most often one remains a female with helpless kittens. Her pride is leaving.

White Lion

where do the white lions live

In nature, there are animals in which the production of melanin is reduced - the pigment responsible for color. The color of such lions can vary, it can be snow-white or cream-beige. A recessive gene preserved from the distant ancestors of predators is considered a sign of this phenomenon. Where white lions live, animals of traditional color also live. However, blue-eyed, with light skin, it is very difficult for animals to hunt. They cannot become invisible to prey, disguise themselves.

The king of beasts - in nature and captivity

In nature, there are several subspecies of lions. They differ in size, color of the mane. On the pages of specialized publications you can find information about the diversity that wildlife has, lions are part of it. These beautiful predators live not only in African open spaces, but also in national zoos. They successfully breed in captivity. Some species, such as the Asian lion, are on the verge of extinction.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F15539/

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