Card file for walks in the middle group. Overview

It would be a great mistake to believe that it is impossible to study with a child in a kindergarten . Of course, they should not be seated on the site in any weather on chairs, otherwise children can easily lose interest in a walk, but you can diversify this time. Resting doesn’t mean rushing aimlessly down the street. If this process is properly organized, then the assimilation of knowledge that occurs in full-fledged classes will be much more effective. This article presents a small file of walks in the middle group.

middle walk group card

The age of children from four to five years is the most active period of development. At this time, an intensive knowledge of the surrounding world. The child discovers in himself the ability to notice the most minor changes in nature. All seasons become a real discovery for him. A file cabinet of walks in the middle group helps not to miss this moment.

The benefits of outdoor activities

Probably, everyone will agree that on the street (especially in good weather) children can be interested in more quickly than in a group. The fact is that on the site they become more lively, behave naturally. If someone, being indoors, hesitated and was afraid to answer the questions of the educator, then it was he who went out into the fresh air, calms down, gains self-confidence. Yes, on the street it is hardly possible to conduct a full lesson, but this is not required. It is enough to simply consolidate the knowledge acquired earlier, to ask the guys a few cognitive questions. A file cabinet of walks in the middle group is aimed at realizing this intention. The plan is presented below.

Middle group. May

Walk 1

Flower watching

Objectives: to cultivate a love of nature, to form a caring attitude towards all living things.

Course of observation

Soon the summer will come. Green grass appeared, flowers bloomed. All of them are beautiful and unique in their own way. Guys, what flowers do you know?

Each flower grows in its place. Some plants are in the forest, others are in the city. There are also flowers on our site. Look carefully around and say their names correctly.

file walks september middle group

Labor activity: “Let's take out the garbage on the site. With this we will help the janitor Pyotr Vasilyevich. ”

Purpose: to develop respect for the work of other people and the desire to help.

Outdoor games: "How many flowers can you find?", "Find a yellow plant."

Purpose: to consolidate the concept of the number of objects and color.

Individual work: "Draw the flower that you like best."

Purpose: to develop artistic abilities, contribute to the formation of personality.

This section provides an approximate file of walks (middle group). Spring is a unique time of the year when you can make amazing discoveries. Please children with interesting tasks!

Card file for walks "September". Middle group

Walk 2

"The golden season of leaf fall"

Objectives: to form ideas about the changing seasons, the features of daylight, the ability to distinguish signs of autumn.


Guys, it's autumn time. Days are getting shorter and nights are getting longer. Autumn poets dedicated many beautiful poems. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin was very fond of this time of year. What changes have you noticed in nature?

The leaves on the trees turned yellow and fell to the ground. See how beautiful it is around!

file walks middle group spring

Labor activity: cleansing the site of foliage.

Purpose: the education of industriousness.

Outdoor games: “Chickens for a walk”, “Where do rabbits live?”.

Purpose: the development of physical activity.

Individual work: " Guess the riddle."

Purpose: the development of logical thinking, imagination, memory.

Card file walks (middle group) "Winter"

Walk 3

Sculpt the Snowman

Goals: expanding knowledge about winter as a time of year, developing the ability to work in a team.


Winter has come! Guys, today a lot of snow fell. Who will say what can be fashioned from it? Let's try to make a snowman together. What parts does it consist of and how to sculpt it?

walk-in file middle group winter

Labor activity: collective work with snow during the modeling of the Snowman.

Purpose: development of responsibility and ability to act in a team.

Outdoor games: "Make a beautiful figure out of the snow."

Purpose: the formation of interest in a common cause.

Individual work: "Collect as many snowballs as possible."

Purpose: improving physical skills.

Thus, a file of walks in the middle group will be useful to kindergarten teachers in organizing children's leisure. It is only necessary to ensure that the kids do not scatter in different directions, they were interested during the walk. In everything that surrounds us in nature, you can find an inexhaustible source for development and children's creativity. Yellowed leaves allow you to build a beautiful herbarium, and soft supple snow - to fashion an important snowman. From flowers you can make a gorgeous bouquet, and then give it to mom.


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