How to make a paper flower with your own hands easily and quickly

All people like flowers, because they are bright, fragrant, and sometimes unusual. But their disadvantage is that they are short-lived. To decorate your home, you can use a paper flower. Do it yourself is not difficult to do. The main thing is to find the right material. In the article we will consider several options for how to implement such an idea in practice.

What can be made of?

There are many types of paper: office, colored, cardboard, crepe and even napkins. From most of them, you can make complex and simple paper flowers with your own hands. It all depends on the technique and purpose of this jewelry.

The more a flower needs to be made, the denser the paper should be, because its thin variations are unlikely to look beautiful and keep their shape under the huge weight of the petals.

spiral roses

But small flowers made of thick paper will also look ugly. She will make them visually heavy, which is not typical for delicate living buds.

So, let's figure out how to make a paper flower with your own hands without much cost and effort.

Let's start with napkins

carnation from a napkin

From this seemingly simple and nondescript material, several color options can be made. All of them are simple in execution, the work will not take much time if you need only a couple of pieces.

The first of them are magnificent pompons. For work, you need colored multi-layer napkins. We fold a couple of pieces several times, make a cross mount in the center of the stapler and cut out a circle from this design. If you first cut, and then fasten, the layers may move slightly.

When the base is ready, we begin to form a flower. To do this, lift up each layer of paper and crush it as much as possible. The result will be something like a lush clove. If you previously make along the edge of the circle of the notch, the flower will come out more openwork. But this is far from the only option on how to make flowers from paper napkins with your own hands.

Paper dahlia

napkin dahlia

In this embodiment, it is necessary to fold the napkin with an accordion and fasten it in the center with a stapler. The edges of the workpiece must be cut in a semicircle to make them as similar as possible to the petals.

After that, we open the accordion and begin to separate the layers of the napkin. This must be done carefully so that the paper does not tear. During this, try to lay each layer so that it is as close as possible to a real flower. This method is so simple that you will get a beautiful product the first time. And you will no longer wonder how to make paper flowers with your own hands. You always have napkins at home.

Rose from napkins

napkin rose

If you think that we have considered all the ways how to create a paper flower with your own hands from napkins, then you are deeply mistaken. After all, a delicate rose awaits us ahead.

For work, we need a pencil and tape or thread. Take a napkin and wrap about a quarter of it on a pencil. Without removing it, collect this tube as much as possible so that it turns into something like a corrugated pipe. Now it can be removed. Make several blanks of petals in this way, so that our rose turns out to be voluminous.

When everything is ready, we can proceed with the assembly. Take the first petal and fold it across the corrugated tube. So you get the core of the flower. Spread the rest of the petals around it, making sure that they overlap slightly.

When the bud is ready, tie it tight at the base with a ribbon. The ends can be cut, or you can attach to them a kind of leaves from a green napkin. This craft will be a great decoration in the setting of the festive table.

We continue to consider how to make paper flowers with your own hands from paper of other types.

Spiral rose

simple paper flowers

This is a quick and easy way to create a beautiful flower in minutes. Take a sheet of double-sided colored paper and begin to draw a spiral on it in increments of about 1-1.5 cm. Do not worry that the lines will not come out very smooth. It does not matter. In addition, due to this, an additional decorative effect will be achieved.

Then the sheet needs to be cut along these lines. When the work is done, start twisting the spiral from the center into the tube. The longer you made it, the more magnificent the bud will turn out. When this stage is completed, glue the free end to the flower.

If you need to make sure that the rose has a stem, start winding a spiral on it. To keep the flower more reliable, you can stick its beginning to the selected base.

From these roses you can make a beautiful bouquet for an interior vase or an applique on the wall. It all depends on your artistic vision. Such self-made paper flowers made of paper are the simplest to execute. Even an elementary school student can easily cope with such crafts if you help him with the markup.

Several options for flowers for a bouquet

several colors

Crepe paper is required for this job. The photo above shows how to properly cut it to get different flowers. Finished strips of paper need to be wound tightly on the cuttings and then spread the petals. If you need to tighten them up a bit, use this technique. Take the open scissors and the cutting edge on the wrong side of the paper, pressing it with your thumb. But do not overdo it, otherwise the petal may tear from strong tension.

Such flowers are ideal for decorating the interior. They can be combined both in simple bouquets and in more complex floral arrangements.

Paper Marigolds

paper marigolds

Making this paper flower with your own hands is a little more difficult, since the work consists of several stages. First you need to cut out all the details. These should be two jagged strips and several flowers of five petals. The latter need a little twist with a toothpick.

From the toothed strips, a core is made. First, one of them needs to be rolled up into a tight tube. Previously, some teeth can be twisted with flagella so that the bud looks more natural. A second strip is wound over the first tube. It needs to be a little fluffy.

After this, the workpiece must be glued to the first set of petals. Then, in turn, the others are glued to them. If this is required by an artistic idea, a stalk is attached at the last stage. Marigolds are rarely erect with individual flowers. Therefore, it is better to use wire as a stalk. It can be twisted with another flower, creating the appearance of a branchy bush.

Huge roses

huge rose

In the modern interior you can find simply huge flowers that hang on the walls or stand in vases. Many people think that it is unrealistic to make such paper flowers with their own hands. The workshop presented below will dissuade you of this.

Before you begin, stock up on several rolls of crepe paper. If you want to play with color, you can take different shades. So you get the middle of the flower darker, and to the edges the petals will look as if faded if you use lighter paper.

It is also necessary to make paper blanks in the form of drops of different sizes in advance. This will create the same petals. When the templates are ready, start cutting paper. The main thing in this business is to remember that all the petals must be cut along the lines of extension. Otherwise, you just ruin the material and do not achieve the desired result.

At the next stage, all the petals need to be prepared for further assembly. To do this, their upper edge must be twisted outward. For these purposes, you can use any cylindrical object, for example, a roll of food foil.

The middle part needs to be stretched. This must be done carefully so as not to tear the paper. It should also be remembered that paper flowers with their own hands from paper need to be formed so that they are as similar as possible to natural ones. In this regard, the edges of the side blanks do not need to be stretched. This will create the most similar to a natural petal.

Flower making

Now you can proceed to the assembly. Turn on the thermal gun and take the smallest petals. Form a core from them. Continue to glue the workpieces, but remember that their top edges should always remain flush. To make this easier to implement, put the future flower upside down on the table and glue the petals in it in this position. The table in this case will serve as a level for proper assembly.

When the bud is ready, you can continue to work with it. The protruding part can be trimmed, but it will not be easy to do this. Therefore, it is better to cover it with green paper and create a crown of green leaves around the bud. If necessary, you can use the same glue to plant it on a stalk.

Another huge rose

paper rose

This flower is not as impressive as the previous one, but it is no less impressive. It is made of double-sided colored paper. The stages of work are similar to the previous master class. Do-it-yourself paper flowers should begin to do with the preparation of the template and the cutting of the material. Since ordinary paper does not stretch, it is better to make the petals wider and shorter.

The upper part must also be tightened, but with a pencil. The instructions in the photo above do not show this, but these petals can also be made slightly convex in the center. To do this, you need some kind of spherical shape. Petals should be placed on a moderately soft surface and slightly crushed with this ball.

The assembly of the product is no different from the previous version, only it is better to insert the stem immediately and stick the first petals directly to it. Then all the rest are stacked with an overlap on each other, as in a real flower.

When the last of them is glued, you need to proceed to the green part. Cut a green cone from colored paper and glue it to the bottom of the flower, add small leaves there as well.

If there should be leaf branches on the flower, make them out of green paper and glue them on the floral wire. It will allow you to create twigs, like a real rose.

Where can I use such crafts

DIY paper-made large paper flowers will not be used everywhere, but it’s still a powerful decorative accent of any interior. The main thing is to guess with their size, since too large buds in a small room will steal the space even more, and small flowers can be invisible on the walls of a large room.

Recently it has become popular to make special photo zones for celebrations, against which all guests are photographed. To rent such a structure costs a lot of money, especially when you consider that it consists of a wall decorated with flowers and textiles.

But you have a spare set of curtains at home, and you already know how to make flowers from paper. In addition, it is not necessary to put this bulky stand: pull a string in the room, hang curtains on it, put light furniture or do without it at all, and place large flowers in front of the curtains that can reach height and human growth.

The simplest paper flowers with their own hands can be made together with children, this will not only entertain them, but also help to create colorful decorations in their rooms. These same crafts are also suitable for decorating holiday cards that will definitely appeal to those to whom they will be handed.


In the article, we examined another interesting type of creativity - the creation of artificial flowers from paper of various types and textures. These master classes will be useful to you when you need to diversify your life with something new and colorful. Although paper flowers are a little whimsical in leaving, you can always make a new bouquet instead of the old one, which you can easily throw away with the dust and all the negative emotions that have accumulated on it for a couple of months.


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