DK Lensoveta, St. Petersburg: address, opening hours, room with photos and exhibitions

An architectural monument in the style of constructivism, a former sporting palace, a house of culture of industrial cooperation. A place where for more than fifty years there have been clubs, clubs, studios for children and adults, there are numerous concerts. One of the elements of the cultural life of the Northern capital is the Leningrad City Palace of Culture.

A bit of history

On the site of the current building in 1910, on the initiative of the owners of the Bashkirov flour mill, the so-called Sporting Palace was built. The main part of the building was occupied by a roller-skating hall, the rest of the space - a concert hall, restaurant, cinema.

old building

The building acquired a modern look in the 30s. of the last century under the leadership of architect E. A. Levinson. A theater hall appeared, a bas-relief was made above the entrance, symbolizing music, labor and theatrical art. It was supposed to place sports and club zones on both sides of the theater hall, but the project was not implemented. A tower 30 meters high was built on the north side above the horizontal building. According to the original plan, it was supposed to be even higher (almost 50 meters).

Here is the palace of culture of industrial cooperation ("Promka"). In 1960, it was renamed the House of Culture of the Lensoviet of St. Petersburg. At its base there were about 50 children's clubs, more than 30 lecture halls and clubs, a winter garden.

Palace of Culture today

Since 2001, the Palace building has been included in the list of cultural heritage sites at the regional level. Currently, it is a popular place of leisure and creative development for children and adults. Two main areas of activity:

  • organization of performances and concerts;
  • the work of creative associations and courses.

The Palace has more than forty clubs and circles for different ages, whose leaders are teachers and high-level specialists.

Here is a large theater hall where events of various levels are held (from classical performances to stand-up shows).

The building also has: a cinema "Jam Hall", exhibition halls, shopping galleries and more.

Address of the Leningrad City Palace of Culture in St. Petersburg: Kamennoostrovsky Prospect, building 42.

Hall device

The history of the palace’s concert hall is rather unusual, because it was actually “built into” the existing Sporting Palace building in the 1930s. It was a hall with a bell-shaped ceiling for two and a half thousand seats, surrounded by a circular foyer, with two balconies and an amphitheater-stall.

Today, judging by the photo of the hall of the House of Culture of the Leningrad City Council in St. Petersburg, this is a location that meets modern requirements for large-scale stage events.

theater Hall

The volume of the scene mirror (space visible to the viewer) is 17 x 10 meters. The stage is framed in black velvet, 4-stage backstage, three paddles, equipped with a turntable, spotlights and an orchestra pit.

Guests of the Palace note the spectacular interior decoration of the hall and good acoustics.


The range of performances and performances by artists of various genres in the concert hall of the Palace is quite extensive. These are solo concerts of famous pop artists, rock groups and folk groups, as well as dance shows and author's stage programs of theater and film actors, media people, comedians. Musicals for children and adults have become a familiar genre in the repertoire of events at the Palace.

In February and March of this year, the following events are planned:

  • a musical based on the story of Cyrus Bulychev;
  • show "In the rain";
  • concerts dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day and March 8;
  • show "Dancing";
  • tango show;
  • the musical "Labyrinths of Sleep";
  • improvisation show;
  • programs of the dance theater "Temptation";
  • concert of the punk rock band "Pilot";
  • creative meeting with L. Parfyonov.

You can order tickets to the Leningrad City Palace of Culture in St. Petersburg and specify their cost and time of events on the Palace website or at the city box office.

at the concert


The hall of the Palace of Culture of the Leningrad City Council (St. Petersburg) was originally planned as a theater. And if you look at the poster of the Palace, it becomes clear that it is fully consistent with this definition. Entreprise performances are regularly held on the local stage, in which popular actors of theater, cinema and television take part. Most often, the productions belong to the comedy genre. Performances for children and ballet performances are also organized.

At the end of winter - the beginning of spring, on the stage of the Leningrad City Palace of Culture, viewers will be able to see:

  • “Grooms”, a play based on the play by S. Belov with T. Kravchenko and A. Pankratov-Cherny in the lead roles.
  • The comedy “Jewish Happiness” (T. Vasilyeva, A. Samoilenko and others).
  • The play “With whom you will lead ...”, a series of comic sketches with A. Maklakov and M. Aronova in the title role.
  • The classic production of Comrade about the everyday life of Russian emigrants in Paris.
  • The tragicomedy “Paper marriage” with S. Makovetsky and E. Yakovleva (staged by S. Bodrov Sr.).
at the performance

Mugs and schools for children

Despite the active concert activity, employees of the Culture Council of the Leningrad City Council in St. Petersburg continue to pay great attention to the work of a number of creative groups and studios for children and adolescents.

Today, 6 dance groups operate on the basis of the palace:

  • “Divertissement”, a choreographic school-studio;
  • Latin American Dance Club for children;
  • flamenco dance school;
  • "Constellation", an ensemble of sports ballroom dance;
  • a studio of classical Indian dance (kathak, barata-natyam) for children;
  • school of dance acrobatic rock and roll.

The choreographic school of the Palace of Culture is a laureate and winner of numerous competitions and festivals of Russian and international level. The training program includes ballet gymnastics, folk dance, musical instrument, duet dance. The school performed at venues in Prague, Paris, and Rome.

choreographic studio

You can get acquainted with the basics of painting and composition in the art studio of Evgenia Eliseeva (two age groups, from 3 to 6 years and older than seven). To develop hearing, voice, diction - in the children's vocal studio "Triolki".

Also working: school of circus art (children from 3 years old); Computer and Photoshop courses for children 7-12 years old; school of playing the guitar.

Adult Courses and Hobbies

A significant part of the inhabitants of megacities today seeks to find a hobby or creative sphere for themselves. For some it is yoga, for others it is ceramic or embroidery. In the Palace of Culture of Lensovet d St. Petersburg, you can choose a studio or school for almost every taste. Today there are more than two dozen of them. For those who want to learn how to better own their own body, work:

  • dance school "Flamenco";
  • Indian dance studio;
  • School of Modern Ballroom Dance;
  • belly dance school;
  • Pilates circle
  • Hip-Hop dance studio;
  • Qigong School;
  • choreographic studio;
  • Classical Fencing course;
  • health center "Hearth" (dancing with elements of yoga and qigong energy gymnastics);
  • tourist club;
  • school of tango and salsa;
  • dance studio "Zumba";
  • Wushu school.
fencing school

Those who want to create beauty with their own hands can develop their skills in the courses of sewing, felt felting, traditional toys, wood painting, hand knitting, artistic processing of leather, glass painting, fabric and mosaic.

There is also a photo club, a fine art studio, a club for film and video amateurs.

What else? Trade halls, cafes, medical center, exhibitions

In addition to the traditional lines of work, the Lensovet Palace of Culture (St. Petersburg) offers its visitors a fairly wide range of other services.

The palace building housed a fairly large-scale shopping gallery with a wide range of products: from designer jewelry, watches and decor elements to farm dairy products.

You can restore strength in the shopping process in an art cafe located in a real winter garden. Tables here are located among evergreen exotic plants.

Exhibitions in the Palace of Culture of the Leningrad City Council (St. Petersburg) is another long-established practice. This can be presentations of works by students of local painting studios (located directly in the lobby of the theater), as well as other thematic and commercial exhibitions.

exhibition in the lobby

On the second floor of the Palace building, the Eva Medical Clinic is open. The clinic has been operating for over 20 years, providing the following services:

  • plastic surgery;
  • cosmetology;
  • dermatology;
  • medical examination and counseling;
  • neurology;
  • wellness massage;
  • laboratory diagnostics.


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