Gardenia is jasmine-like. Home care: watering, fertilizer, reproduction

Many flower growers would give everything in order to have such a charming plant as gardenia jasmine. Home care, although quite problematic, but still fully justifies itself, because this plant adorns the interior of any home. Gardenia is a jasmine native to the tropics and subtropics of Asia and Africa. Since the beauty came to us from warm countries, then care requires appropriate.

gardenia jasmine home care
The plant attracts gardeners with unusually beautiful large white flowers, which eventually acquire a cream and yellow hue. During flowering, the room is filled with a very delicate aroma. The beauty of the flowers is not inferior to the dark green, leathery, shiny leaves. If you decide to make a bonsai at home, then the jasmine gardenia is best suited for this. Photos of these flowers prompt many lovers of flowering plants to buy. Gardenias feel the best in greenhouses, but when all the necessary conditions are created at home, they will also feel good.

First of all, it is worth taking care of the lighting. A well-lit room is suitable, but direct sunlight should be avoided, which is detrimental to a plant such as gardenia jasmine. Home care involves abundant watering. In the summer, you can not overdry the earthen lump, although the plant does not tolerate waterlogging. Gardenia likes high humidity, but you need to spray the leaves only with settled, soft water, otherwise traces will remain on the leathery leaves. During budding and flowering, it is better not to touch the bush at all, since drops of water will ruin the petals.

gardenia jasmine seeds
In summer, the air temperature should be about 25 ° C, but in winter it should not fall below 15 ° C, because jasmine gardenia will not survive lower temperatures. Home care involves periodic dressing of the flower, for this, fertilizers for flowering plants are suitable. In spring, additives are needed to improve flowering, after which you need to give additives for foliage, and in summer - to get additional shoots. In the fall, top dressing ceases.

Jasmine gardenia is also very finicky to the soil. Home care requires the purchase of a finished substrate or its preparation from turf, coniferous, leafy soil, sand and peat. In March or April, young plants are transplanted annually, and adults - as needed, when you need to replace the pot.

gardenia jasmine
Gardenia jasmine-like seeds reproduces very rarely, mainly it is cuttings. Do this procedure with green shoots in May. Since the cuttings root very poorly, they are planted in the ground, moisturized well and covered with a jar or a plastic bag. Once a day, the seedling needs to be ventilated, opening the greenhouse for exactly one minute. When propagated by seeds, they need to be sown in February or March.

Gardenia jasmine grows very slowly, in room conditions it does not grow more than 50 cm in height. In order for the plant to have a beautiful shape, it is necessary to constantly form a crown, cutting off extra shoots. The root system of a flower cannot be supercooled or overheated, therefore gardenia cannot be put on a hot battery or a cold floor.


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