Unusual underwater inhabitants: who lives at the bottom of the ocean?

The ocean is an endless expanse of trillions of liters of salt water. Thousands of species of living creatures have found shelter here. Some of them are thermophilic and live at shallow depths, so as not to miss the rays of the sun. Others are accustomed to the cold waters of the Arctic and try to avoid warm currents. There are even those who live at the bottom of the ocean, adapted to the conditions of a harsh world.

Recent representatives are the greatest mystery to scientists. Indeed, until recently they could not even think that someone could survive in such extreme conditions. Moreover, evolution has rewarded these living organisms with a number of unprecedented features.

who lives at the bottom of the ocean

Under the thickness of the oceans

For a long time there was a theory that there is no life at the bottom of the ocean. The reason for this is the low temperature of the water, as well as the high pressure that can compress the submarine, like a can of soda. Nevertheless, some creatures were able to withstand these circumstances and confidently settled at the very edge of the bottomless abyss.

So who lives at the bottom of the ocean? First of all, these are bacteria, traces of which were found at a depth of more than 5 thousand meters. But if microscopic creatures are unlikely to surprise an ordinary person, then giant mollusks and monster fish deserve due attention.

How did you find out about those who live on the ocean floor?

With the development of submarines, it became possible to dive to a depth of two kilometers. This allowed scientists to look into a world hitherto unprecedented and amazing. Each dive made it possible to reveal another mystery of nature, to see more and more new species.

fish living on the ocean floor

And the rapid development of digital technology has allowed the creation of heavy-duty cameras that can shoot underwater. Thanks to this, the world saw photographs depicting animals living on the ocean floor.

And every year, scientists go deeper and deeper in the hope of new discoveries. And they happen - a lot of amazing conclusions have been made over the past decade. In addition, hundreds or even thousands of photos were posted on the network, which depict the inhabitants of the deep sea.

Creatures living on the ocean floor

Well, it's time to go on a short journey into the mysterious depths. Having passed the threshold of 200 meters, it is difficult to distinguish even small silhouettes, and after 500 meters there is total darkness. From this moment, the possessions of those who are indifferent to light and heat begin.

It is at such a depth that you can meet a multi-bristle worm that drifts from place to place in search of profit. In the light of lamps, it shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow, a word made of silver plates. On his head is a series of tentacles, thanks to which he is oriented in space and feels the approach of prey.

But the worm itself is food for another inhabitant of the underwater world - the sea angel. This amazing creature belongs to the class of gastropods and is a predator. It got its name because of two large fins, which cover its sides, like wings.

animals living on the ocean floor

If you go down even deeper, you can stumble upon the queen of jellyfish. The hairy Cyaney, or Lion's Mane is the largest representative of its kind. Large individuals in their diameter reach 2 meters, and their tentacles are able to stretch almost 20 meters.

Who lives at the bottom of the ocean yet? This is a squat lobster. According to scientists, he can adapt to life even at a depth of 5 thousand meters. Thanks to his flattened body, he calmly tolerates pressure, and long legs allow you to easily move along the muddy bottom of the ocean.

Deep sea fish

For hundreds of thousands of years of evolution, fish living on the ocean floor have been able to adapt to existence without sunlight. Moreover, some of them even learned to produce their own light.

So, at the mark of 1 thousand meters there lives a monkfish. On his head there is a process that emits a small glow that attracts other fish. Because of this, he is also called the "European angler." At the same time, the monkfish itself can change its color, thereby merging with the environment.

creatures living on the bottom of the ocean

Another representative of deep-sea creatures is a drop fish. Her body resembles jelly, which allows it to carry pressure at great depths. She eats exclusively plankton, which makes her harmless to her neighbors.

A stargazer fish lives at the bottom of the oceans, the second name is the celestial eye. The reason for such a pun was the eyes of the fish, which are always directed upward, as if looking out for the stars. Her body is covered with poisonous spikes, and near her head are tentacles that can paralyze the victim.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F15556/

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