The Tiny Bang Theory: Walkthrough, Tips, Secrets

The principle of the game “Theory of the tiny explosion” is extremely simple - you need to collect pieces of a large puzzle throughout the level that you pass. There are 25 of them at each level, and they are all securely hidden, so you have to try to find them. But this is far from all that this project requires of you. In addition to searching for puzzle elements, you will also need to open one large door - for this you will have to collect several items that are also not very easy to notice. There are clues in the game for those who are stuck and cannot go further - to get them you have to open a real fly hunt. Each caught fly will replenish the hint scale, and when you catch thirty pieces, the scale will fill up, and you can use the hint to find a puzzle element or object. That's all the basic principles of the tiny explosion theory. Passing at first glance may seem quite simple, but already in the course of events, you will realize that everything is much more complicated.

"Telescope Tower" - puzzle

tiny explosion theory walkthrough

Each chapter has its own name and even its own theme - this is how the "Theory of the Tiny Explosion" is organized. The passage of each chapter is divided into several stages, each of which takes place in separate colorful locations. First you need to understand that on each of the four floors of the tower you can find a certain number of puzzle pieces - for this you need to look very carefully around. If you miss at least one piece, you will have to come back - otherwise you will not be able to put together the entire image of the planet, which is the goal of the game "Theory of the tiny explosion." Walkthrough comes down to this, so pay special attention to the elements of the puzzle. But do not forget about the obstacles in your path, as you will not be able to advance further in the story if you do not overcome them.

Telescope Tower - Tasks

walkthrough tiny explosion theory

You already realized that the elements of the puzzle are of great importance in the game "Theory of a tiny explosion." Passage, however, is not only based on them - you will need to solve various problems, play mini-games throughout the storyline. First you will need to assemble the stairs. You have only vertical sticks, and to climb up, you need to find five steps. To open the door, you will need to solve a digital puzzle. On a large field you will see many numbers, and almost every one of them has a pair. Your task is to find three numbers without pairs, and they will be the code you need.

The next item search task is to repair the generator. To make it work, you need to find nine bulbs and screw them in. Next, you will need to open the chest, but the key is with grandmother. She does not want to give it away just like that, so you have to collect a picture from several pieces, and there are not enough pairs of elements - you will need to find them. There is a key in the chest with which you will unscrew all the bolts on the metal plate blocking your path. But behind the sheet there are closed gates, for the opening of which you need to find gears and pipes. The final task in the chapter is to assemble the train from the parts. On it you will go on a further journey. Now you understand what the passage of the game "Theory of a tiny explosion" is. You will have to spend a lot of time searching for items and solving puzzles. But from this you will get only positive emotions.

"On the Railroad" - puzzle

theory of tiny bang 2

As in the previous chapter, you again need to focus on finding the elements of the puzzle. Passage of the game "Theory of the tiny explosion" completely revolves around these small pieces hidden in the surrounding world in several locations. This time there are four of them - a territory with a billboard, a railway interchange, a sliding bridge, and the most interesting is the dwarf dungeon. Even in such locations, the Theory of the Tiny Explosion will bring you. 2 times check that you have collected all the pieces of the puzzle, because it is very important.

"On the rail" - tasks

tiny explosion theory full version

The first task of this chapter is to repair the billboard. To do this, you need to rotate the elements of this shield so that they form a bright picture - this is a distinctive feature of the game "Theory of a tiny explosion." The full version allows you to enjoy the beauty of the visual image, musical accompaniment, and indeed the fairy world itself.

Once in the red booth, you will understand that the device does not work in it - the problem is solved with the help of a battery, which can be found nearby. The next mechanism to fix is ​​the lift. There are not enough three wheels, which you will also quickly find with due care. When the lift starts working, it will open a passage for you. Alas, this is the passage to the door, which also needs to be opened by no means in the most ordinary way. To do this, you will need 26 balls scattered across all locations, as well as one triangle.

Behind the door you will find the classic puzzle "pipeline". Having solved it, you activate the sliding bridge mechanism. After that, find the four levers that you use in the booth - this will turn on the computer, in which the next mini-game is waiting for you. Steering the boat, swim to the destination without crashing. If you successfully complete the task, a real ship will appear, and the chapter will be completed. But you still have a lot to do to complete the whole game, The Tiny Explosion Theory. The key to success lies in your mindfulness, so do not relax for a minute.

"In a giant tree" - puzzle

tiny bang theory key

As usual, the level consists of four locations, on each of which you can find the elements of the puzzle - this is the waiting room, shop, airport terminal and computer center. The game "The Tiny Explosion Theory" in this regard is quite straightforward - it does not make you think too much. It is created so that you think exactly as much as passing requires. As for the elements of the puzzle, here you do not even have to think - just carefully look around.

"In a giant tree" - tasks

android tiny explosion theory

Shop - this is the first location of the third chapter of the game "Theory of a tiny explosion." How to get through it? Very simple - you need to bring the saleswoman three apples and a picture. Then you have to solve the puzzle based on the color palette, for which you will receive a coin that you can use later. You also need to find four toggle switches to start the next mechanism. The search for the compass dial may take some time, but there should be no problems. For this, you will receive a leaflet containing the key to the cipher. After a small puzzle with hemispheres of different colors, the time comes for the traditional stage. You need to play a mini-game in which you will fly a plane. And the reward for this, of course, will be a full-fledged aircraft.

"Coast" - puzzle

tiny bang theory game

A new chapter - and again four locations. You will begin with the landing strip where your plane will land, and continue with the pillars of a large building, the coast and the sailor’s house. Each location will prepare for you various surprises, including puzzle pieces hidden in safe places.

"Coast" - tasks

So, you should have gotten used to it, so the task of finding ten bags should not be a surprise to you. Actually, like a mini-game in which you will need to balance the scales with the help of various objects that differ in weight. Next, you will also need to find four dice, and then add four missing elements to the round pattern. Later you will find a puzzle in which you will need to combine the hooks with the floats, but first you will have to go in search of these same floats, which should be ten in total. In the final location, the sailor’s house, on the wall there is a map to which you will need to attach eight paper boats in the appropriate places . As you might guess, you will also need to find them yourself. After that, go in search of the key to the next vehicle - this time it's a boat.

Tower Clock - Puzzle

So you are approaching the logical end of the game - the puzzle is already almost complicated, puzzles are solved, and mini-games are completed. But there was one more chapter, in which, again, four locations. The first of them is the entrance to the building, followed by the front room, then the room with a safe and, finally, a large clock. And again you need to find 25 elements of the puzzle in all these locations, only this time they will be the last.

Tower Clock Tasks

It cannot be said that in the last chapter the tasks became more complicated. Or, conversely, it became easier. They are made in the same style as in the previous chapters, but this does not make them more annoying or boring. For example, on the wall you will see a picture made of squares, only ten of them are missing. You will need to find them and correctly insert them into this very picture. Then go in search of five gates to use them to solve a separate puzzle. When you block the water, from the bottom of the fountain it will be possible to raise a key, with which you will make a passage for yourself further.

The final scene will be the restoration of a watch that has only two numbers for the dial, as well as not a single hand. You will need to find all this at the whole level, and then install it on the watch. This will be the last task, after which you will safely complete the passage of this wonderful, bright and colorful game.

By the way, if you don’t have the opportunity to evaluate the PC version of the game “The Tiny Explosion Theory” - “Android” will help you. There is a mobile version of this project that is in no way inferior to a computer one, so you can download it to your smartphone or tablet and go through without using a personal computer. You absolutely will not lose anything, but you will gain mobility, as you can play the “Tiny Explosion Theory” anywhere.


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